I am dealing with a *great* deal of anxiety and ocd lately...intrusive thoughts...and a general sense of panic...this is what has led to even more of a slip up after doing well enough...and trying to string along my days...
I do realize that continuing drinking will not help these mental health issues...
But today I feel terrified of everything and cannot get out of bed. The only comfort I have is knowing that I can shut these things up/out with alcohol...but I know it's only temporary and makes it worse in the long run.
I haven't felt like this in a long time. I am afraid of being in my own skin.
I do have a counsellor and will be seeing a psych soon.
I am on no meds right now but feel like maybe I should be on something.
How does everyone deal with debilitating anxiety when they quit drinking? Or get passed trying to quit while dealing with this.
Before I had anxiety about quitting in general..and not being able to drink again.
Now I have anxiety because of *everything* going on....and that I will have no crutch...and just..I dunno.
Just need some support and advice on how you dealt with your anxiety or any other issues....and if meds helped you in any way.