Connection. Yes Siree. I had a fab time playing last night. It was one of those venues with a well established base crowd no matter what band's playing, so we had almost a full house listening. So much good feedback from folks stopping on way to the bar etc. to say they enjoyed the music. Feels real good when that happens.
Why? It's the connection with other humans. For me i reckon it's because through doing something i love, i am also sharing something of myself. Something natural, real and personal. Just a very warm connection felt with strangers. Gotta do more of that.
Of course, the excitement and feel good factor can and did lead me to thoughts of 'geez, a few drinks tonight after gig when i'm home could be nice. I don't have work till next weekend and i can just cancel sundays rehearsal with another band with some BS story.' But i knew only too well through my so many recent on/off on/off for a few weeks/months cycle that the only way to break that is to deal with those temptations. Happy to say i didn't dwell long on boozing thinking and returned my head to the level above and showed myself some respect and enjoyed the night. People i hadn't seen for awhile told me how good i looked. Looking good comes from the inside too. Deciding to live sober and living it, is all win win. The plusses just keep coming and in fact compound and multiply.
Very grateful to be here this morning proud and sober. I ain't going back. Let's git it.