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my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

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    my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

    I am sooooo very sorry. There is a neat online place called Over the Rainbow Bridge, or something very similar to that- you might want to google it. It helped me.


      my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

      Hiya Jay,

      Cats are so very special. They are the guardians of our souls whilst here on earth. I feel your deep sadness. Tabu my cat is my shadow, she reads my thoughts, protects me when I feel beaten or ill and rules my house/life! Many times I have returned home from the bush to find Tabu has been missing a long time during my absense. Each time I feared the worse...BUT I know that there's more than meets the eye to the saying that cats have nine lives . Greta's on a new wild adventure.... a magical adventure in a far off place. The time will come when you will meet again.
      A BushBaby with Attitude


        my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

        Jay, so sorry for the passing of Greta.


          my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

          Sorry I was redundant. I see that tipsy told you about Rainbow Bridge. This topic is way to painful for me to read about so I just posted without reading all the comments.


            my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

            I 'm so sorry about Greta. I know it is devestating to lose a pet, but please don't hide away and drink as it won't bring her back. Try to keep busy doing other things and gradually you will feel better...I love cats too and can understand your grief.:h


              my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

              Ah, Jay.
              I'm so sorry.

              Stay strong friend......


                my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                I can't imagine how awful it must have been to have to find her. I am truly sorry for your loss. There really aren't any words. To me my pets are my family. At my vets office there is literature about different support groups for this. Please contact your vet and ask for some help with this.
                My thoughts are with you.
                Here we go again.

                AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                  my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                  I'm so sorry to hear about Greta. It's so hard losing part of your heart like that...:h I'll be thinking of you.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                    I am so sorry about your loss of Greta. Pets are family.
                    I had to put down by beautiful cat 2 1/2 years ago and I still miss him every day. My cat was A Siamese/Himalayan cat and he was MEAN!!! Years earlier my babysitter had to go to the emergency room because he attacked her and she was allergic to cats. He liked to fly through the air and just bite people. I have many stories.
                    But when a cat grabs on to your leg with his teeth and won't let go and growls and snarls you know that it's time for the cat to go. Plus he decided that he would pee all over the house and he had no bladder infection.

                    I gave him away for a day(free) because I was so mad at him but the lady brought him back because he bit her in the head. I told the lady all about his biting and peeing habits. That was when he was 7 and then I kept him for another 3 years and I dealt with the biting and peeing. The peeing was off and on. Just when he got mad for some reason he would pee.

                    His temper and peeing started to rise and I couldn't take it any more. My older son could not have friends over without this 18 pound cat pouncing on them and then these 180 lb. kids would be jumping on the furniture because they were afraid.
                    I took my cat in the vet and was bawling because I new I couldn't give him away because who would want an attack cat. He would only let me hold him. He was very special to me and had the most beautiful blue eyes. I knew that he had to be put down.
                    When the vet. had sedated him (his name was Lincoln) he attacked the vet and boy did he jump and 4 other assistants came running. They said that I was doing the best thing for Lincoln.

                    So then I drowned my sorrows in alcohol and I was crying all weekend and it didn't help!!! SO don't do it!!! I kept saying to my husband "I want Lincoln back" "I want Lincoln back. " My poor husband felt so helpless that he didn't know what to do. He knows I'm an animal lover so he decided to finally let me get a dog.
                    I still think about my cat all the time and we even built a cat door in our new house for Linc
                    so it's always a reminder.
                    As I am typing this I am getting tears in my eyes because I still feel bad that I had to put him down. The vet says that I was very tolerant for many years of Linc and most people would not have put up with it that long. I just wish my kitty would have passed away on his own because I still have tremendous guilt. Anyways enough of me. This is about trying to cheer you up Jay. You will never forget your beloved kitty. Hugs to you Jay


                      my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                      Our pets mean so much to us. I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong and we will all be thinking about you this day.
                      Much love coming your way.
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                        my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                        I'm so sorry Jay. I know that is hard.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                          thanks for all your replies on this such a sad day for me
                          immmiss her so much
                          but no amountof drinking cant bring her back,,, not my friends ,parents or anything
                          im drinking yeh.. but ill be ok
                          we are all alone really
                          i will go on ......


                            my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                            Jay ........ we are here for you ........

                            Don't ever forget that .........

                            Love & Hugs, BB xx


                              my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                              Sorry, losing a pet is like losing a family member.
                              Love Paula.


                                my beloved cat passed away this morning ....

                                i was too drunk today... took some pills ... but im ok now....
                                ive got a strong body

