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One Step at a Time -February 2015

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    Evening all,
    We had such a good time at the wedding. Food was great and we danced and danced. Then it all went south.
    The valet folks we left our car with had closed and no way to reach them WTF???? So I called 911 and talked to them about our problem They dispatched an officer to our location and i asked him if he could help us. We got into his police car, which I have never been in my life and it was all hard plastic and my shoes couldn't grip and he said that the back wasn't meant for nicely dressed folks and I laughed. He took us to the lots where the valet folks usually parked cars and sure enough there was our car. When he let us out of the car, and I didn't realize there were no handles in the back seat, I hugged him and thanked him profusely. He seem OK with the hug and as an after thought I wasn't sure it was appropriate but never the less we were on our way home. I will need to follow up with the valet folks to get our key fob that was our adventure to the big city...this is why we dont to there to often...sigh...I need to wind down then go to bed so tomorrow we can enjoy the snowmagedden yet again..or maybe they will be wrong...I hope....
    Night all!!

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Oh NO Dottie - what an awful end to your evening - lovely that the policeman was so helpful - laughed at you being in the back of the car and him saying it wasn't for nice folks - I have never been in the back of a police car either !! That was terrible though about the valet people closing - was there a sign saying they closed at a certain time ? Glad it all worked out for you anyway and that you had such a lovely time.

      Our snow has not amounted to the amounts they threatened although it is early yet - it is supposed to snow all morning so we shall see but it isn't the upwards of 5" that they said ..... the dogs love it anyway!

      Lizanne - so sorry that you are going through such a struggle right now. It must be really hard with the family although they only mean the best for you. I know that when someone is trying something and it works they want to share it - have you tried Naltrexone ? It really does seem to be working for me, although Nora said it made her nauseated, as long as I eat before taking it I am fine and that is the only SE I have had - my intake is going down and I always end up pouring a drink away as I just do not want any more - yes I am still drinking but that is part of how it works. I have a PDF of the book if you would like it..... I didn't think much of TSM until I read the book .

      Oh - I did post a few posts back about why I stopped posting by the way - no-one made me angry or anything - but I explained why I did stop posting. No-one here did or said anything wrong - you are all great!

      Pauly - really ..... 80 degrees ???? It is 16 here at the moment and snowing - LOL.

      Nora - you keep saying about the upset tummy that you had when you took Nal before - did you make sure you had food in your tummy - and also start out with just half a pill - or even a quarter, to let your body get used to it. You sound SO frustrated with the AL, I really feel for you. That is where I was but do feel hopeful these days ...

      Hey Jan - hope Lucky is doing okay. Hugs to you ((((hugs))))

      Have a great day everyone,

      Sun XXX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Good Morning Loves.
        Lucky is sleeping at my feet as we speak. He is eating, drinking water and sleeping. We will take whatever time we have.
        Quiet day yesterday. We ran a few errands and hubs bought me a beautiful Brighton jewelry ensemble. We took dinner to Nana's and got home late.
        OMG Dots....I would have been terrified about finding my car. I hope you yell at the Valet company, unless it was your mistake. In any event, I am glad you had fun!!
        Hubs will be home at night now, so my beer sipping stops. Come on team....we can do this. Pauly, Nora, Lizz. Sun and anyone else....IT STARTS TODAY.......OK????:heartbeat:
        I am hoping K9 is back at work today and checks in.
        GM Sweet Rusty....check in, ok?
        Gotta snow here......sorry.
        I should be setting up my job interview today...I'll let you know!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Did anyone watch the Saturday Night Live 40 year reunion last night? I laughed and laughed and laughed....
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Good Morning, Friends!

            In a rush this morning (again!) because I have a really long commute each day so if you don't hear from me, that's the reason. ;-)

            Mama-I am glad Lucky is hanging in there, and delighted you liked your valentine. That purple teddy bear is awful, though...please regift it. HAHAHAHAH! The SNL reunion was a scream, wasn't it? I laughed so hard.

            Sunni-I am glad Nal works for you. It really did work for me, too! I was on it off and on for about 6 months and wouldn't hesitate to use it again. Yes, you MUST take it with food or you will get nauseated. That nausea worked as an AL deterrent for me, though. Where do you live that there is so much snow and it's so cold?

            Dottie-what a hellish way to end an evening, but I smiled at the cop story. Oh yes, he was probably shocked that he had a nicely dressed, sober couple in the back of his car. I am glad those dancing lessons paid off!! He probably appreciated the hug. :-)

            Liz-I can feel your pain when you said your sister confronted you and wanted to go to rehab or AA. My family did the same but my mom, sister, brother and SIL were all there. Did not help matters. Made my drinking worse!! It really did, because it exacerbated my anxiety ten times over. But like your family, mine was so worried about me....and I traveled a lot and they were so afraid I would drive drunk and kill somebody. I was so LUCKY. I drove when I was smashed so many times I can't count, and never got a DUI, had an accident or anything. BUT, a member here who was in AA said I was a Y.E.T. You're Eligible, Too. Oh yes, it would have been a matter of time and for sure, I would have gotten caught. You mentioned you have a plan for being sober. What is it? Please share.

            Nora-I so appreciate your honesty when it comes to drinking, and I am with Mama that we all make TODAY a sober Monday. You have had a lot of sadness in your life and that was a trigger for my drinking, too. I am in your corner.

            Pauly-I am so envious of your weather right now. Yesterday, it was 22 degrees below zero here in Wisconsin. Nipply!

            As far as why people leave here, Pauly had all the right reasons: they're still drinking and feel ashamed and have to leave until they make a serious effort to stop. Another reason is that they are sober and want to move on, and the drinking/non-drinking is no longer an issue, and they just want to get on with their life and put it behind them. Posting makes no sense to them and they don't feel they can offer anyone anything new that they haven't heard before. Another that some people feel that if they are struggling to stop drinking, or are sober and want to stay that way, that if they are surrounded by people who have frequent relapses, that those people are a bad influence on them, and could trigger a relapse. Several people on the Monthly Abs threads feel that way. I never have felt that way, though. Hmm...I think I'm glad I'm different. LOL.

            Ok, gotta fly...have a great day, everybody. Remember....make it an AF day...we are in this together! :-)


              OMG Dottie, did the valets make an announcement they were leaving? That is awfuL. I'd be so embarrassed if I was the bride! Anyway, that's a cute story in the back of the police car.. Were you tempted to drink? I need some hope here, that if I go somewhere I can do it too. Living vicariously through you!
              Rusty, Sunny thank you for your kind words. Yes let's do together. There's strength in numbers! Sunny I'm with you on why people don't post, we are all different and I'm sooo glad this works for you. I feel I have some really good understanding friends here.
              Ok so here is my plan. . .silly as it sounds hubby and son will check my bags and purse when I come home. They know where my stash was and that will be checked. I have no where else to hide anything. Okay, this one is a little silly but hubby is gonna kiss me a lot more and check for al on my breath(this is my favorite one)! Ellen and I are going to take up a hobby. Not sure yet what, were thinking yoga or cooking class. And of course I will be here a lot. My mind is still trying to figure out how I can sneak a drink, but frankly I'm exhausted. I will take any other suggestions. What works for you guys?
              Ok so on a lighter note my house is an absolute mess! Half of the back splash is up, the stove is in the middle of the kitchen, dining room table is covered with kitchen stuff and cardboard is covering every surface in the kitchen. My BIL hurt his shoulder and couldn't even move it last night, so we are on hold for now. No cooking for me anytime soon.
              Check in with you all later. So glad you are here with me. Happy AF Monday!


                Hey all, good posts this morning, Mama if you don't mind me asking, how many weeks did you take to get to .25 of k-pin? I made another cut yesterday but I may be going too fast,I dunno, reading around the internet about this freaks me the Fuck out! Dots, that's a horrible way to end the evening! I unfortunately have seen the back of a police car I think it's plastic in case someone pukes I dunno, defo not comfy, I've driven wasted too Rusty and never had a DUI,but it was sheer luck, I've driven with a beer in my lap horrible things we've done, yes today will be a sober day,I know that drinking will only make this taper more unbearable, let's all have a good Monday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Great, great posts! Thank you all. My anxiety is thru the roof now which, of course, happens when I drink. So, One Step at a Time! Liz - great ideas that you have.
                  Rusty - you are great.
                  Mama - I'm so glad that you are enjoying Lucky.
                  Whoops got to run....thinking of you all :heartbeat:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Wow. Great posts this morning!! Very powerful and motivating.
                    Pauly - I think I did it over a month, but the doctor gave me a sleeping pill in addition to the cuts, so at least I sleep. I am still pretty groggy in the mornings and it takes half the day for the fog to lift, but I'll take that over anxiety ANY DAY!!
                    Let's all have an awesome sober Monday....and if least on this thread, you will be supported and loved, regardless.
                    Lizz - I am very proud of your plan.
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Morning all,
                      I finally reached the valet company. Our neighbor will pickup our keyfob later today. The valet company did not post closing times anywhere he said that all the bars etc know but we were at a different venue so had no clue. Bride/family no clue either.
                      11 degrees here and snowing...if neighbor/father of the bride cant get our key fob we will pick up later in the week. Thankfully we had 2. I sent the police chief an email to thank the officer for his help.
                      Yes I was so tempted that I could hardly stand it....ate lots of starts today...
                      Back later.

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        good for you Dots.....aren't you glad you weren't wasted and trying to figure that mess out??
                        texting K9 again......grrrrrr
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          mama I sure hope u reach K9...she is probably off for the holiday???

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            I don't want to say much as it is not my place, but K9 is ok. She is having some major issues with Sierra and is tending to her.
                            Moms are only as happy as their saddest child. :-(
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Thank you. Please let her know that we all love her.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                I will!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

