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If you were diagnosed...

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    If you were diagnosed...

    Here's a question I often pose to myself, as it gives me food for thought.

    If you were diagnosed with liver disease and told if you didn't quit drinking immediately you were doomed, would you quit immediately?

    I know that this question is easier to answer in theory than in real life... but in being honest with myself I think... well, if I have it in me to say yes, I know I would and could if I got the diagnosis, then why don't I before I get the diagnosis? Same thing with my smoking.

    If you were diagnosed...

    I think the same things. Why do we need to wait for the earth shattering diagnosis before we get serious.

    We need to get serious now before we don't have an option.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      If you were diagnosed...

      My answer would be yes - definitely would quit.

      Ima, I'm curious as to what the stats are on liver disease/Cirrhosis. Any ideas? I think I might Google it.

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        If you were diagnosed...

        I don't know Scoobs. It would be good for us all to know. It's been on my mind for a couple years... my older brother died of cirrhosis and hepatitis a couple years ago, at the age of 57. He drank copious amounts of beer every day his whole life. Though I did hear that a doctor said that chemicals he was exposed to in Vietnam contributed greatly.


          If you were diagnosed...

          Ima, I'm sorry to hear about your brother... that is young. I imagine the combination of Hep and cirrhosis in combination would have reeked havoc with his liver.

          I've done some Googling and have come up with a nice concise summary below.

          Alcoholic Liver Disease

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            If you were diagnosed...

            Ima- good question. My aunt had some lung issues about a year ago.
            They didn't know what it was - said it looked like spiderwebs in her lungs.
            She has smoked for about 50years and even this didn't get her to quit.
            It got me to quit though. Scared the $h&t out of me. I quit smoking first and then started to work on the drinking.
            I never worried about liver problems. I don't think I knew any better.
            No alcoholism in my family as far as I know so I have never known much about it.
            But I suppose that drinking a bottle of wine a day every day for years and years probably not great for my liver.
            Sorry to hear about your brother. Sounds like he had a tough time.

            The good news I think is that we can turn things around - and we are all trying.


              If you were diagnosed...


              Above is some research I stumbled across which is really good for debunking the 'alcohol is good for the heart'.

              Lisa, I quit smoking in April with similar approach to you. Quit smoking first, then properly tackle the drinking. Well done to you!

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                If you were diagnosed...

                Thanks Scoobs...and congrats to you too! Quitting smoking was tough but the best thing I have done for myself in years. It is so worth it.
                Made me feel so good I wanted to keep on doing good things for myself....



                  If you were diagnosed...

                  I'm sure I can quit smoking when I get rid of the drinking, as I don't smoke much when I'm not drinking.
                  All my grandparents both my parents and all my siblings were/are heavy drinkers, only one brother had liver related death. But surely alcohol takes tolls on overall health, making us old before our time.


                    If you were diagnosed...

                    I agree, I can list the family members that drink a lot in my family and when I am not watching they are offering my toddler "sips" from their bourbon or sherry drinks. But they grew up that way and see nothing wrong with that. How do I tell them that they offered me the drinks as a toddler as well and here I am today?
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      If you were diagnosed...

                      kind of a scary question Imatree. it's also scary that a liver test will only show a problem after a huge amount of damage has been done to the organ. Liver is strange that way.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        If you were diagnosed...

                        Ima, yes, to me, it sounds like you're better off giving up the drinking first, with the family history but also because you're more of a smoker when drinking kind of person (compared to me who was 10-15 cigarettes a day regardless of drinking).
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          If you were diagnosed...

                          Is that right determinator? I didn't know that. Damn.


                            If you were diagnosed...

                            Yeah beaches, same here. I remember my family had a movie of my dad just relishing in my 3 year old self sipping on his mug of beer. And I had an uncle who gave his kids whiskey when they were infants to get them to go to sleep. Insanity.


                              If you were diagnosed...

                              I can not tell you how many relatives I have lost to lung cancer and they smoked til they died! Alittle late to quit once the damge is done most of the time.

