I was here several years ago, with a different name. I have known I have a problem with alcohol for 30 + years, but have always been "functional". I raised 2 great kids, have a good career ( I am a Ph.D. Psychologist), but have struggled big time with this. I never drink during the day, but come 5pm all bets are off. I am a small person, and I work out religiously, but drink religiously as well. I drink at night until I go to bed (pass out) at about 10pm. I have tried AA more than once; really tried it for a good amount of time, got a sponser, did what I was told, etc. I hated the whole thing. I have seen a psychologist who specializes in addiction, who is not a fan of AA, very cognitive-behavioral focused. I have tried Tomoxafin, and Antabuse, which works, of course, when I take it, but I tend to hesitate to take if often, as I miss the ability to drink when I do (how screwed up is that???). I can't seem to stop. I (thank God) seem to not be physically addicted, in that I can go several days without, and be ok, but psychologically.....can't seem to do this.
Anyone here who has anything to say that might help me would be appreciated! This issue is sooooo, soooo, old.