I came on here b4 few years ago, I forgot my name so reregistered, I bought the book n stopped altogether for a month then was careful....
but like all others I slipped slowly back to my old self, doctor highlighted my bloods high triglycerates, n sent me for liver ultrasound, that was about 6 months ago n was diagnosed slightly fatty liver.
I abstained for a month, but just had bloods done again, n I have apt Monday but my tg up, and territin or something up, n I am ANA positive n my blood being hemochromotosin? tested, all these things after googling point to a chronic illness, but the one that pops up in every list is liver disease
So I suspect to be told on Monday n prob biopsy or something to confirm...
I guess ive stuffed it this time, I abstained all week b4 test too, but was my plan to finish off the few beers I have and couple bottles wine over weekend in preparation for permanent abstination on drs orders.
I think I will be able to stay off if doctor scares me like I think will happen.
I figure the last few this weekend wont really change things much, n will give me time to savour them and mentaly prepare for no more.
So what does chronic liver disease or schirrosis mean?
Am I going to die from this?
I'm 51 and always kinda liked a drink or eight,
I know its not repairable, but if I totally abstain, will it stop, or am I on the slippery slope to dying... gulp!
n worried