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One Step at a Time -February 2015
Dots, you've been on my mind all daydon't worry about answering a bunch of pm's or anything, just try and take it easy, is someone gonna stay with you tonight?
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Oh Dottie - I feel for you SO much - cannot imagine how you are feeling ..... lots of love and hugs coming your way from everyone here .....ANYTHING I can do for you - you know my number....
Hugs Sun xxxxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Dottie, My heart aches for you. It is so sad- so sudden. You are going to awash in so many different feelings and none of that can be controlled. Not drinking is the kindest and simplest things you could do for yourself, and by simple, I mean easy to remember. Just don't drink. One day at a time. You will survive this. It is good that you are posting even if its short. Keep talking to us, ask for help from everyone you can. Let your friends carry you through this with their love & support. The worst thing has happened, and you are still standing. Nothing will ever be the same and its such as assault to have to begin a new chapter when you weren't done with the last. But you can, and you will. Time is the only thing that will make it hurt less. Be strong Dottie. We all love you.AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Dots - You have been on my mind ALL DAY as well. I cannot even fathom what you are going through right now, but I wanted to second and third what everyone else has ARE LOVED here!! Please take care of yourself.:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Dottie, you have been heavy on my mind also. I saw a message that you wrote saying 'someone talk me down'. All I know to say is that I KNOW you don't want to drink, you just want not to FEEL. If you think about it, nothing is going to take away how you feel, not even AL because it hurts too much. All I can say is that you need every ounce of strength you have and cannot afford to lose any of it to AL. This is the hardest test you will ever have and you can get thru AL in sight. I am praying hard for your strength and peace. If I can do anything to help, I'll do it. Thinking of you constantly. B
I watched my step daughter ask the same questions. I know you are in deep water right now...just do the best you can and trust the rest to god. That's ALL you can do. Lean on your friends and do not be afraid to ask for their help...ALL of us want to feel needed and if there is anything we CAN do, we want to. Do you have someone to stay with you tonight?
Dottie-please do what my therapist told me to do after my father died suddenly in 2004....get yourself into a Grief Support Group NOW. You will meet people who are/were suffering the WORST kind of loss...the loss of a child or spouse. The hospital will have the name and phone number for someone you can call. I should have done it and I didn't. We can't help you like these people can because they KNOW how you feel. Then when my brother died in 2006, I numbed myself with wine and vodka. Ann Landers' saying is so true, "People who drown their sorrow in booze should know that sorrow knows how to swim."
Dottie, I DON'T know how you feel, because I cannot comprehend the abandonment you must feel, since you have no parents, siblings, or children. Like many other people here, your loss has made me choke back tears of I wish I could be there beside you. Please, please, please, don't make the mistake I did, and call that Grief Support Group TONIGHT.
xoxoxo Rusty.
I talked to his sister she is coming on Thursday and staying until the following Friday. She is 4 years older than I am so it should be ok. maybe she can help me go through some of his stuff.
He took care of some of the money stuff and I have no clue how to find it....what a freaking mess...
How do I get past this....