Anon, welcome back! Spidey, welcome back! Damo, welcome back! Sweetiepeapie has popped in! And Mick still taunts us with his Sunday jaunts!
So nice to see the old faces here - now don't wander off again, unless you have to babysit or work or go on holiday or buy cars or summat.
Great 6 months date to work towards, Damo!
Had an absolutely lovely weekend, and the riel dancing was amazing - great atmosphere. Got to the mall five minutes after the shops had closed. What mall closes at five on a Saturday? Even our mediocre grocery shops here are open later than that! Seaside town for lunch yesterday, thankfully not too overrun with holidaymakers.
Random bit of trivia that will amaze your friends with your wit, wisdom and insight:
Have a great Monday, all!