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One Step at a Time -February 2015
Oh, Dottie, my heart goes out to you. I lost my husband to another woman but it's not the same as your loss on any scale. I have thought about you all week, and I'm glad you will be doing the best you can in counselling. It really does help and reminds me of the Buddhist story about a woman who could not overcome her grief so her monk asked her to go to the village and retrieve some tea from anyone who had lost someone, she came back full of tea.
I will be thinking about you tomorrow and the days after that.Enlightened by MWO
Another quick post for Pauley.
I was having panic attacks and insomnia despite years of being AL free. My last panic attack led to Afib, and knowing what a rabbit in your chest feels like, I started magnesium 500 g twice a day and am doing much better, it's also helpful for what you have described, along with a calcium supplement.Enlightened by MWO
Thanks Skendall,these guys all know how much hormones affect me,it's the shits!anyways I have started a magnesium citrate/ calcium twice a day but only just started it,((hugs)) our sweet Dots,you'll be on my mind tomorrow, goodnight to all of you, I'm gonna go to bed early and lose myself in mindless t.vI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi all,
Dottie,will be thinking of you. I know this day is rough😑.
MB,are you looking for a new job? If so,good luck. Hope Nana is doing well.
Sun,that was very funny about your typo and the kissing😊.
Pauly I have a bit of hormone trouble myself.Maybe I should try magnesium as well.
Hello Nora and everyone!
I am in a motel. My daughter is going to a scholarship competition at the university she wants to attend. I hope she does well.Drank 2 beers last night, so glad that is all.Been on and off with antabuse.Need to just stay on it....
We will be here with our arms open ready to catch you Dots.
I am so sorry..............Pops memorial was solemn but sweet. It brings a sense of closure. I just wish we could all be there with you to help you start tis next chapter in your life.
Bird - I was not actively looking for a job, but I was contacted by an old friend about a better job making more money, so we shall see.
I take magnesium too!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Dots, you have been in my thoughts all morning. I hope today goes as well as it possibly can do under the circumstances. I am sure that you will give hubs a send off he would be proud of. You have sadly got a very tough day ahead of you, but please know that we are all with you in spirit to help you make it through to the end of the day and I hope that you will feel a tiny bit better once it is all over. :hug:
Bird, good luck with the scholarship. My son just received another scholarship from his college. He initially got one for half the tuition and has received additional scholarships each year! So proud of my boy!
Mama, I must admit I admire the relationship you have with your MIL. My in laws were good people, but I never let myself get that close to them. They also lived in Florida. Once I had my son, I decided I needed to be a better daughter in law, as I would have a DIL someday. I certainly don't want one that is a bit um bitchy like me?
Recci, how are you? I miss you, come back and hang out with us.
Dottie, thinking of you today. Praying for you. I am so heartbroken for you. Pray GOD wraps his loving arms around you and carries you through this. We will be here when you get back. If your up to it, would love to hear about the lovely tribute for DH. Does the Valium help you?
Well my loves, not much else to say. My thoughts will be consumed by Dottie and dh today.
Hope you are all doing ok. Enjoy your day if you can. I'll check back later.
Your in my heart and thoughts Dotshey Recs,good to see you, hello to all, running late back later gators
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Dottie - today is going to be so very hard and you will be in my thoughts and prayers today - I so wish that we could all be with you - I cannot imagine what you will be going through. There is nothing else to say - my heart goes out to you,
Love and hugs, Sun xxxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Dottie, all of my thoughts and prayers for strength are with you today. It isnt your final good bye, not for a long-shot. His spirit will all ways be with you, and nothing can take that away. No one expects you to be 'in control' today, everyone is there for YOU and they are grieving with you. Celebrate the life of your dear husband today. We will be thinking of you. Much love and admiration, B