Sunni!!!! Great to see you! I lurked on your NAL thread, and I think the reason it hasn't gotten much response is because there are already so many threads on the NAL might get a better response if you revived one of those threads. I am so sorry if I have hurt your feelings by saying so...I just want you to get the best response in the Meds Forum. :hug: Yes, I was on NAL a few years ago and like you, it changed my thinking on drinking and it absolutely helped me reduce my intake and get sober. One of my friends has been sober for 12 years after many years of alcoholic drinking, and she used NAL to help fight the cravings. I also used Baclofen, which addressed the underlying cause of my drinking: a lifelong struggle with crippling anxiety. I miss you on THIS thread (POUT, POUT). If you start another thread or need additional NAL help from me, PM me anytime. :-) HUGS
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time -February 2015
Ok, so I am procrastinating...should be working...but I'm not...I'm dinking around on the internet.:happy2:
Sunni!!!! Great to see you! I lurked on your NAL thread, and I think the reason it hasn't gotten much response is because there are already so many threads on the NAL might get a better response if you revived one of those threads. I am so sorry if I have hurt your feelings by saying so...I just want you to get the best response in the Meds Forum. :hug: Yes, I was on NAL a few years ago and like you, it changed my thinking on drinking and it absolutely helped me reduce my intake and get sober. One of my friends has been sober for 12 years after many years of alcoholic drinking, and she used NAL to help fight the cravings. I also used Baclofen, which addressed the underlying cause of my drinking: a lifelong struggle with crippling anxiety. I miss you on THIS thread (POUT, POUT). If you start another thread or need additional NAL help from me, PM me anytime. :-) HUGS
Hey Sunni, I was reading around Google about alcoholism cures and nal came up a lot,I know there's no"cure" but I guess nal is supposed to work good, where the heck is Mama today?I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello, hello....we are home. LONG, LONG weekend.......
we drove up North on Friday and home today (it's only about a 5-1/2 to 6 hour drive each way so I shouldn't whine). We worked for about 8-9 hours yesterday and were able to clear out his room in the assisted living facility. It was sad - there were so many things in the china hutch that obviously meant something that none of us knew where it came from. But, we all saved a bunch of stuff - the rest went to Goodwill. He would have been 90 years old next month.
Next weekend is the memorial for the Father of my BIL's (my husbands sister's husbands, Dad). It has been a hard month.
Going to try to read back & catch up. I tried to keep up on my phone but ......
I had a beer on Friday and on Saturday. Funny how I can just drink a beer when I am out with people and it's no big deal. Know that I am only going to have one and there you go. Weird. Seriously thinking about talking to my Dr about Naltrexone."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora, glad to see you back home safely!!! I know how sad you must have felt with regard to the china hutch...I had the same sad feelings cleaning out my dad's den when he passed away. Funny how I can just drink a beer when I am out with people and it's no big deal.
Nora, I was the EXACT same way. I really could have ONE glass of wine when I was out with my family and I never thought anything of it. Very weird. My AL "off" switch was inconsistent.
Rusty - thanks for the reply - and no, you did not hurt my feelings - it was fine that you said what you did. I had been posting on an old Nal thread but thought it might get new folk if I started a new thread - it really matters not either way! I was curious that you said there were so many threads on Nal - I had only seen the one .... please point me to others! I fine it really helpful to read other peoples journeys with it as it is a very slow process - but I do think DOES work ! I would love to hear from you how it worked for you and where you exactly are now ... please PM me with your life story (joking - just the Nal stuff). I really want to hear about it ....
Nora - so sorry that you have had such a long weekend - and yes, so sad when there is stuff that we have no idea why it was important to someone. I rarely keep 'stuff' simply because I don't want my children to have to face the same thing I don't like clutter... LOL. Anyway I am glad that you are back safe and sound and YES, talk to your Doc about Nal - in the back of the Eskapa book is stuff for professionals .... print it out and let your doc read about it. A friend of mine who wants it - her doc will only let her have it if she stops drinking. That is not the way that it is supposed to be used ! IF she could stop drinking 'made to order' then she wouldn't need the Nal!
Pauly - Nal IS supposed to be a 'cure'. I am not sure if I am just having wishful thinking here but I am definitely going for it !!
Sleep tight everyone, Hugs, love, Sun XXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
sun I have also heard that it works very well. I tried it years ago and it made me feel very strange and I didn't continue with it but I am sensitive to a lot of meds so hopefully you will find that it works as it is supposed to.
Home and tired.....going to watch the Grammy's and see if I know any of the folks/songs...probably not.
Hey gang. I have been lazy all day and I have not heard from K9, but if she doesn't post tomorrow, I will text her.
Lucky is much better. No stones, but still blood in his urine. The vet says it is stress induced, but I don't think so. We went to see him today and he was so excited to see us. He was purring really loud, so that made us happy.
Just back from taking Nana home to see her cat and go through her mail and then we took her out to dinner. She is much better, but still really weak.
Lots of love and hugs to you Nora.
Off to bed soon so I face another Monday at work.
Hi Sun!! So good to see you!
Hi everyone else, too!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Glad everyone had a good SundayMama, happy kitty is doing better, yeah if K9 doesn't check in tomorrow defo text her,Louie went home so we were finally able to turn basketball game off and watch the news,shooting last nite back east in the mall,that's just horrible, hate the news! See y'all in the morning
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Quick check-in today...hello friends!
In a rush, so here's my Reader's Digest greeting:
Mama-I am glad both kitty and Nana are better. I miss you when you don't post. :-)
Sun-I used NAL sporadically between 2010-2012. I've been sober for quite some time. NAL really did shift my thinking, though...and it made me nauseous so that was also a deterrent. When I have the chance, I will try and find those other NAL threads for you because there are A LOT of them. I hope they did not get deleted with the start of the new MWO website. Unfortunately, this week is horrendously busy with long commutes every day. I will do my best, though. Please stay with us. You add much joy here. PM me anytime, too. HUGS
Nora-hope and your husband are doing well, and I am praying you take time just for yourself today.
Pauly-you were probably grateful to have a few hours alone without Louie-I know you love him but he's still a little boy...always moving, right?
Lizz-sounds like you had a relaxing Sunday. I love hassle-free Sundays.
Ok, before I take off, I have an AL story to share. One of my friends has been sober for 25 years and he and I used to work together in the stressful automotive industry. He and I are co-workers and had the chance to work together recently. He told me that his job is so stressful now that he has been absolutely dying for a beer. He said, "it's driving me bananas. I want one so badly." Beer was his drink of choice. He's not into AA...tried that once and didn't like it...he's just white-knuckling it until the cravings go away. Isn't that something that cravings come out of the blue like that after all those years of sobriety? He said he won't drink because there will never be just 1 will be one case or until he passes out...whichever comes first. Somehow his story made me feel more normal, I guess. ;-)
Have a great Monday, everyone!
Icy Monday morning here! CJ is sick. I guess too much vacation for her. Swollen glands and her ears hurt. She went to work to get some stuff and will work from home. Perhaps a visits to the doctor later, sigh.
Supposed to go to lunch with a friend, but that may not happen. This will be the third time we have had to cancel because of the weather. Really kinda depressed with this winter weather. Hope you all have a good Monday. I'll check back in later.
Hey all jeez 25 years sober and that damn feeling still pops up?that blows!hubs and I watched" america's funny home videos" I haven't watched it in awhile, we were laughing sooo hard! It felt goodthat show came out in 1989 and that's the year we started dating, we used to watch it back then,ugh,have Mondayitis and my throat feels sore,gonna drink some apple cider vinegar through out the day and try and kill these germs off,Kell just finished her antibiotics for step throat, hope I ain't getting that!and I'm so dumb cuz I've been using this whitening toothpaste and I forgot it makes my teeth sensitive, duh! I need to toss it out,my aching bottom teeth are messing with my already f-ed up sleep, can't have it! Hello to all, off to get ready
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
mid morning check in
all is well...Lucky is coming home tomorrow. His liitle rear end is shaved and he looks a little pitiful, but he is coming home.
Sowwy I didn't post Rusty. THIS IS OUR BIRTHDAY WEEK!! Did ya'll know Rusty and I share a 2/12 birthday??
I'll check bacinabit and see if K9 has posted....then I'll send the hounds after her!
Everyone that is sick, feel better. Lizz...almost every time I fly, I get ear infections and crud. Weird huh???
Cravings after 25 years???? Thanks for sharing that and kudos to your friend for hanging tough.I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I'm here! OMG I had the freakin' flu for a week!!! I am so happy to be out of bed, and out of the house. Never thought I'd be so happy to be at work on a Monday morning! LOL
Will check back later because I know I am soooo behind. But I have missed you all!!!!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.