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One Step at a time - January 2015
Dang Dots, I can't figure it out! I'll try and get Brady off the computer and try thatI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi everyone- Happy New Year ! Mama Brrrrrr!! Dots. Liz, Nora...Pauly et al- Where's K9? Meant to comment yesterday on the early to bed, early to rise!
Day six here. sledding with all the twins- it was fun, cold and very very scary... Sledding on the backside of Mt Rainer...up in the clouds! Luna loved it.
Tucked in with Supernatural. I'm sorry but these are the go to guys!On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Dots- one of my employees went to a funral last week and raved about the "church ladies" that served everyone ......know that you are appreciated.
FSU lost HUGE....waaahhhhhhhhhh...but my alma mater, Ohio State, won, so now we cheer for them. Since no one here talks football much, I fully expect you all to follow my instructions!
The house was full of beer and young men watching the game. I had one beer and no more. Once the devil juice was in my system, I couldn't believe how hard it was to not drink another. But I didn't.
Shower, coffee and work. I hope Tucky doesn't have her Energizer batteries in today.....she's exhausting.
You GO with the fitbit Pauly....
I think Hoppin John is black eyed peas and rice??? Kind of sounds like a new name for checkers LOLI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Good Morning and Happy New Year, Steppers!!!
Mamasita- I LOVE LOVE LOVE football and I am addicted to it. My dad played football for Notre Dame, and on Saturdays in the Fall, my mom and I are glued to the TV. Hahaa! I was glad Oregon beat FSU because my brother, sister, SIL, and nephew went to U of O. Oh, are you and I going to be in a friendly rivalry when Oregon faces OSU.I'll still love you, matter what team wins!! :-) ;-) :heartbeat:I know you grew up in Cincinnati and I have traveled there many times for business. Love the Newport Aquarium, too. :-)
K9-hope your relationship with Mike works out. I think it's good for you anyway to have a male "friend." It will distract you a bit from thinking about Sierra not being with you.
Nora, you are a half an hour from Pasadena. Wahhhh....I'm jealous. It's going to be 1 degree below zero here in Wisconsin on Monday. A bit nipply, don't you think???
Kradle-GREAT job on Day 6.:thumbsup:
Big hellos to everyone else. I need to get my fat *ss to the gym as I was a glutton over the holidays. Why does food taste so much better at Christmastime???? LOL
I'll be back later. Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Dang - when I posted this morning, I didn't see all the posts from last night...weird.
Hey Rusty....yes we can be friendly football rivals..... I love you too:heartbeat:
Pauly - I found out Klonopin causes ringing in the ears. Do you have that issue?
Kradle - keep it going sister!!!!!
need to go key payroll....think anyone would notice if I gave myself a bit, fat raise??I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Morning all,
Thanks mama for the "church ladies" comment. We do get a lot of thanks from everyone and the families really appreciate it too. So off to do that then maybe dancing tonight. Depends on how tired I am and if the snow/sleet starts to fall or not. I do not like this time of year at all.
pauly and Nora lets get this fitbit thing going....I need some incentive.....sun is kicking my I need to "step" it up...
Dottie - I so agree with Mama & the Church Ladies/Men......I have been to several memorials and they went all out. I remember my Aunt's service and it was fantastic food - several of us got up to help put everything away.......the food, tables, etc. You all go to a lot of work and you are much appreciated."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Hey all,ugh,after getting my sinus issues somewhat settled now I caught Kell's fricken cough! My chest feels tight and snotty,great,I only watch football when it's the super bowl I've just never been able to care about any sport, one of the girls at work is on a co-ed softball team and they needed another player she asked me and I said hell no! No way,hi Rustywe'll get fitbit sorted Nora and Dots,but I have been lazy with a capital L cuz the holidays, being sick,plus it's cold,dang sounds like excuses to me haha,Mama,I've had occasionally had slight ear ringing on k-pin,not often though,I'm so stupid cuz I NEVER had anxiety until I started drinking in 2005, when I went to the doc,he prescribed that Shit but I didn't even know what it was,if I did,I wouldn't have started, what dose were you on before the taper? Gotta go jump in the shower, maybe the steam will help my chest,love you all and I'll be on throughout the day cuz I'm off and not going anywhere today
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Mama - not into football so sorry. But, very impressed that you did the polar plunge. LMAO
I need to find some of my previous posts and see what I have unloaded before I continue...............I will be back.........."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Well - can't see where I posted this so please ignore duplicate information. Pretty sad when I can't remember things. But, it seems to be the norm for the past few months???
Anyway - my FIL was in the hospital and went home on New Years Eve (assisted living facility), my SIL was down here because her FIL passed away 2 weeks ago. So, she & her husband drove back up North and I got a call from her yesterday. My FIL is not doing well - seems very confused/seeing things and not doing well. Hubby & I will probably drive up there next weekend. My Mom, up in Oregon, is not doing great but seems to be hanging in there. So, it makes me go into my cave & sleep.
I'm sorry for that - that is my coping mechanism. However, we are signing up for our yoga class at the end of the month and I am getting back to the gym.I have some people added to Fitbit that I've got to show them how to do it. ROTFL
Anyway - I've been thinking a lot about everyone here. Just having a hard time sitting myself down & posting. So, that is what I am going to do every day. Even if I post drivel (which I usually do anyway), I will stay connected.
Oh - & my sister-in-law gave me a Mary Poppins book with 4 books in it. I am enjoying it so much!!!!!!!!!!"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora,we don't care if you only post about the weather or what you had for lunch,as long as you're here posting ya know? Sorry FIL isn't doing good, but glad your mom isI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Oh Nora! WE just want to know that you are ok and loved. It is a general consensus that we hate to lose people, since you begin to feel like family.
I am so sorry about your family issues......I decided there would be no more death for 2015......
Pauly, I have been on 1 mg for YEARS......................I mean YEARSI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem