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G man the comeback!

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    Yo G
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



      Don't make us come a knockin' ! I hope you're just busy. If you are drinking again, please come back anyway? We love and support you complete. Put it on the table and tell us you dont want an earful if that's the case, but please, don t go under just because you're drinking. Drinking, not drinking- its all real, its all you, its all party of the journey. xo

      PS Happy birthday 1 day late!
      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


        Ok G -it is beginning to feel like some things may have gone 'under' for you in the land of "down under" What ever may the case, we don't care. We just care abut you and would love to hear from you.



          G - I don't have new word to use in a sentence without you!! C'mon back. Let us know you are ok.

          xx, Moss
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Still Nothin?
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              calm down reggie.


                Originally posted by Reggie
                Ok rox ..but I insist a handle full of fanatics are driving this site into the ground.. look at the stats every newcomer is pounced upon and shuffled off for abstinence indoctrination in the Newibes nest or directed to the tool box look at the stats on line ..below usually 6 members 45 guests of the guests the 45 guests no one new joins in ..I was around when the tool box was full of good stuff just.. speeches and platitudes NO constructive psychological tools..there is nothing except AA hype dressed up as I know whats good for you!!!

                I despair the first day i came here 5 years ago it was so vibrant and inspiring.. lots of different threads and people..where are the oneys , starts Mollys and others ..where is the fun its so depressing ..just a hand full of individuals dragging up people pasts and reminding them of how horrible they once were and we know what you should do now.
                the site is dying thats why i get frustrated and ya right i should calm down ...
                But whos going to confront these Handle full of do gooders/ people and tell them to stop controlling the site and let it develop.
                Rant over
                Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Reggie, It would be sad if no one noticed or cared. I understand that it feels stressful to be pounced on, and I know I didn't intend that. There is a big disconnect between the G I have come to know through his thoughtful and positive posts, and the G that vanished in a snap. That's called compartmentalization- until a bridge gets built between wanting to quit, and drinking alcoholically, there will always exist a Jekyll and Hyde situation; they will co-exist like room mates with different schedules and thick walls. If I were cold hearted I wouldn't say anything. This is pretty basic stuff- when a person who is around all the time goes away, you ask around for them. That's the price you pay fork being a member of a group. What't the point in politely looking the other way? Doesn't that just make an already alluring habit all the easier to go back to?
                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Originally posted by Reggie
                    Again simple think you are the solution ..god help those seeking are a sales woman and your good at it're not a addiction counselor..and alot of new comers here have very complex pasts and problems ..abusive child hoods ect ..dont pretend youre so called solutions in the newbies nest are helping them..alcoholism is not solved with funny hats and medals
                    Reggie, You are being rude and venomous. Take it somewhere else because there is nothing good that can come from it here. G created this thread. Its for him and about him.
                    Last edited by jane27; May 7, 2015, 09:54 AM.
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*



                      There are all kinds of people on here, but I don't think any one of a kind with regard to unique experience with AL. Why not create a thread? That way you can set the tone for what its all about and attract folks looking for the same thing?
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        Reggie, I don't know what to say. I don't recall crossing paths with you ever. If listening to the radio and I don't like a few songs in a row, I change the station I'm listening to. Looks like you've been here since 2010. That is a lot of time and history to turn your back on. I hope you find a way to enjoy the site again.
                        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                          Originally posted by Reggie
                          Good suggestion Jane

                          But there is no room any more Jane i have been here awhile and Im tired of getting snide comments and batting for those that have left and your cronies have taken over ..keep going done
                          If you are referring to the folks on this site who have found long term sobriety on this site, MASTERS, then I appreciate the compliment. I'm a work in progress. I can't imagine why anyone would come to a online site for alcohol abuse and be satisfied with years of struggling with it. I wanted to know how to get OUT of the pit of addiction, and I have learned from some very fine people here. I want to turn around and help the next person. I know from bitter experience how bad it is and if I can help one person escape, then I am happy. None of us are here to try and teach someone how to be a better drinker....I am happy to help you, too, when you are ready. B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Originally posted by Reggie
                            Oh please, spare me from your pity!
                            Such a twisted post..that is you're problem you don't know you insist we are the same peas in the same pod such a AA simplistic pretend to Know what our problem is ..maybe instead of preaching from behind a computer screen addiction at a University and try to understand its complexity beyond your past Bottle and a half wine problem 5 years ago!
                            i would rather seek help from some who is currently drinking..they understand more than you do. To Quote you
                            "Teaching some how to be a better drinker" your twisted view of the other threads on this site... that don't preach you're way..I have seen you bully them away sad and naive.. your view about drinking in this society is base at best .... and this is why this site is dying and new approaches to harm minimization and medications that some coming to this place seeking to find out about leave and dont bother..I have seen you drive people from this place that dont accept your view by ostracizing them and ridiculing their posts your no heaven sent saviour.
                            again Im done
                            I have seen many people come and go over the 6 years since I found MWO. I was one of them. You are right, many people do leave but I think it is due to their choice not to quit drinking. I notice when those people are ready to quit the insanity of this addiction, they come back....usually to the nest. If you think the nest needs improvement, spend the time to help us make it better. It's easy to cast stones at those who are DOING...complaining from the sidelines doesn't improve anything. As I said, be part of the solution....not part of the problem.
                            G Man is a dear friend of ours and we are concerned for him. We know from past behavior this is not typical. Past behavior shows us a lot, as you well know.
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Waking up to Reggies vitriole again! Starts the day with a downer which is always annoying for a preaching non fucking drinker like me! Instead of putting people down focus on helping them like us Nazi's are.

                              Hi Mr G, you are missed around here!
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Reggie - I don't really want to tangle with you, because I know you are quick, and caustic at times. I don't mind that so much. I like when people speak their minds. But there is a point when it just becomes rote. You don't strike me as the kind of person who wants to be thought of as one dimensional. I'm sure there is much more to your story. And isn't that what you are accusing others here of doing? Being one voice always? I understand your point. I really do. But it's all in the delivery...

                                Anyway, I try to stay in my lane, so you and I don't interact much. I know better than to post on a thread where I am probably not welcome. Although I have learned much from those threads even if I just follow along. There's a lot of good stuff here. And sometimes, great laughs. We don't all have agree, but we do need to get along. I hear what you are saying, but when you attack people, and I'm probably next, people stop listening and get defensive. It's human nature. If you believe in what you say, and I think you do because you are passionate, then tell us in a way that we can truly hear you. Let people turn off the defense mechanism and really hear what you are saying.

                                Just so you know, I was the typical addict - alcohol, drugs, you name it. I spent the vast majority of my life f*cked up on one thing or another. Made quite a mess of things, and have a head full of bad memories. I managed to get it down to wine only thinking that was the solution, but still managed to screw up everything. I was a lost cause. So I do encourage sobriety when the person asks for that type of support. That's why I mainly post in the Just Starting Out area. But, I try to be mindful of others' opinions. If a newbie mentions meds, or moderation, I always try to steer them to the correct area of MWO. That's why I came here. I wanted to moderate. I had no intention of quitting drinking. I did, and I'm glad, but that was not my original reason for joining MWO. But I am thankful to all the people here who helped me out. I will be forever in their debt.

                                With that said, I agree with you on one point. I think we aren't getting new members because we are too settled. Many of us are from a specific demographic, with a long history of drinking. That probably doesn't appeal to younger people, or those just starting down the wrong path, who are looking for different answers. I don't know the solution to that, but I know that we'll be stronger if we work together. I don't give a shit what helps, as long as something helps...meds, holistic, mods...whatever.

                                So go ahead, Reggie. Give me your best shot. It's ok. I feel like screaming sometimes too.

                                And G, if you are out there, sorry friend. We just miss your fun posts. Didn't mean to hijack your thread.
                                Everything is going to be amazing

