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From my experience of Ar Tonelico

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    From my experience of Ar Tonelico

    you have to collect items and weapons and work your way through various puzzles to complete your mission. I never got very far in this Runescape but I remember having a lot of fun playing it, and it would be a perfect play on the go Runescape. Some of you might have played this on the PC (I know I had a demo among other great titles such as Monkey Island). Sadly, it's doubtful this Runescape will ever appear on the VC.To wrap up my Virtual Console list, I have one last obscurity that I was very close to finding (and it's likely that I might have missed it while browsing the eShop).One of my favorite Runescape on the Runescapeboy color.I am pretty sure I saw the original Runescape Watch Runescape in the eShop, but that simply will not do for me. This is the only Runescape and Watch Runescape that I played, and I would love to see this again. The Runescape were very fun, and I have fond memories of playing against my brother as we traded off turns, trying to beat our high scores. While I can see the appeal of Mario Party, I personally believe that Runescape Watch Gallery requires more skill (instead of relying on dumb luck, but I won't go into details). Seeing this Runescape on eShop would fill me with enough nostalgia to last me two months [ huh, that specific I guess ].:Remakes Ports:There are many Runescape that could be ported to the 3DS. The first retail Runescape I actually bought [just last week or so], was Tales of the Abyss [which I'm steadily working through]. If my information is correct, Tales of the Abyss originated from the Playstation 2, and was remade for the 3DS. And of course, we all know about Starfox64 3d and Ocarina of Time 3d. But there is one Runescape that I would to see on the shelves that might make some Runescape shake their heads disapprovingly.And that Runescape or Runescape would have to be Ar Tonelico.Characters from a number of Ar Tonelico RunescapeAlthough I've only played the second Runescape of the series to completion, I think this series would be extremely fun to play, especially on the go. From my experience of Ar Tonelico, the Runescape is unique among normal RPGs, if you don't mind a little sexual innuendo here and there. RS Gold The Runescape features it's own language, and has one of the most beautiful vocalized OSTs I've ever heard. In the second Runescape [because I don't know about the other two], there is an interesting addition to the regular Runescapeplay. In most RPGs you go from one area to the next, occasionally revisiting places to complete tasks and quests and so on. In Ar Tonelico [2 and possibly others], you venture into the minds of your female companions, which are leveled representations of what they think and how they feel. This is called 'diving' and it really made this Runescape fun for me to play, and it can also alter how the Runescape ends for you depending on choices you make throughout the Runescape. While I had a lot of fun playing through the Runescape, it didn't exactly run very well on my PS2 emulator, and my friend advised me not to bother with an English version of the Runescape because the voice acting was a bit obnoxious. So if Ar Tonelico does in fact come to the 3DS [which I highly doubt], it would be preferable if the Runescape had language options to toggle through.Even if you don't like Ar Tonelico, you can at least appreciate theintricacyof the Hymnos language [which some hardcore fans have learned entirely]

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