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Interesting Story Thread Day

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    Interesting Story Thread Day

    Ok this thread is inspired by Satori's thread from yesterday. So the upshot is that if you post to this thread you have to tell an interesting story about yourself NOT involving alcohol. I have way to many of those. Lets hear about something you did that was neat or inspiring, or something you did on a vacation that was fun.

    Here is mine.
    In 1999 I went to China with a tour group. I saw many parts of China. One of the most facinating things about China were the people. I absolutely adored them. When we were in Quilin we were facinated by this tiny old lady doing martial arts in the park with a sword. She must have been a billion years old. She was clearly a master at it too.

    Another really fun thing was one moring in one of the parks we heard music near one of the temples (it was big band music) so I went over and saw all these elderly folks dancing and having a great time. I politely cut in and danced with a sweet older lady and we had a ball. Others then joined in from my tour group and I felt that not only us Americans enjoyed the experience but our kindly Chinese Friends did too.

    In China on the tours they make you stop at all kinds of weird places whether you want to or not so one of the places was a traditional Chinese Medical Hospital. Well we got a tour of the place and the last place they took us was a class that was training to do foot stuff (sorry cant recall what the name of it is). So for 15 bucks they would work on your feet for an hour. I said what the heck. That was the best money I have ever spent. The two little gals working on my feet were giggling the whole time cause here I am a giant of a man squirming in my seat with the shear utter pain they are causing me! When they were finally done my feet felt the best they have felt ever!

    Well there are so many more but I think I'll end it here.

    I hope by writing about something positive this will be somewhat theraputic for all of us and remind us that we are all a heck of a lot more than just booze hounds. We are real people that do matter and are important. I really look forward to reading what others have to write about thier adventures!

    Interesting Story Thread Day

    Years ago when I lived in Telluride, Colo. I was determined to get a ride in a hang glider(tandem), during the Hang gliding festival, which is an annual event. I had gotten to know quite a few of the pilots, a lot of them live there year round, & were friends of mine.
    This one year, while waiting tables I met a guy who offered to take me for a flight in his kite. He was a bit older than a lot of the guys so I assumed he was probably more expreienced & safe...
    We got up to the top of the mountain at the launch site, and were doing a "hang-check" in the harnesses, checking the fit, etc.. when a cable broke on the glider( before we launched) thankfully!
    Me being young & determined... didn't realize how serious this was...
    When the guy arranged to borrow a kite from someone else, that he'd never even flown before, to take me tandom in... thought GREAT!
    All of a sudden some of my friends who are involved in putting the festival on... put a stop that! They wouldn't let me fly with this guy. I was pissed!(silly little brat that I was) I was saying .. "I don't need all you big brothers! I've been wanting to go tandom for years! I'm going!"

    They arranged for another pilot to take me. Turned out to be one of the top pilots in the world! He still holds the record for aerobatic loops in one flight. We ended up with our photo in the hang gliding calendar that year. Thank God for "Big Brothers!":h
    It was an awsome flight!

    I was also treated to a hot air balloon flight that same morning! I guess that was one of my lessons in patience...
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Interesting Story Thread Day

      When my daughter was 16 I took her to Beverly Hills for a shopping trip....It was pretty over indulgent, seeing we live on the East Coast, but we had a wonderful time. She was approched several times by so-called modeling agents out there on the street, they are usually con-artists, but non the less she was excited and flattered and we thought it was the icing on the cake to a trip like that. We went to Rodeo Drive and sat next to some pretty famous people at a few lunches and dinners...Goldie Hawn at a table next to us and Andy Garcia...hehe..flirted with me....made my day.....all this planted a seed in my little girl....she has done a little modeling in the past 4 yrs locally...but now will probably be in one of the most popular magazines in the world. I have to say I am afraid and excited for her at the same time....It will be alot for our family to handle...but I hope it will be fun for her and I guess I will get to do some traveling...


        Interesting Story Thread Day

        Really cool stories. Good idea Hab!

        Ok....let me think....
        Gabby :flower:

