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Wood Pathologist

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    Wood Pathologist

    Ok, this is the ultimate. I am always marching to the beat of a different drummer and am quite happy that way. My senior quote was "Dead fish drift with the current."

    But now, I am in a terrible situation with big lawsuit dollars for me, $75k+. Ok, this is bad enough- and stressful, and costly, and time consuming, and just all around sucks big time. And now guess what I need? A WOOD PATHOLOGIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell has ever heard of a WOOD PATHOLOGIST??? Except Tawnyfrog because she knows weird shit like duck and pig corkscrew penises.

    For this one time in my life, I wish I was like everyone else and did not need a friggin WOOD PATHOLOGIST!!!!!!

    Wood Pathologist

    Lucky, I don't know what kind of trouble you're in. But I live in a damned forest with a Department of National Resources in town. Tell me what you need and I'll check it out.

    :h Hilary
    Enlightened by MWO


      Wood Pathologist

      I love you Duck. Weird shit and all.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Wood Pathologist

        Yikes Lucky, that's awful.

        What have you got? Root and butt rot? Needle blight? Blister rust? Canker rot? ...


          Wood Pathologist

          Thanks SK- I need a wood pathologist who does decks! All wood pathologists I have found, and they are NOT in the Yellow Pages, work in the forests for tree diseases.

          And thanks lushy- yeah, i have weird shit in my life but frog knows weird shit. That is the better position but i will never admit she has one up on me.



            Wood Pathologist

            shit- frog

            i found butt rott and could not bring myself to read about it

            and now you throw it in my face

            i do not think i have butt rot because MY DECK DOES NOT HAVE A BUTT

            but stranger things have happened

            pls come inspect my deck and tell me if i have butt rock


              Wood Pathologist

              have I stumbled on a parallel universe...or has someone taken over weemelonheads language ?


                Wood Pathologist

                Seems your attorney should be able to recommend a couple of pathologist used in the past. I am sure there are not an abundance of them although where you are is the best place to find them, probably. It is good to hear you might get your house fixed...fingers crossed that you win....

       are the plants coming?????


                  Wood Pathologist

                  Lucky if I could help I would .....

                  But I dont speak weemelonhead language either ...

                  BB xx


                    Wood Pathologist

                    So as much as I can ascertain here, your deck has been damaged due to the neglect of someone else, so to get it compensation you have to prove that your wood was not "ill" to begin with. Correct ? So I take it a wood pathologist will give a history of the wood via testing to show it had no previous conditions. But if it is pressure treated wood, wouldn't it have been subjected to the chemicals to treat it therfore potentially changing the compostion of the wood? This is incredibly weird, but as luv says your lawyer should know of an expert. But be warned these experts costs a fortune per hour. I hired some in various areas when my daughter was getting a divorce, Pricey. But still less than replacing the deck.
                    hoping for the best


                      Wood Pathologist

                      Actually Bear, it is just the opposite. Deck cleared all Section 1 with no dry rot or other issues "in all visible and accessible areas" 3 yrs ago. But it was full of dry rot according to all experts so I have to sue the pest company who gave it the good report. It will now cost $50k to fix it. And it caused my buyers of the house to back out of the deal when they had it inspected. And they sued me because I would not spend $50k to fix it. So, I had to pay the buyers $3700 to go away and NOT BUY MY HOUSE! And I have paid about $7k to my attorney. So I am going after the pest company big time but now have to sell my house to new buyers to determine damages. This will go on for years because you know the pest co will appeal if they lose, and I will appeal if I lose. With other history I have on the pest co related to this property and other dry rot they overlooked, there is no way I can lose though. Just a long, drawn out, stressful, expensive, on-going project and until it is over, I know I got screwed and that really ticks me off. Ok, rant is over- for now.

                      Edit: I forgot to answer Luv's question about the plants in my Aerogarden. They are gaining more leaves by the day. They shot up straight after 3 days and are now filling out. It is still so cool. Will have tomatoes in a couple of weeks. Did yours arrive yet? I cannot wait to grow the herbs and have my kitchen smell yummy.


                        Wood Pathologist

                        You have an Aerogarden??? I was going to buy one. Keep me posted on how it works......
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Wood Pathologist

                          What's an Aerogarden? Does it smell like chocolate? I love those bubbles.
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Wood Pathologist

                            And by the way I was KIDDING.
                            Over 4 months AF :h

