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Army on the go

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    Army on the go

    Morning Army!

    Anon, welcome back! Spidey, welcome back! Damo, welcome back! Sweetiepeapie has popped in! And Mick still taunts us with his Sunday jaunts!

    So nice to see the old faces here - now don't wander off again, unless you have to babysit or work or go on holiday or buy cars or summat.

    Great 6 months date to work towards, Damo!

    Had an absolutely lovely weekend, and the riel dancing was amazing - great atmosphere. Got to the mall five minutes after the shops had closed. What mall closes at five on a Saturday? Even our mediocre grocery shops here are open later than that! Seaside town for lunch yesterday, thankfully not too overrun with holidaymakers.

    Random bit of trivia that will amaze your friends with your wit, wisdom and insight:

    Have a great Monday, all!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Morning Dreamy still dark here and cold. Awake since 5am so made coffee and let the cats out. What was a nice weekend for you and the dancing sounded amazing first I heard of it was when you posted the link Happy Monday folks.


      Morning Dreamy & Foxy, I promise not to go walkabout again! Been a hectic few months with holiday and getting married followed by the untimely death of my new father-in-law last month which has left a lot of tension between us up here in the midlands G's bone idle parasite brother in London. Big week this week as I'm having another go at getting that promotion - not too optimistic but you never know, Got to be in it to win it and all that nonsense.

      Sounds like you had a great weekend Dreamy, the highlight of my weekend was cleaning out the kitchen cupboards, I know how to live!

      Still dark here too Foxy, raining too just for a change but I'd rather that than ice or snow, just means its wet dog time again. Time to hit the shower and go back to the dungeon I suppose.

      Have a great day all those to come
      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


        Morning FoxySpidey!

        You were up late last night Fox and now up early - I think I have the Sleep Fairy with me, sorry. Went to bed at 9 , woke up at about 6, and it was bliss!

        That's a lot to deal with Spidey, but it really is so nice to have you back with us! We'll cross all crossable appendages - even braid our hair - for the promotion! And a big party for you tomorrow - can't wait!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Morning Spidy good to see you and good luck with the promotion and on getting married I didn't about that. I hope the tension after the funeral will end for you. More coffee for me.


            Yep Dreamy sleep fairy deserted me again so may get a few hours more as I don't have to be up early for anything today.


              Morning Molly are you working in Howth today? Lovely little seaside village I want to do the summit or cliff walk there again soon.


                Good morning Dreamydoooo, Foxxyloxxy, Spidysylve, Mollymooo,
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Day off..........and I could use it...........going to write the Chrimbo cards and make a few dinners for the rest of the week............once I've warmed through.

                  I've got to go to the land of staple removing 2 days this week.......argh.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    I pruned mine last year or the year before.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      i pruned mine to nothing when i hated the world a few years ago. i feel bad about that now.

                      dream, that sounds like a great weekend, you didnt need any shopping anyway did you lol.

                      spiderwoman thats alot to have gone through. some of it still going on?

                      molly there, joes car is fixable, hallelujah!

                      foxy thanks for the pat on the back. i have done it so far with mwo only (only?) because i am scared of 'real' people and suspicious of doctors after previous experience. how are you getting on?

                      told myself im venturing out today to the big bad town near me. i have to some time and want to do it before it goes mental days before christmas.

                      foggy won IACGMOOH! my husband would have gone nuts over that one after wondering wth he went there in the first place. he was his hero when he was racing.


                        Morning Roxxxxxxxy,
                        Although I haven't watched the Jungle .............I did want him to win............anyone who rides a bike at ridiculous speeds and wins is a good 'un in my books.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          he got rather emotional which i think surprised him. but hes a winner, nothing less did for him, ever.

                          anyway, roll on cbb.


                            Morning all
                            Delighted Foggy won - he looked like he needed it more than the other lad - who is just starting out to be fair .....

                            Now for X Factor !!
                            Then all the Christmas movies -yay
                            The kids ones I prefer !

                            (I need to get a life )


                              1st world problem alert ....

                              I have a dark red dress for the partayyyy on Sturday.
                              It is very fitted stretchy material & comes below the knee
                              Do I wear
                              a) Skin tone tights
                              b) Black sheer tights
                              c) Black opaque tights.

                              Answers on a postcard .....................
                              Last edited by satz123; December 8, 2014, 07:38 AM.

