Liz - That chili sounds good. I wish we could get a "snow day". LOL Hope you're feeling better soon, sucks to be sick, especially when you could sleep in, but then you can't!! Take care of yourself today ok?
Mama - Miss Clark made some seasoned chicken, mashed potatoes and corn. Pretty darn yummy. I have leftovers for lunch today. He is the Queen of leftovers, he can make a whole new meal out of them.
I hear you guys on the sleeping over thing, I think I would be torn on that one too. I really don't have much room to talk since Clark is basically living with me now, so if Sierra wanted to do the same I'd be a hypocrite...EXCEPT for the fact that it's my house and she's still a kid...BUT I do agree with Mama about having an open relationship. And believe me, if I ever stop dying my hair it will be snow white. LOL
Pauly - Hope you're ok. Dont let your setback throw you off track. You CAN do this and we are here to help you. Love you girlie!
Nora - Check in...dont make me send Mama after you! LOL
Hi to everyone else...happy Tuesday.
