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One Step at a Time -February 2015

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    Morning all,
    Pauly sorry u are sick but glad u checked in so we can stop worrying.
    K9 hope u feel better too.
    Nora so sorry about FIL. That is so hard to watch
    We have a dance lesson later and may go shopping for my fancy cami. I like to dress up but wish it was warmer. I also have suede boots I can wear under and put on fancy shoes at the reception.
    Getting a perm tomorrow to pump some volume into my flat hair. I haven't had one in ages. I like them better after they have grown out a little but will tolerate this.
    Meeting at church tonight too....over-committed as usual.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      K9 is on the way to the doctor with the REAL flu.....sick as a dog....
      poor baby
      we were just re-watching the Super Bowl half-time show with Katy was SO good!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Nora - thinking of you.....bug hugs......
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          lalalalalla...eating a taco
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Rusty, I'm sure mamas diamond is beautiful, but I'm the one who got my mother in laws marquise and had it reset. It will then be passed down to our daughter CJ when she gets engaged.
            Mama taco sounds yummy. My countertops came today!!!:yay: still no plumbing. Kitchen is a mess, I think we may have to order out, darn it! Hubby is MIA, hopefully at the hardware store.
            Pauly k9, Pauly feel better. I'm just now starting to feel better
            Dottie, how often is you dance class? It's good to keep busy, but do you have control on over committing?
            Nora, I am so sorry about your FIL. We went through almost the exact same thing two years ago with my FIL. Very sad indeed. We were also not in the same state which just added that much more anxiety.
            Off to see what to do about dinner.


              well I ate the tacos, but I feel like I ate a horse!!!
              yay on the countertops!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Lizann we have a private lesson once a week and there are group lessons every night but Sunday. Hubbs could not remember the steps tonight. She kept going over them and he kept leading with the wrong foot....he went the wrong way 3 times too. NOT his day I guess.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  so sorry Dots. Hubs would not be able to remember steps either.
                  K9 has the flu and maybe strept. Poor baby.
                  Eating fast food and chilling.
                  Hubs is with his mom
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Hey all....

                    Mama - Nana is in rehab right??? Just relax my dear friend.

                    K9 - feel bettter!!

                    Pauly - feel better!!!

                    Dots - dance lessons sound like so much fun!

                    Liz - glad you got your countertops. I have a countertop but I'm not cooking! ROTFL

                    Rusty - sorry that work is so crazy right now.

                    Treetops - great to see you!

                    Update on FIL - he is just being given comfort care. Heart and kidneys have started shutting down, bp is low. Just sleeping. I am thankful that he was awake and knew that we were there this weekend. My SIL wrote me and said that she wished that he knew that she & my BIL were there. I told her that I think he his heart.....realize that they are with him. Just a matter of time now but it's so hard at this point. I'm sure we have all gone thru it with loved ones so you understand......

                    I'm about to curl up with a book. Thank you all for being here with me. :heartbeat:
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Evening all,
                      Back from my church meeting. As I was standing in the kitchen my little dog jumped up on me and I noticed her stumble then I saw her eyes. She was having a seizure. I held her until it was over. She is on my lap now and I think it is the pill I gave her. They have all been eating each others poo and this herbal remedy was recommended by the dog trainer but she may be one of the few that had a reaction. It is going back tomorrow. I have seen this before and it is still scary to see the doggies having one. I may let her sleep with us tonight.
                      Always something...

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Dottie-what a scary experience with your poor puppy. I am glad you were there for her.:hug: Yes, ditch that herbal remedy. What kind of dogs do you have? I am a dog lover! Too bad your dance lesson didn't go as well as you expected...maybe hubs will be better next week.

                        Nora-thank you for the update on your FIL. So sorry you are going through this and we are here for you.

                        Lizz-how lovely that you got your MIL's marquise diamond! Lucky girl...and great that you can pass it down to your daughter.

                        Mama-tacos sound delicious...glad you got the chance to enjoy!

                        Pauly and K9-get well soon and come back to us.

                        Two more days of work this week then off on Friday. Yippee!

                        Sweet dreams, everyone!


                          Rusty we have 5 dogs.
                          Emmy Sue is a beagle mix
                          Penny the one who had a seizure is a dachshund /puggle
                          Annie is a pug/chihuahua
                          Finn is a Jack Russell
                          Maddie is a terrier mix. He was seized as part of a hording situation. He is very shy but is so much better than he was last year this time when we first got him.
                          and 2 cats too!!

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Morning ....yawn
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              nothing to report...rainy, grey day here
                              Nora - my thoughts are with you
                              I am going to the funeral of an old friend tomorrow afternoon.....
                              FIVE dogs?? I knew that Dots, but I am still stunned every time I read it!! I love their names!!
                              I can't wake up...need a coffee IV
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Sun is out and it is above freezing..WooHoo!!!
                                Gym then getting my hair done. I hope it looks better than it does right now.
                                Pauly and K9 I hope u feel better today.
                                mama funerals are so depressing, take care of yourself.
                                Nora glad u are here.
                                I need food.....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

