Thanks my friend, and I think you are doing an amazing job. Gardening, kids, exercise, creating tasty tucker? Very cool stuff right there! Re zest, my body took/takes a bit of energy away I suspect for the healing process which I hear can take awhile. Plus I run most days, and sometimes a long way, for the positive mental benefits, and find myself too tired to want to do much else in the afternoons. This is ok with me, but I should probably back off the running a little while my body is also using energy to heal itself. Having said that, these days I'm finding a balance and watching my energy levels a little closer and trying not to 'shoot my load' so to speak with a 2 hr run early in the day lol. Either way the feeling is goooood living sober. My mind has a couple of little projects in motion that are interesting to me, and I think this is important in the maintenance phase of recovery. Keeping myself entertained in a healthy way for me, but not too busy and hectic upstairs and keeping an eye on balance is useful.
140 but I sure ain't one for counting.