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G man the comeback!

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    Thinking of you G-Man. Keep it going!!!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Hiya Mr G.
      Mr Rags, the teddies and I went for a Pick Nick at Cordeaux dam to-day. Will put up a pic in a sec.


        Here ya go!
        Boiled the billy but had to do it on a gas flame as no fires allowed.
        And..... Mr Rags brought along a bow tie and put it on so it would be a formal picnic



          Originally posted by techie View Post
          Thinking of you G-Man. Keep it going!!!
          Thanks Techie! Hope all's well there mate.

          Originally posted by Rags View Post
          Hiya Mr G.
          Mr Rags, the teddies and I went for a Pick Nick at Cordeaux dam to-day. Will put up a pic in a sec.
          Morevellous spread there Rags! And the teddies look very well behaved.

          Beaut day here. Blue sky's! Start pt. time school on tuesday, so looking forward to that.

          Working weekend here. Damn, i've got other stuff to do, like making music!

          Take it easy y'all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Mister G, Hiya, and double 5's for banking 30. I'm curious as to how you'd describe the stone that tripped you. Was it a new face or one you've seen before? You know how time passes quickly when you are engaged in a mentally stimulating project? I think that on the journey to abstinence, as long as we're committed to that being the end goal, that we unconsciously gravitate towards people, places and things that support getting there. Maybe its determination lending us a helpful hand. The more good stuff there is, the less room there will be for all consuming AL in any of its disguises: the sucker punch, the fuck its, the woo hoo! Its a beautiful day (<ironically, that last one is a pull that tugs at me from time to time). It sounds like you are evolving in just that way. Its not black or white, all or nothing, win or lose- its a process. A quote I read recently and liked, "Its impossible to beat the person that wont give up." Much love to you.
            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


              Originally posted by Rags View Post
              Here ya go!
              Boiled the billy but had to do it on a gas flame as no fires allowed.
              And..... Mr Rags brought along a bow tie and put it on so it would be a formal picnic

              Wow Rags, the bears are cool, but dang, those tomatoes look awesome!!! I am looking forward to spring/summer and home grown-vine ripened tomatoes -lol, but true.


                (1) Its not black or white, all or nothing, win or lose- its a process. "Perfect!"

                (2) A quote I read recently and liked, "Its impossible to beat the person that wont give up." "Perfect" QUOTE]


                  Just stopping in as I haven't been by in a while, G.

                  Congrats on your 30 - keep it going, my friend. Hope you're covered in velcro.



                    Well Done Mr G on 30days !
                    Having a lazy day :-)
                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Top of the monday morning to y'all.

                      Hiya Catch 22. Sounds nice my friend.

                      Yo Jane. 5's back atchya! What i allowed to trip me up before xmas was a little combo of an important bill that was missed (roof above my head stuff. all ok now of course. time has a way of working things real reason to stress in the end), and a family get together which in reality, would've really been really nice. All in my head, so my thinking is what i am working on. e.g. i don't have to act on all my thoughts, i can also just observe them, acknowledge, and leave them be. I'll soon enough move onto another thought. lol.

                      Hi Pavi! Thanks.

                      Off for a gym/run thing real soon. Take it easy out there folks.

                      Just do your best friend.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Morning G! I'm trying to get better at observing my thoughts and practising mindfulness and positive thinking, but I find myself getting sucked into the vortex of beating myself up. However, I'm inching myself forward, and tryoing to see small set backs as what theya re (small set backs) .... rather than major catastrophes that will stop me from EVER being the person I want to be!!

                        I had a bit of a scare on a bike ride yesterday - I'm not that confident in traffic and usually prefer to stick to dedicated bike lanes. But I was trying to get to a new place and there was a section in the middle where there was no bike lane and heavy traffic, and it totally freaked me out. Anyway, I made myself cycle to work this morning instead of letting the fear get the better of me, and I feel proud of the fact that I did that one small thing :-)

                        Hope you had a good run/gym thing and hope all Mr G's supporters and admirers are having a great day out there!!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Back up on the bike Missy? Yeaah!

                          Core beliefs! What are mine? Well, i have deduced i have one or 2 negative ones, which are based on myth and untruths-negative words i have taken on board. But core belief/s are strong of course, and ingrained from way back. For me, i observe and acknowledge, but i don't reckon i have to accept a belief just because it is ingrained in me. My way out is simply through action and seeing those results. Action such as doing things i love to do. My negative core beliefs may always be with me but that doesn't have to stop me striving to be my best and thriving.

                          I remind myself that i also have some positive core beliefs which i try to listen to exclusively every day.

                          On that note, orf to chase some some endorphins like the junky i am. lol.

                          Have a beaut week.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                            Wow Rags, the bears are cool, but dang, those tomatoes look awesome!!! I am looking forward to spring/summer and home grown-vine ripened tomatoes -lol, but true.
                            Hello Spirit,
                            I have the most fun loving and adventurous teddies!
                            The tomatoes are mine. But we've had a dreadful season here with lots of rain heat and humidity
                            which has turned everything to leaf and no fruit.
                            All my eggplants, zucchini, capsicum and other veggies just went to leaf.
                            The tomatoes plants are dying when usually they keep going another 2 months at least.

                            Yesterday I uprooted a heap of veggie plants and dug them back into the ground.
                            Will start again next week with new plantings which I hope will bear before we go away on holiday in June.

                            Hiya Mr. G.
                            Next time I'm down your way I'll introduce you to Panda.


                              [QUOTE=Rags;1594352]Hello Spirit,
                              I have the most fun loving and adventurous teddies!
                              The tomatoes are mine. But we've had a dreadful season here with lots of rain heat and humidity
                              which has turned everything to leaf and no fruit.
                              All my eggplants, zucchini, capsicum and other veggies just went to leaf.
                              The tomatoes plants are dying when usually they keep going another 2 months at least.

                              Yesterday I uprooted a heap of veggie plants and dug them back into the ground.
                              Will start again next week with new plantings which I hope will bear before we go away on holiday in June.

                              Hey Rags -That is great to hear about the teddies -sounds like their keeper may have some of that same adventurous spirit as well.

                              I really do hate to hear about the weather and the resulting dead end for the fruits/vegetables. But the great news I hear you say is that you are replanting and may have the chance for another crop or two. What kind of tomatoes do you plant? Thanks for the reply.


                                Originally posted by Rags View Post
                                Hello Spirit,
                                I have the most fun loving and adventurous teddies!
                                The tomatoes are mine. But we've had a dreadful season here with lots of rain heat and humidity
                                which has turned everything to leaf and no fruit.
                                All my eggplants, zucchini, capsicum and other veggies just went to leaf.
                                The tomatoes plants are dying when usually they keep going another 2 months at least.

                                Yesterday I uprooted a heap of veggie plants and dug them back into the ground.
                                Will start again next week with new plantings which I hope will bear before we go away on holiday in June..
                                Hey Rags -That is great to hear about the teddies -sounds like their keeper may have some of that same adventurous spirit as well.

                                I really do hate to hear about the weather and the resulting dead end for the fruits/vegetables. But the great news I hear you say is that you are replanting and may have the chance for another crop or two. What kind of tomatoes do you plant? Thanks for the reply.

