I've been away from the site for a few weeks, was on two weeks vacation then I'm ashamed to say, I've fallen down again.
Promised myself when on vacation was only going to try to have a few beers a day. Was with a crowd, so felt out of sorts not drinking. So fell into only two or three, which was actually OK, I felt in control for the first time in my life. But now after only 10 days back from vacation, the bug is back in my brain.
I do not know what to do. God, this is hard. I feel OK, but feel if I continue I'll fall back down that big black hole. I feel myself teetering on the edge. One minute I feel totally in control, then the next I feel like it's my life and I want to live it the way I want and enjoy drinking with my friends and not be concious of counting the number I have, so as not to get out-of-control, which is so easy to do, then the next minute thinking, no I need to go back to AF, but that was boring. Then no it wasn't I felt pretty good, sleeping well, and no hangovers, that's the best. Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?
I hate being so indecisive, I'd like to know which direction to take with my life. (or what's left of it ...). I'm not looking for help but just getting it of my chest and putting it down and making it real may help.
Thanks for letting me ramble ...
I does feel good to be back here though, I must say ...