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What do we all look like?

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    What do we all look like?

    okay, for the record, metro is NOT GAY. lol. gosh guys i'm having to catch you all up to date. feel like one of those magazines but i don't read them. i actually took hubby in to get his brows waxed first time ever a month ago. that now makes him metro guy and he gets his nails done too. but we do live in L.A. so that makes sense. metro means like a guy that loves to look good and cleans up but isn't gay or such. he is a creative, in advertising. but i had to tell a friend of mine who's eyebrows look better than mine. really hon, that is actually gay. you have to have eyebrows that don't look better than a woman. and stop waxing or shaving all of the chest. i mean that just intimidates most women. cuz he can't get a date. lol. anyway, i think he didn't take it well. My husband is southern chinese and at some point his eyebrows took on a life of their own. lol so off we went. my friend, well he's persian, and here in la la land, they have their own culture, so yep, his eyebrows, look nicer than boots. and boots is def on the waves. you'll have seen me on the tele. i'm on fox, e entertainment and such . uh but well, uh since i'm struggling with a few days here and there anonymity is very key. yes? yes. like that about our club. and since i lost like 40 lbs over the last year or so. i love the husky look as well on me. although i don't know if anyone felt i was husky but i did. since well i had that for about 6 years on me. but, well, it is easier to run with out that extra poundage and god knows easier to button my buttons. other than that i don't notice much. ummm but hubby hated it. even wanted to divorce me over it. ahh which is why i landed here after all. so all things come to a halt or a reason. well, thank god for you all and for this site. thank you buddha and all else. meds are kicking in. and i do think though i've kicked up to about 117. but who the heck cares.


      What do we all look like?

      You all sound like one handsome group of people -- okay, here it goes;
      auburn/gold brown hair past the shoulders -straight and fine as an arrow, wish it was curly, can never do a thing with it.
      Light chocolate brown eyes, turn amber in the sunlight
      partially Northeastern Native American Indian coloring
      straight teeth, no braces; my parents pride and joy lol!
      not thin, used to model in my twenties but motherhood and a few pounds changed that body composition, LOL! Still not bad for an old broad.
      Oh! and definitely painted toenails.

      AF 21, March 2010

      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


        What do we all look like?

        I am 5'10", olive complexion, green eyes, bown hair with red highlights, face & body like Halle Barry people say


          What do we all look like?

          Well that really isn't me in the gallery pics. Its my much uglier evil twin!!!


            What do we all look like?

            I am sure Simey used her own photograph as an avatar too but is too modest to say!
            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

            Marilyn Monroe


              What do we all look like?

              Chrysa and I actually model together all over the world.....
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                What do we all look like?

                Okay, here goes.

                145 lbs (Which is fine by me since I used to weight 285 lbs.)
                Short hair colored whatever my hairdresser daughter chooses when I go in. Really silver but currently blondish.
                Green eyes.
                AF April 9, 2016


                  What do we all look like?

                  Yes ...its true....Lushy & I are appearing on Vogue and other covers that we cannot mention...
                  ... as Beige & Biscuit or Coffee & Cream, Suntan & Sand, Tawney & Yellow..depending what part of the world we are in...that is all I can say for now...


                    What do we all look like?

                    LOL Chrysa!!! Now, shhhhh.....
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      What do we all look like?

                      Okay, here's me...

                      51 years old
                      Long blonde hair, helped out with some highlights
                      Green eyes
                      145 lbs., and working on it ( from a high of 168 lbs 6 years ago:egad: )
                      Wear glasses--not a candidate for laser surgery, unfortunately

                      I'll try and post a pic in the gallery one of these days!!

                      This is surely a funny thread!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        What do we all look like?

                        oh my gawd, that is funny chrysa, you guys are a hoot. and who says us af and mods aren't a whole lotta fun. no matter what we look like, i think we all look about the same when we've drank too much. uhhhhhhhhhh not very attractive. lol so, i'm loving this thread as i get to hear about what we all look like when we are sober. let's see maybe we do a thread on what we looked like after that bottle or two of wine. ummmmm. now, that's gotta be a really funny thread.
                        nite all


                          What do we all look like?

                          ok I am 5'5'

                          161lbs (working on that aim is 137)

                          dyed bright red/pink/various shades hair

                          blue eyes, pale skin

                          and finally I'm 34 and female
                          one day at a time


                            What do we all look like?

                            trixietrack;147195 wrote: I tought metro means bisexual .
                            Nope, not the least bit interested in the opposite sex, but do get a charge from
                            all the advances from the same. I'm starting to get use to being called sweetie
                            tho LOL.


                              What do we all look like?

                              bootcampbarbie;146832 wrote: i was hoping robert would belong to me. i kind of like the whole outside the box thing. nice robert. very sexy. and we always love bear's contribution. way to go big biker.
                              let's see boots is
                              113 lbs
                              hazel eyes
                              blonde/brown hair down to waist
                              look like drew barrymore/kim bassinger. that's what i get stopped for at least. me thinks drew's older sister. hahahahahaha
                              no one's ever kicked me out of bed for eating cookies. lol so i guess tis okay. the doggies all like me. the little sleepy heads
                              Robert is here ready to serve, your wish is my demand!!
                              Where do we start ??

                              OH, and B.T.W., you do look like Drew from your pic, I always had a crush on those lips.




                                What do we all look like?

                                My pic is on photobucket

                                Follow the link above for my picture, I couldn't figure out on this forum and press4time
                                suggested this .

                                I like it as the picture cannot be downloaded from the site which is photobucket of course .


