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Upstanding Army

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    Morning Satz & Dreamy - office Christmas dinner last night so a few of them will write off the weekend recovering the poor misguided fools

    I love hearing what fools they made of themselves and thanking God I wasn't the ringleader, I would have been a couple of years ago and a damn fine hell-raiser I was too!

    Just had a wander round the house and can't say I'm very impressed, the whole lot wants spring cleaning (no chance); the fridge needs filling (a definite possibility); Christmas cards need to be purchased for those that matter and posted for those that really matter (OK they're going to be late) and I need to consider gifts for the chosen few. However the plan is unlikely to be a success as I'm puppy sitting tonight and this may prove to be a pleasant distraction or all out peacekeeper depending on how the boy gets on with the new arrival. I'm hoping they bond quick style as pup is coming back on Tuesday til Saturday (some friends took a rescue pup and its too young to go to their dog sitter and they'd already made plans for Christmas.

    If I had a choice on things I'd go and make more tea and go back to bed but can't as the hound needs a walk before I take him for his pamper day (bath, hairdo, nails, massage etc) all the things I think I should be getting lol

    Have a good 'un
    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Wish I was your dog, Spidey - sounds like a lovely treat. Dogs often accept puppies much more readily than they do adult - hope it works out. Love your attitude to Xmas cards!

        Rox has been very quiet lately, Satz. Shall we send out a search party later today?

        Xmas party a good many years ago: we partied through the night, then our boss (one of the revellers) ordered breakfast for the survivors.

        Working to a deadline - what is everybody up to today? Molly has Jilly and BF at home, not?
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Mostly today I shall be working out grams to ounces..............I am very old fashioned.

          And writing lists to give to Mr JC so he can do the shops...........I'm on wrapping duty.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
            Wish I was your dog, Spidey - sounds like a lovely treat. Dogs often accept puppies much more readily than they do adult - hope it works out. Love your attitude to Xmas cards!

            Rox has been very quiet lately, Satz. Shall we send out a search party later today?

            Xmas party a good many years ago: we partied through the night, then our boss (one of the revellers) ordered breakfast for the survivors.

            Working to a deadline - what is everybody up to today? Molly has Jilly and BF at home, not?
            BAH HUMBUG ALERT :

            Been to those parties Dreams -DO NOT MISS THEM AT ALL !!
            I think this sober malarkey feeds nicely into my anti-social personality. :thumbs:
            Hate crowds of people pretending to be happy. Close friends & family & people I can be myself with makes me happy.
            The false jollity we are treated to this time of year drives me mad !!:yikes:


              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
              Mostly today I shall be working out grams to ounces..............I am very old fashioned.

              And writing lists to give to Mr JC so he can do the shops...........I'm on wrapping duty.
              LOVE wrapping duty - my favourite !!


                New years eve is the absolute worst for me: that enforced jollity simply because of a digit changing always seem/look so desperate to me.

                Are there any cookies in the barracks? I want and need something sweet.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  I've got plenty sticky tape and paper.............just come on over.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Oh, and this is for the wrappers:

                    I once wrapped all my pressies in newspaper, and then tarted them up with silver and black bows and things. Still not sure what my family thought of them, but I loved the look.
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post

                      Are there any cookies in the barracks? I want and need something sweet.
                      Jacks'll make some. I'm busy wrapping.
                      Molls is too busy with her visitors... boiler repair men ..... tv men .......plumbers .................
                      Last edited by satz123; December 20, 2014, 04:50 AM.


                        Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                        Oh, and this is for the wrappers:

                        I once wrapped all my pressies in newspaper, and then tarted them up with silver and black bows and things. Still not sure what my family thought of them, but I loved the look.
                        Were yer sober???:smiles:


                          I'm pretty quick at boxes............but the rest

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                            ohhhhhhh gift wrap porn :heartthumbs:


                              Morning army I think I got the sleep fairy last night I went to bed bout midnight and woke after 9am long time since I slept in till that time but I feel a bit refreshed. That's some pampered pooch spidy I gpt do with a pamper day badly lo. I'm getting my hair cut/coloured at 6.30 tonight my regular is girl iscoming so I got her a little pressie in a gift bag. Gift are good with or without wrapping paper and I found a few sparkley ones in the top shelf in the wardrobe plus some left over wrapping paper so I don't have to buy any. I'm with you Dreamy on news eve I don't like it and don't go out on the evening any more it is full of forced jollity and people who barely say hello all year round are throwing their arms around you cos they're drunk and wishing you happy new year. Its a dot on the clock and another year. Don't do new resolutions any more either it always same old lose weight etc so just concentrate on being positive and see what another year brings. Bah humbug lol. Off to another AA meeting at 1pm and then to finish the last 2 cupboards in the kitchen and lots more housework to do in the next few days. Had coffee now to get a bowl of cereal and apple juice.


                                Morning Foxxy,
                                Don't do resolutions either..........tend to think about the coming year round about my birthday.

                                And the only bit of New Year I really, really like is New Year's Day concert from Vienna..........
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

