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Why oh why can`t I?................

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    Why oh why can`t I?................


    Why oh why can`t I?................

    Starlight, take a breath and let's figure out what you need. Have you looked at what your triggers are? Have you ordered the book and supp's? Thought about Topa or other supports to help you?

    You will be alright. Many others that follow will have a lot of insight for you. Take Care of Yourself.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Why oh why can`t I?................

      Oh Starlight! I'm so glad you're still around *hug*

      Have you tried Topa or Campral for that extra help, or been to your GP to discuss how you're feeling? I know that feeling... I think we all do, so you are in good company, my friend.

      Lots of water.

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Why oh why can`t I?................

        Starlight, I am going through the SAME thing as you! I pray, I try, I cry, I scream...nothing takes away this awful demon....YET. I am continuing to pray, try, cry and scream each and every day, but you know, there are some days when I only pray and try and scream! To me, that's progress. I go from 12-15 beers nightly to 6 or 7 and for me, that's a hugh difference. Hang in there. I have found that I was not taking the kudzu when I really needed it. I took it early, mid morn and then early afternoon, but not late and eve....curious as I type this, is my addiction SO powerful that it actually talked me out of taking as directed???? hmmm. I struggle daily and keep going on. I just downloaded a free Ipod under selfhelp from I tunes that helps you overcome detrimental habits, I kind of like that word, detrimental. Anyways, I have listened to part of the first week and already am identifying and becoming aware of why and when I drink...If you want, I'll send the author and title along. HOWEVER, I strongly feel that the supplements and vitamins are a key to kicking this things ass! Let's hang in there together! We all have good days and bad days and if we waste our lives beating ourselves up, we are all going to be very sad and MISERABLE people.
        Best wishes and I'll add you in my prayers.

        :l DD


          Why oh why can`t I?................

          It is all about the drugs- campral for some, topa for others. It is still tempting, but not as much. Still requires mind over matter though but if it weren't for the drugs, my abs days would be far fewer. I am not sure if you had tried these drugs or others. Kudzu did help me too.


            Why oh why can`t I?................

            First relax, sound asked God will show you the do not have the the will to do this need tools ..what tools ..what way..I don't will lucky said there are miracle drugs that help - campral, topamax, there are the MWO tools of CDs & readings, herbs...breathe...God & the universe heard are in the right will have to DO will be shown to the are not killing yourself


              Why oh why can`t I?................

              MWO diagnosis

              Hi Starlight,

              In order to get an informed stab at a diagnosis from your friends at MWO, can you please provide more details?

              What specifically have you tried that has failed and why. Maybe if you list them on this thread, it will shed some light. Then try something else. We can come up with tips with alternative paths..

              Please hang in there, at least you are not regressing (ie. two bottles a night).


                Why oh why can`t I?................

                Hi Star, glad to see you again. I can't give any advice on the drugs. It sounds like something I will try if everything else fails. So far I am doing pretty well on my own with the help of this website and the people on it, along with my family too. I have been going to church and praying as well. Putting your life into Gods hands is a feeling I can't describe. The worry and guilt is over. I wondered if you had thought about talking to someone at a local church. The church I go to has a wonderful counceling center that I will probably use at some point. It may help to get involved in something or with a group of other people that also know what you are going through. I tend to want to stay at home and hybernate when I am not feeling good about myself, and if I force myself to get out of the house, I usually feel better. I used to like the bottle of wine, or more at night too. I now am AF 18 days today. There have been a few times that were tempting, but in the long run I don't miss it most of the time. When I wake up in the morning I am so glad to feel good about life and so proud of myself for not giving in to temptation. When I do get tempted I feel like a little kid not being able to have the toy in the toystore when Mommy said is a strange childish feeling that I don't like, but is getting less every day. That temporary feeling is better than the hangover and the guilt and desperation, I promise you. Keep posting and reading and praying.....use the drink tracker too, it helps to see it in writting. I heard somewhere that without faith we go around with a hole in our souls continually trying to fill the hole with one thing or another....until we find the faith that was intended for us to ya....Buffy


                  Why oh why can`t I?................

                  "Prepare to change your life. Believe it or not, the operative word here is 'prepare' because it will make for a much more organised & effective program if you have everything planned, purchased, and ready to go." THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS...ITS AN EXCERPT FROM RJ'S BOOK. I was reading this the other evening having picked up the book once more in exasperation and self disgust at failing again, at not being able to succeed and beat my issues with alcohol. RJ started the chapter with a quote from Anna Pavlova; " To tend unfailingly, unflinchingly, towards a goal, is the secret to success."

                  IT WAS AS IF A TRUCK HAD RUN OVER ME. It made me think. Instead of making me feel inadequate it spurred me on to try again, and this time rethink my 'PLAN OF ATTACK' , my approach and commitment. Every time I read the book I pick up something new.

                  A friend gave me a gift of a set of hypno CD's which I found incrediably helpful, so I've started that process once more, and again I've picked up on things I missed first time. So StarLight don't give up and remain kind to yourself. Take note of the words of others who have travelled this path before us. XXX
                  A BushBaby with Attitude


                    Why oh why can`t I?................

                    Star, there is a quote from scripture that says"Be still and know I am God" Sometimes I feel that we are so busy running around and trying to find solutions, that we don't hear the whispering voice of God. Set aside some time for meditation and time with God open your heart and let it flow; a good cleansing communication. I have done this often and felt the burdens being lifted from my shoulders. God loves you and will listen.


                      Why oh why can`t I?................

                      Glad you are here. I live in Lancashire. These are just a few of my confessions.

                      It took me ages to pluck up courage to buy the book.

                      I have never bought anything off the net. I bought multi-vitamins from Boots, milk-thistle from a different chemist and eventually Kudzu from Holland and Barrett.

                      They helped. Exercise helps. I began by running 20 steps and walking 40+ steps to recover.

                      I gave myself points. One point for exercise and one point for an AF day. At first my target was 3 points per week. Then I built up slowly making sure that I always made my target achievable.

                      I found it too much to have AF nights at first and built those in gradually so 3 points was 3 exercise sessions.

                      I am still struggling but have more control than I did 6 months ago. The feeling of despair and failure has abated, replaced by a feeling that I have to persevere or drown. Af nights are easier than they used to be; I do not pace the floor as much now.

                      Things that helped me are:
                      • Drinking water (lots of it before beginning the wine)
                      • Buying non-alcholic wine or alcohol-removed wine (Fre) from Tesco.
                      • Knitting ( it keeps the hands busy)
                      • Buying half-bottles of wine( and topping up with alcohol-free wine)taking the supplements ( as opposed to leaving them on the cupboard shelf)setting a weekly taget that could be achieved (without giving up alcohol at first)Not tackling all aspects of my life at once. eg. exercise first then cut down alc. then AF nights ( the weight comes off by itself when the wine consumption begins to drop.)
                      If none of this helps- sorry. Just trying to tell my experiences. They may be totally unrelated to yours.

                      Wishing you love and luck. Glad you are here.:h
                      Enough is enough

