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One Step at a time - January 2015
Mama, LOL. Sorry I didn't see your posts!!! You know you're one of my favorite people here. Your therapy is free, too. Only free for friends, not for people who are a PIA. Great job on losing 10Lbs. I so wish that would happen to me. I found the pounds you lost. Hahaha.
You MUST stay Rusty!!lease: We are glad to have you here.
So I just talked to my boss, he has been a private landlord and he said that he WOULD let someone out of their lease, he told me just to explain the situation, and tell my landlord that it's been great and I hope there's no hard feelings. BUT he did tell me to make the call tonight. LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
OK, I am so sorry this thread is all about ME today...but I sent my bankruptcy lawyer an email and he said I could include the remainder of my lease in the bankruptcy case since it is still open, and then I would be free to leave. I just don't want any hard feelings, but then again, I gotta do what's best for ME. :sad: I just need to confirm, and I mean 100% that I will get the other place, my friend said it was mine if I want it....but wouldn't that be my luck to end up with Mike on the streets? LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
K9, chill.......I am not going anywhere. I read every post...even if I don't reply to everyone. LOL ;-)
Lizann, thank you for your kind words. Very sweet.
Mama, I've been thinking about you a lot and your GBS. I've been watching my 600-lb life....and how it takes years for these people to lose the 400 lbs. and more, they need to lose. Can I ask how long after the surgery did it take you to lose that 100 lbs? GREAT JOB, btw. Also, how old were you when you had it. Also, do you remember when MWO Cinders posted that link from Calorie Lab years back on the link between GBS and alcoholism??? Did you read any of those posts from the people who had had surgery, or whose loved ones had it? So frighteningly sad. I'm glad you are here with us, and I am glad that you are able to contain your drinking to date night and not overdue it. It seems to work for you and hubs and I see nothing wrong with that. My views, however, are not very popular on some other threads and that is quite all right. ;-)
K9....I am going to nag you about that making the call to your landlord tonight. HAhah. Have you heard from Sierra? Any future visits planned?
I had Gastric Bypass at about 35....I had just finished chemo for breast cancer and decided to do something for me. Hubs had made it clear I was not all that to him anymore b/c of my weight. I was hurt and going to leave him, but then I was diagnosed with cancer and God made it clear that my plans were not his....anyhoo........
I had to meet with the doctor several times and pass the psych part...alcoholism was briefly mentioned.....
It was worth it, but there are pitfalls. My self esteem and hubs adoration skyrocketed, but the AL became an issue and I just cannot eat very much. Vitamin absorption is problematic and I am taking 3 kinds of sublingual vitamins. I just forget to eat and can really shakey...but then I remember to eat. If I eat too much, I get very uncomfortable and simply (for me) go stick my finger down my throat.
I have gained back about 30 pounds since the surgery, but I am fine with that. I need plastic surgery for my tummy and underarms, but that is not in the budget.I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Wow mama....that is a lot to take on. I know several folks who have had that surgery and a lap band too. I dont meet the criteria for either so I am on my own. For them I dont have enough weight to lose but to me it sure does seem like a lot. I was a skinny kid and skinny until I was about 30 and quit smoking and had some relationship has been up and down since then....ugh...
Mama, that must have been SOOOOO painful to hear your hubs say he was not all that into you because of the surgery! I would have been bawling. I am glad you had it but I know that surgery and the aftereffects are not a piece of cake. So glad your husband was happy with the surgery, too. I am sure you are a fox, least from the glimpses of pictures you have posted, I would say you definitely are! :-)
I am about 5'3, and I weighed between 115-135 lbs. until I was about 42...and then with my undiagnosed underactive thyroid and booze, I put on 60 lbs. Boo-hiss...a good friend of mine whom I'd "been" with for a while told me he didn't find me attractive anymore physically because of my weight. Instead of motivating me to lose weight, I just ate more. I had never been an emotional eater before, but I think I turned into one. You would think that with quitting drinking, the weight would just fall off. Nope, it didn't happen. Going to see an endocrinologist soon. I am determined to win that battle.
Dottie-I love teal, too, but like you, all my formal dresses were black or black based. My favorite redhead is Nicole Kidman. And long ago, Carol Burnett. I bet you are like me, though, my fair skin makes me look about 10 years younger. I love summer and I love the sun, but I have to wear 50 spf sunscreen, big floppy hat, and sunglasses or I get really sick.
I know several people that have had that surgery also. The lady that got me my job (and hopefully my new condo) had it, but she had to quit smoking before they would do it. Of course she went back to smoking after....and I think she gained about 30lbs back too, but overall it was a success for her. She also cannot eat very much.
I am sure all you redheads look beautiful in your various shades of green. I wish I could find a pretty shade of red/dark auburn that would actually STAY on my hair!
Rusty - I am like you, if someone mentioned my weight it would probably just make me eat more!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Rusty - it killed me. I was so angry I started looking for apartments.
I did not meet the criteria. I paid cash out my 401k.
Like I said, cancer changed all of that. Life was more important than a silly marriage.
Now - I know that was the smartest decision I ever made.
I battled my weight all my life....always wanted to lose weight and yo-yo'd for years......but still had a huge, happy personality.
To this day, hubs makes comments all the time about other's weight. It irritates the shit out of me, but then I think, Hell...Mr. critical over there chose me, so I must be pretty hot. I may be an idiot or just have really good coping skills. I take the good with the bad and there is so much more good.....
K9 - maybe when you get moved and save a little money, you can have a professional do your hair?? Reds fade so fast....I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Yep red is the worst for fading. I pay someone to color my hair and I use color protector shampoo..found a great protector leave in by Aveda. Told dh I would eat peanut butter if I had to but not give up my red hair. He makes a crack or 2 about my weight but his x and his daughter make me look like I just throw it back at him....and he is no skinny minny himself...