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strong urges.

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    strong urges.

    got a bloody ?30.00 parking fine at a hospital where i was working today, rising to ?60.00 if i dont pay in seven days.
    i wasn't on a double yellow or in a dangerous to others situation.

    There reason was some kids must have stolen the no parking sign.
    This was not even an independant parking company.
    It was there own sucurity at the place where i was working!!!!

    In a huff i buggered off early and had strong urges to drink tonight.

    But at nearly half nine tuesday evening, im sat here with you guys sober again.

    This is my 3rd night AF

    Started campral today, ( two weeks late i know )

    Sorry, i had to rant this but im feeling good for resisting the temptation.

    Thanks for listening

    All the best everyone

    strong urges.

    Way to go Brightfield. I hate those jackass security guys. It has happened to me a few times and they don't give a crap that you work there either.

    I am glad your back and that your are doing good. Keep it up.


      strong urges.


      Way to go resisting! Can you write or call for an appeals as there was no sign in evidence? If this gets you all upset again, nix this! :goodjob: on Day 3 coming upon 4...the Campral will help:welcome:


        strong urges.

        Oh Bright, as sure as there is rain, these days will happen. It's just fantastic you have the resolve to deal with them without alcohol. Good Luck with the Campral


          strong urges.

          Congrats on resisting temptation!!


          Once I got a parking ticket mailed to my house from a place I didn't go.
          Suddenly I see
          This is what I want to be
          suddenly I see
          Why the hell it means so much to me.

          -KT Tunstall


            strong urges.

            I think it's appalling that anyone at a hospital has to pay for parking. better to pay ?30 than ?60 though.:l

            Congrats on progress so far.
            Enough is enough


              strong urges.

              Hiya, well done for not drinking ........

              Proud of you .......


                strong urges.

                Thanks for that reminder, cheeky sod.

                but yes im gonna appeal, but ive got to send the money with the appeal in case they wont budge, according to the parking detail statement. Never mind ive already saved almost ?30 by not drinking these last three nights.

                yes hablur, they are a bunch of jackass daylight robbers. hope you get sorted with the cats,
                think i'll stick with goldfish, they dont cause much bother at all


                  strong urges.

                  And thanks to everyone else whose not as cheeky as the cheekiest member. LOL


                    strong urges.

                    Hello BF

                    have misssed you



                      strong urges.

                      Thanks rip.

                      Hope you are doing well


                        strong urges.

                        Had hardly any sleep these last two nights due to not drinking " in fact it was my insomnia that caused this addiction in the first place twenty years ago, but thats another story"

                        Anyway im going to have a sleeping pill and pray for a half decent nights kip.

                        good night everyone

                        Sleep well, He he.


                          strong urges.

                          Hi Bright.....I had a tempting night last night and didn't give in either. I sure thought about it, and if it would have been in the house, I probably would have given in. My temptation came with good is funny how we start to feel the need when something good happens or something bad happens. I hope with time those feelings will go away for us and we can either enjoy the moment, or just get pissed off, and be done with it and not think that we have to drown our sorrows or celebrate like it is New Years has to be habit...what do you think? I am proud of us both for not giving in!....Buffy


                            strong urges.

                            Congrat Bright, you are doing so well and I am glad you are checking in!
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              strong urges.

                              Great to see you doing much better!!!!!

