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First Army Thread of 2015

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    Okay, okay...I'm getting out of bed now.


      Originally posted by roxane View Post
      tip of the day - dont groom your extremely hairy moulting dog wearing anything remotely fleecy. off to walk mut. dog and owner really do look like each other now.


        Awaiting imminent arrival of Mother ......................

        Roast leg of Lamb ( cost an arm AND a leg) :haha:
        Roast potatoes with the lamb juices thrown over,
        gravy with a huge glug of wine ( didn't even flinch - AMAZING) :apple:
        Cabbage,carrot & Parsnip mash
        Home made apple pie & ice cream for afters.
        All welcome :hug:


          Originally posted by mollyka
          at least roxy has an excuse of a dog -- i look like somethin the cat's dragged in ---- can't believe i'll be back to shoes and make up and shit next week
          me too !!!!



            Niggles and Wants, 11 days in...

            1) Wine o' Clock, for me from 1pm to 4/5pm. This surprises me, most of my drinking was done in the evening due to work. I wonder what will happen when I go back on Tuesday...
            2) Absent-mindedness, especially in the morning. Went to make a pot of coffee this morning, poured ground coffee straight into cup, poured back into cafetiere, put teabag in cup, took teabag out, poured cold water into cafetiere, took swig of cold, unbrewed coffee.
            3) Sleep. Better than it was, thanks to the amitriptyline (down to 10mg from 20mg now) but still having crazy dreams and sleeping very light. Nightly dreams about a young girl who is trying to trick me into drinking (!) Last night she dipped a stick into a bucket of wine and asked me to suck italright, alright, settle down. I may be new here but I know what you're all like, telling me it was medicine (paging Dr. Freud...)
            4) Phantom Hangovers. I often wake up feeling as though I am hung over. It only lasts a couple of minutes, but catches me out every time and I find myself thinking 'what did I DO last night?' and scanning my body automatically for damage before going 'whoopee!' I also had phantom drunkenness yesterday afternoon for about 10 seconds where I felt as though I had drunk a bottle of wine. I could taste it and feel it in my stomach.
            5) Mis-seeing things, words particularly. I could be looking at a word or phrase either in a book, on the laptop, on a sign etc, and it's as though my brain rushes ahead and fills in the word it expects to see, and gets it very wrong. I have to do a double-take when it happens, because it's so real. Happens with objects too, but words mostly.
            6) Sugar. I never used to have a sweet tooth. Bloody well do now. I've read some people find it helps with cravings, others don't. I could use a few extra pounds so I'm not worried.

            I'll post more when I think of them. Emotionally, I'm on an even massive mood swings, and so very very chilled and content. More than I've ever been on booze. I'm all about the little things at the moment, things which I never noticed on alcohol. How nice it feels to put your hands into hot water, the feel of brushed cotton pyjamas when you're warm and cozy in bed, looking at things and really seeing them. Lovely.


              Originally posted by mollyka
              you up yet Shambles? ;-) just made a MEAN lemon cheesecake
              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              Awaiting imminent arrival of Mother ......................

              Roast leg of Lamb ( cost an arm AND a leg) :haha:
              Roast potatoes with the lamb juices thrown over,
              gravy with a huge glug of wine ( didn't even flinch - AMAZING) :apple:
              Cabbage,carrot & Parsnip mash
              Home made apple pie & ice cream for afters.
              All welcome :hug:
              I was getting worried that a whole Sunday would pass without any mention of food. Shambles, we talk about food a lot here - be warned. Did Satzy not call you Jambalaya earlier? Now that is something I haven't made in a long time - love it.

              Can you get a cat to lick you clean, Rox?
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Originally posted by mollyka
                you up yet Shambles? ;-) just made a MEAN lemon cheesecake
                'Up?' What is this 'up'...? I love lemon cheesecake. But I need to leave room for...

                Originally posted by satz123 View Post

                Roast leg of Lamb ( cost an arm AND a leg) :haha:
                Roast potatoes with the lamb juices thrown over,
                gravy with a huge glug of wine ( didn't even flinch - AMAZING) :apple:
                Cabbage,carrot & Parsnip mash
                Home made apple pie & ice cream for afters.
                All welcome :hug:
                All the things, please!


                  Now that was a trip down memory lane, Shams! Never had no 4, though - and I'm not complaining.
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Originally posted by mollyka
                    well I'm flying in here cos I' ve to rush off and produce the dinner I've cooked --- but when I read that list --- WOW ---- so many of them hit a chord --- especially #2#4 and#5 -- I found myself extraordinarily un-coordinated --- I related it here and usually everyone says 'oh yeah me too me too' -- but it was less so with that one --- I also found that I'd have nearly a black out moment -- an example of that was sitting at a traffic lights that I would be at regularly every week -- and for about 5 seconds (a long time sitting at a green light) having NO idea which way to go --- my hand eye co-ordination wasn't wonderful --- and I was clumsy ---- almost drunk-like --- found I was less functional at work than when I was drinking --- the weird thing about it was - it went on for quite a while --- I eventually spoke to my doc who did bloods - and I had a serious deficiency in B12 - took massive doses for a few months and within a couple of weeks --- it sorted itself out -- whether it would have with time or not I don't know --- but deffo when I read those points it rang a bell --

                    will deffo comment on the rest after dinner ---- VERY interesting --- but I absolutely LOVE your last paragraph --- it took me a month in rehab to learn to appreciate 'the little things' --- feckin lovely ----- right zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmm dinner
                    bib, yeah me too.

                    id stand and try to think never mind try to remember.

                    sugar? yes. lots of it. ice cream at first, along with revels then minstrels then liquorice allsorts. now biscuits.

                    no cats here dream. poor thing would choke to death on a huuuge hairball if there was one.


                      i love sleep.


                        bambi is just about to start, where are my tissues? or kitchen roll.


                          It's amazing how much a few hours sober sleep can do...well, I'm amazed, having spent more of my life drunk than sober. Hmm...15 years sober vs almost 30 drunk...yikes. How my liver function tests came back okay is a miracle.

                          Roxy, don't do it to yourself. Evil, manipulative bastard, Walt Disney. And that stupid rabbit...I wanna punch his stupid teeth in...mood swings? me???


                            I am getting hungry reading this thread. Lemon cheesecake, leg of lamb, parsnips, carrots and cabbage....really? Yum!!

                            Have a great Sober Sunday.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Don't forget Bambi...:flip:


                                Originally posted by mollyka
                                told you before --- tissues are for posh folks --- nowt wrong with bog roll ------

                                my liver function thingy's were SHOT --- how did you manage that?? I'm a bit older than you so had longer to get into a mess I s'pose :congratulatory:

                                Like Dreamy says --- we talk bout food a lot --- makes me very happy ;-)
                                Kitchen roll? Bog roll? You guys are refined! I use somebody else's sleeve.

                                I've no idea how my liver functions were ok. I hope they didn't get them mixed up with a baby's one or summat...

