Glassy you big spunk! How are things?
A corker of a day yesty. A mixed bag weather wise this week, which is typical of this city, but my heart is warm. Hope and optimism abound here. Wow, where the hell does that come from? No doubt helped along by the fact i'm living sober and it's day 64. In work, then a few days orf to pursue cool projects. P.S. The dinner with strangers went ok last week. I did feel awkward, and offered booze etc, but no probs sticking with a tonic water. That small talk/general group chit chat ain't for me, but i smiled and got through it. I don't think people noticed my awkwardness, and shuffling in my seat at times lol. It wasn't a late one. The situation was a real canditate for having a couple of warm up drinks to handle a social event, but i had no worries.
Have a bewdy and go git it. K? K.