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One Step at a Time -February 2015

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    K9 - I am not even telling you what went through my mind when you said what you did - but thank you for clarifying it !!!

    I just watched the last bit of Downton Abbey season 5 which I had borrowed from a friend ..... the humour on that last episode is lovely !! On our PBS station I had seen up to the last but one episode .....

    Jan - cannot believe that they are sending nana home already !!!! My mum is still in the hospital and will likely be there for another week at least .....

    Dottie - too right that they cooked ! YOU are to be waited on like royalty !!!!!!

    Hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Dottie, I am so glad they cooked and shopped for you. When my FIL died people from church and friends dropped meals over so we didn't have to cook. Truly a nice thing, not to have to worry about food. Is it ok that they are staying with you? Is it helpful?

      Sunny, you had me laughing! THAT didn't even enter my mind. Glad you are going to see mum. I'm sure she will be thrilled to see you.

      Mama, I happen to be very fond of Eddie redmayne! Let me know how if you like it.

      Off to shower and chill a bit before bed.


        liz i am not sure but I know that is what he would have wanted so I am doing it. It is ok so far....
        And they made dinner too...

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Hi all,
          Dottie I am sorry for your loss. I lost a husband once many years ago and it was tough..........Sun, glad you are going to see your Mom. I thought you might.....MB let us know how that movie is, I was thinking of getting it.....Pauly, I cut my own hair most of the time. If it turns out bad I just wear a hat for a bit....our elderly cat pooped on the couch today and one of my kids came home and sat in it. She sat in it for a long time and couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from...:eek-new:


            Hi Bird,I don't think we've met before but I'm glad to have you on board tbh,I would have laughed my ass off if that happened here, then pissed off at having to clean it up
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Bird - I didn't realize that you had lost your husband. i am so sorry! I can't believe your daughter sat in the cat poop! YUCK!!!!

              Sunni - I'm so glad that you are going to see your Mum.

              Mama - I just downloaded that book for my Kindle. Today is 2 years since my Dad passed away so it was good timing to mention it.

              Dottie - love & hugs and more love & hugs.......
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                The movie was great and I certainly see why Eddie won the Oscar. He was amazing.
                Bird- so glad you are back with your funny stories. Was it the gorgeous Pouncer that pooped??
                Sun- they decided Nana was having seizures and not a stroke and think she will make a full recovery. I hope that is the case.
                Dottie - I hope you slept last night.
                Nora - enjoy the book. I have it somewhere and cannot find it.
                I need to get caught up on Downton Abbey. Since I watch everything on Netdflix, I am always behind.
                K9- after some of your recent escapades, I LIVE for your evening stories.:sohappy::congratulatory:
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Morning everyone .... well, got a fair nights sleep but still feel pretty drained - cannot believe I am flying next week! I do not usually do spur of the moment things !

                  Oh Bird - your poor daughter - why on earth did Pouncer do that do you think? I know that she is old - is she okay?

                  Gosh Nora - was it really two years ago? Wow ....

                  Hey Liz - yes I did wonder about what K9 had written - I knew she couldn't mean what I thought she meant ....

                  Hi MB - hope that you are feeling better now that Nana is out of the woods - do they know why she was having the seizures and what will they do for them?

                  hi to Dottie, and Pauly, and Rusty and everyone else I might have kissed - have a good day - I am off to work,

                  hugs, Sun XX
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    so I woke up at the butt crack of dawn and started watching Lost on Netflix.....WOW!
                    Sun - they have no idea why she is having seizures
                    I am watching the news and hope they catch the unmasked Isis Killer they found in London......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Nora - have you seen Lady Gaga perform the Sound of Music tribute to Julie Andrews??
                      I did not like her before, but she can really sing!!
                      tee hee Sun - you "kissed" everyone in your last post....that was nice!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Hello all,
                        I slept a little better but not sure how I am going to do that without my little helper. But I will worry about that then.
                        SIL and I are off to pick out flowers. His son arrived last night and will be here soon. Going to be a busy couple of days and I am hopeful that I will not collapse.

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Happy Friday my loves! LOL :love:
                          I'm glad my comments about just doing it at night got everybody's minds racing. LOL Too bad I was only referring to unpacking and getting settled...ha.
                          Pauly guess what? I still haven't picked up Downton Abbey from the library...hehe. It does seem like I always have something waiting for me there! Season 3 of House of Cards starts tonight on Netflix so I feel a binge watching event coming on....I'm really waiting for the next season of Scandal. And I always watch an episode of Criminal Minds at night too because I love me some Derek Morgan (yes Mama, the darker Wow I watch a lot of TV don't I?
                          Bird - Sorry about the poop delimma...kinda funny in a gross kinda way, but we like those kind of stories here! :thumbsup:
                          Not much to report today other than I get off at 4...yay!
                          Dots - Hang in there and let his family help out as much as they can. I hope you can get some rest after the funeral. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow and sending our love.
                          Back later, boss just rolled up. LOL
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Dots - you know it's ok if you collapse, right??
                            Hello my beloved fiancée K9!
                            I started "Lost" this morning on Netflix and it's really good....
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Hey all,I have a case of hormonal blues tried walking it off,just feel blah, last night I was checking Facebook and Michelle posted all kinds of weird Shit like she wants electric shock therapy and if she told a doctor what's going on in her mind she'd be instituionalized,wtf is up with her now?drama drama
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                oh gawd Pauly......really??
                                what do you mean hormonal blues?? Is Aunt Flo visiting?
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

