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Upstanding Army

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    Well you know I had that funny turn and needed chocolate..............think it was a bit of an anxiety attack...........

    2 things I would serious and one not so serious.

    Serious one..........get to a Sunday meeting.............tell them you need a bit of understanding from your fellows

    Not so serious................get to Boots buy an elastic bandage for your wrist and ankle and look tragic

    or in fact do both.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Good.............apparently I have to get ready while Mr JC takes the S&H to work so we can go out......ahhhhhhh a nice frothy coffee over looking the Northumbria friggingtesco to pick some pillows.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        It's actually not too late to get the boys and girl and BF involved this year. Give the boys clear instructions, do not expect miracles, keep an eye on things, but really, you're their mother, not their slave.

        Satz, just put the mug on the top shelf for the next cougher and sneezer. Enjoy the healing crisis - did you tell the other Satzes, or are you milking it for all it's worth?
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Originally posted by mollyka
          oh well --- that's alright so..... who'da thunk?? Morning Jackie.... need to get a cuppa -- feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that needs doing.... I think I've decided this may be the last christmas that I'm going to do --- if the sprogs don't want to take over I'm going to persuade Joe to go away for a few days next year..... getting no joy out of it -- just as I say overwhelmed with the amount of work...... so yeah --- I'm moaning --- tbh I'm screaming inside..... just needed to say it really -- I'll be grand now..... how is everyone else? The 'season' daunting for anyone?
          :hug::hug: Jezus I feel your pain. All those adults in one house. Molls- you are a saint I swear.


            Originally posted by mollyka
            could do with a meeting alright --- no car..... JIll and Mike have it..... I know I'm alright tho --- I'm really strong at the core ---- just talking it out here has helped already......
            Talk away.
            I love talking it out here - and getting sympathy. We NEED it.
            (my sympathy for cold was short lived - "ah sure it's only a healing crisis - she'll be grand" :smiles
            Last edited by satz123; December 21, 2014, 04:52 AM.


              Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
              It's actually not too late to get the boys and girl and BF involved this year. Give the boys clear instructions, do not expect miracles, keep an eye on things, but really, you're their mother, not their slave.

              Satz, just put the mug on the top shelf for the next cougher and sneezer. Enjoy the healing crisis - did you tell the other Satzes, or are you milking it for all it's worth?
              No - I's a MARTYR for alternative therapies Dreams.
              It's still there - but knowing I'm not a mere mortal with a boring cold -helps :smiles:


                Now I have to test my non-mortalness.
                Shower :egad:
                And out to Cemetery in the wind & rain with mother.
                Rumour has it - brother will make bi-yearly appearance today.
                Jesus- I have the vapours just thinking about it :harhar:

                Later gaters


                  Medication for Molls


                    Morning army woke up bout 9 again but I went to sleep after watching late tv. Just having a 2nd coffee. I'm prone to head colds and sinuis problems in winter and hay fever like syntoms in summer tho seems some fecking thing all year round. My bedroom is acting up again since last night and I got it going again this morning finally. its the sky box that keeps acting up and i'm fed up with it but have to make do for now also my internet with eircom acts up what a house I iive in :cuss:May be you should get the sprogs to help out a bit more Molly or cut back on cooking for them you work full time and and on days so relax a bit more tho easily said than done. I would to get away for a few days over xmas may be a few days after. I looked in to it before but prices are high for here and abroad it seem a lot of folks have the right idea. A couple who used to live near who where middle aged with no kids always booked in to a hotel for xmas period. I think they booked from xmas eve and either came home on St Stephan's day or the day after. They were right why cook just for 2 people when you can spend the money on getting it handed up to with entertainment and activites the days you spend there. good idea for a group of singles or couple with no kids. :congratulatory:


                      Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share


                        Morning Roxy ahh captain sensible so long since I heard that lol he does look silly and its a crap song but one of those you can bop around the kitchen and sing a long to. How are you today? I'm ok so far just getting breakfast. 2 veggie sausages beans and brown bread. Oh glass of apple jucie feeling hungry as I just got out of bed.


                          Evening - where are yiz ?


                            Zooming in and out. How was the cemetery trip?
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                              Zooming in and out. How was the cemetery trip?
                              Oh wondrous Dreams -
                              Got to meet my brother - a functioning alcoholic to be sure.
                              The shakes are severe - takes my mother all her time not to say anything to him. Need to almost gag her ......
                              He came with gift all wrapped up - and she sneered to me that it's always a crap dressing gown - i could have gladly MURDERED her there & then.


                                Originally posted by mollyka
                                Does the brother have family Benjy or does he live alone?
                                Oh has a wife Molls of 25 years - no kids

