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The Little Things

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    The Little Things

    Since starting out (I refuse to term it 'quitting' or 'giving up') 25 days ago, one of the delights I have found is noticing the little things in life, the things that I completely overlooked because the shadow of alcohol blotted them out. So this thread is for those unexpected little moments that make us go 'oooh!' and brighten our lives. Things like:

    The sound of ducks landing on water.
    Noticing how nice it feels to be wrapped up outside on a cold day.
    Realising that you are at the cashier and not feeling guilty about the contents of your trolley.

    What are yours?

    Opening the blinds............was my first and I think will always be my best little thing.........I was always too afraid and now I'm ready to face the day.:happy2:
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Knowing I can pick up my phone any time of day or night. No more lies about forgetting that the ringer was turned off.

      Enjoying idle chatter with my co-workers and not just having to get through it until I can be alone.

      Waking up in the morning and catching that first glimpse of myself in the morning. I look different - better!

      Sticking to my diet and exercise goal because I'm not getting derailed after a day or two by wine.

      The post-it note on my bathroom mirror that my husband wrote a few weeks ago ... " I am soooooooo proud of you! Keep it up!"

      The sleep that feels completely different. I'm refreshed in the morning and jump out of bed.

      Not getting that embarrassed feeling when alcoholism treatment ads come on tv.

      There are a lot more. Those are the first ones that leapt into my head. I wouldn't trade my life now for anything!
      You had the power all along, my dear.


        Being able to drive at night ..
        Waking up even after a terrible broken sleep but feeling much much better than a 8 hour booze sleep


          Loving my time with 2 year old grandson, instead of wishing his parents would hurry up and come to get him,( alright I still do that when he's grouchy haha) drinking coffee in the morning and being able to keep it down,enjoying my food instead of not eating at all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Originally posted by mollyka
            Being respected....... love it!!!
            That's a really cool one, eh?:victorious:

            Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
            ...enjoying my food instead of not eating at all...
            ...and 3 (or more) times a day, without it getting in the way of drinking.

            Suddenly realising that I'm completely relaxed and it's completely different to what I thought relaxed was.


              Watching the sunrise each morning with a cup of coffee, a clear head and no regret.


                talking to my family at night
                that is not so little


                  What a great thread!! I have found -since becoming sober, how amazingly incredible the small "things" or small "stuff" really mean. In fact, for me, I have discovered that it is the small stuff that brings meaning to my life.

                  The sound of frogs and crickets at night - in the summer.
                  The crackle sound that is made in a fire place.
                  The smell of coffee in the morning -and I don't even drink coffee

                  My list goes on forever -and of course, is totally contingent on my being sober. As someone else said, alcohol disconnects by ability to be able to understand or appreciate the small 'stuff'.

                  Thanks for this thread.


                    spending my night with a cup of coffee while browsing the net makes me somehow complete, little things.
                    “There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.”


                      Taking those evening phone calls from kids that need to talk, not worrying how I sound.

                      Interacting with the grandkids during hosted dinners totally sober and not needing a glass of wine with dinner no matter how nice it is.

                      Being able to watch my cravings come and go without allowing them to define me
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        Not spending time trying to work out what I may have said or done that I really can't recall.
                        Taking time to do little thinks like take vitamins, use moisturizer
                        Cleaning my teeth and enjoying it
                        Taking my daughter to tutoring every night (way after 5pm or whenever I decided drinking could start)
                        Don't eat out often, but still get a surprise at the tab
                        Not saying sorry to my girls for being bitchy all the time!
                        Little treats at the store instead of wine - flowers, plants, candles....
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Having confidence that when I don't remember something it is not because of the booze.

                          Being alert all evening long with my kids.

                          Being able to have a great conversation with my teenager who likes to talk at midnight...

                          So, so many.


                            Walking into the kitchen first thing in the morning and being surprised that it's clean.

                            Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                            ...So, so many.
                            Yeah, keep 'em coming, folks...this is good medicine!


                              great thread! whren im becoming a sober also in myself for me the small things in our Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort.:love::happy2:

