I love hearing what fools they made of themselves and thanking God I wasn't the ringleader, I would have been a couple of years ago and a damn fine hell-raiser I was too!
Just had a wander round the house and can't say I'm very impressed, the whole lot wants spring cleaning (no chance); the fridge needs filling (a definite possibility); Christmas cards need to be purchased for those that matter and posted for those that really matter (OK they're going to be late) and I need to consider gifts for the chosen few. However the plan is unlikely to be a success as I'm puppy sitting tonight and this may prove to be a pleasant distraction or all out peacekeeper depending on how the boy gets on with the new arrival. I'm hoping they bond quick style as pup is coming back on Tuesday til Saturday (some friends took a rescue pup and its too young to go to their dog sitter and they'd already made plans for Christmas.
If I had a choice on things I'd go and make more tea and go back to bed but can't as the hound needs a walk before I take him for his pamper day (bath, hairdo, nails, massage etc) all the things I think I should be getting lol
Have a good 'un