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First Army Thread of 2015
Originally posted by mollykagranny's right -- but mine didn't go up till quite late either so I don't mind --- and it may be my last !!!!!It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Morning army woke up to heavy rain hope it clears as I didn't go out yesterday in the end I got lazy and felt a bit tired. Have to go out later. Whos taking down trees decorations etc today or soon? Like Roxy don't put them up any more so don't have that job to do lol. I took off shellac polish last night or tried to my nails had as grown a bit from my cuticles I bought acetone remover and followed instructions and it didn't come off properly so my nails look a mess with bits of sparkley polish and dried acetone which I can't get the last off so i'll to wait till it grows off or flakes off a bit til I can try disguise it. Next time i'll get if taken off in the salon which is a fiver but better than what i'm left withso just using lots of cuticle and hand cream to help. Any one have any experience with shellac polish? It does look well when done and it did last 3 weeks. Just finished coffee so off to get breakfast and shower.
I get Shellac all the time.
I usually just peel it of bit by bit. - not recommended they say.
You've probably made it softer by using the remover and now it's more difficult for you as the amateur to remove.
Let them kind dry out and it should pick off.
Thanks Satz yeah i'll just leave it for now and in a few days I think it should flake off it self not putting any more acetone just the hand cream as that does seem to help. I would get in done again but may be let the professional take it off. They don't recommend you peel it off as it can damage the nail but it grows back. Anyway i'll live with it for now lol. Well best ready to head catch you all later.