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One Step at a time - January 2015
Dottie-your meal sounds delicious and I know your hubs appreciated it. Men have a hard time of saying, "thank you."
Mama-it's the truth.:heartbeat:
Hi Nora!
Ok, here is one of my workplace pet peeves: when someone has a problem with you or someone who works for you, and they copy your "boss" and the rest of the whole damn world!!! It hasn't happened to me in a couple of years, but for awhile there, it seemed like I was getting emails like that all the time. Even though I work for myself, I am a contractor. I contract out with two firms and there are "bosses" at those firms, so they are kind of like my bosses in a way. It's a good thing that when it came to work, I was NEVER a drunken emailer/poster. But when I would get one of those emails where someone copied my boss and several other people, I wanted to email back: "If you're going to copy everyone, why don't you include the people in the European offices, too"???!!! Grrrr...ooh that felt good! Nora, Kradle and Pauly must still be sleeping. Good for's Saturday, and they should rest. I, however, awoke at my usual 4:30 AM. Oh well. Off to the gym, but I'll poke my head in later.:thumbsup:
Morning loves. Busy day yesterday! Worked very late and Erin came over for dinner. Could barely stay up for an episode of Arrow on netflix.
Today is Erin's 28th birthday. We are taking her out for lunch then back here for cake and gifts. She requested lunch instead of dinner because her beloved patriots are playing at 4:30 and that's what she will be doing this evening. God I love that girl. I'll read back later and hope you are all ok,
Happy Saturday!
Hey all,Dots that recipe sounds good, I am having a hard time eating healthy, I wanted to make changes in my diet but I guess baby steps will help,Rusty,I think some people are just wired to wake up early, I just pretend I have a job in a bakery or a paper route haha,Liz,enjoy your daughter's b-dayhello to all, gotta go
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all,
Off to pick up my order at Whole foods and salon to get some goop to see if I can get any body out of my hair....last chance for her I think....gggrrrr
Still cold but sun is out so there is the illusion of warmth.....snow on the ground...
I would love to be an early bird but never have been and neither is dh so at least we are on the same page on that.
Leftover peppers for dinner tonight.HA...
I have been cleaning all day. My anxiety was high this morning, so I put it to use. I took a bite of my pill and it settled. The doc switched my sleep med rom extended release to instant release at my request, but it seems to have triggered the jitters. I will go back to XR tonight!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Hey all - Mama, sorry about that. I had so much anxiety yesterday that I started cleaning out cabinets!!!!!! I know it is so hard adjusting meds like this. (((((((((HUGS))))))))
I have been playing phone tag with Kradle. I understand where she is coming from because I have felt the same way. Anyway, I did let her know that we all care about her.
Liz - hope you enjoy Erin's birthday. Casey's birthday is in March and he'll be 28!
Dotts - I need to go to the grocery store & get the stuff to make the bell peppers. Yum! There is a place a few miles away from us that opened up 'The Hummus Factory', we were going to go today but I told hubby that I didn't feel like it today. I feel guilty but I get so tired of going out & dealing with people/places/crowds. I already went into work for 4 hours today trying to get caught up (got a lot done but could have worked for another 50 hours). So, maybe we will try the restaurant tomorrow. I bought a groupon for it so it's paid for, I just have to prepare myself for the crowd.
Rusty - I SO UNDERSTAND your peeve with the e-mails. We are supposed to be woman (customer) sent an e-mail to a co-worker yesterday. "If you have any questions or need to talk about it, phone call is preferred." Yep! She is trying to cover her ass because she is incompetent. Aaaarrrrggghhhh
Pauly - I agree with the baby steps. If we overwhelm ourselves with huge changes, the chances are that we will not be able to keep it up. So a little thing at a time. Of course, last night, I pigged out on anything that wasn't nailed down.
Speaking of food.......I think that hubby just fixed himself something and I can beg a bite. I'll be back............."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15