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Autumn Undies

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    Autumn Undies

    Happy first day of autumn, Drawer Dwellers,

    Whether you're busy and important, having a hoot of a time or generally getting on with the ups and downs of life, I'd like to think we've still got a place to pull up a chair and have a yack if we need or want to.

    Autumn is a gentle season. Good for the soul.

    And Techster - I can't speak for the oil-pullers but I do still pull out the old Yeti mat on occasions.

    Frogstar! Morning!

    Love the quiet that autumn brings, will try not to dwell on winter too much now - no matter that I want it to stay away, it will pounce.

    Are you coping and getting on with things?
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post

      Love the quiet that autumn brings
      That's exactly it! The quiet. Breathing a sigh of relief that major bushfire conditions are abating; soon there'll be a slight green tinge across the paddocks again; the autumnal foliage on some of my trees will be at their most superb before shedding the lot and tucking up for winter. In a couple of months I'll start looking forward to caving up beside the fire and the cycle will begin again.

      Impermancence. Gotta embrace impermanence and celebrate it for what it is.


        You've had some really bad veldfires recently Tawns. The WC is a winter rainfall area, so the end of summer is a dangerous time here as well. I'm surrounded by vineyards and orchards - can't wait for the leaves to turn colour. The farmers plant different cultivars/varieties in adjacent blocks, and each block turns at its own time - lovely to see.

        Hoping to get my firewood delivered today - I'm down to a couple of fire's worth, and the new wood will still have to dry out. Mostly Oz black wattle, which is hugely invasive here, and shit for braaiing, but good enough for the fireplace.

        Huge deadline, which is getting closer by the second while I'm yapping away - have a bewd, as the G man always tells us.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Good morning Undies!! Thanks for starting the new thread Tawny. I had such a lovely weekend with my friend ....... there is such a lovely comfortable feeling about spending time with someone that you have a long history with, and where you can just be exactly yourself. It was epitomised for me when we want for a swim and discovered that we had exactly the same style swimming togs in exactly the same colours :happy2: She feels like a twin :-)

          Off into the work week to see what it brings. Hopefully a contract offer of one sort or another ......... otherwise Friday will be my last day of work for a while!!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Originally posted by tawnyfrog View Post
            Happy first day of autumn, Drawer Dwellers,

            Whether you're busy and important, having a hoot of a time or generally getting on with the ups and downs of life, I'd like to think we've still got a place to pull up a chair and have a yack if we need or want to.

            Autumn is a gentle season. Good for the soul.

            And Techster - I can't speak for the oil-pullers but I do still pull out the old Yeti mat on occasions.
            That's my girl!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
              I'm surrounded by vineyards and orchards - can't wait for the leaves to turn colour.

              Stellenbosch area?
              Tiptronic took me to lunch there when we were in Africa a few years ago.
              Magnificent scenery.


                Close-ish Rags, a whole lot smaller, but just as beautiful, although we don't have as many old Cape-Dutch houses as Tips' town.

                I hope he's doing well.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                  Close-ish Rags, a whole lot smaller, but just as beautiful, although we don't have as many old Cape-Dutch houses as Tips' town.

                  I hope he's doing well.
                  I should try to make contact with Tippy.
                  I's love to visit Capetown area again.
                  Table mountain The CofGH and Stellenbosch blew me away.
                  Only had 3 days. Needed a week.


                    Happy Autumn lovely Undies. I love those first crisp mornings when the sun is out but the air is brisk...reminds me of the cycles, the impermanence as you say Tawny. Life is ebbs & flows, cycles. I'm thankful that I got to see another Summer out & Autumn in....
                    Missy you ran into a friend in Egypt? How bizzarro!!
                    How'd yer date go G bloke?
                    I want to see South Africa one day (and I don't mean the St Ives shopping centre!!)
                    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                      Date was a bewdy thx Grinder!

                      Happy March all. Take care out there.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Hello Kooka,
                        Tried to contact you yesterday to let you know I'll be in your area to-day
                        with another Undie on a flying visit.
                        Not to worry though, another time eh?


                          Glassy will be flying back soon.
                          Then back to the grind for her.
                          I'll see her in a couple of weeks
                          to look at all her pics and listen to her
                          Red Yacht adventures.


                            Morning All.
                            Back again - Day 3.
                            Hello Again Rags Tawny Miss B Mr G Techie.
                            I've missed BBBJ, Is she ok?
                            I hope I haven't forgotten anyone else, it's been awhile and I've killed a few brain cells in the break.
                            Better Me and Dream, hello. We've never been introduced,
                            I'm Jacqrabbit, some have called me Rabbitto.
                            Happy to be back


                              Jackie R!!! How fantastic that you are back!!! And congrats on Day 3 :-) Speaking for myself, I know I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. But I'm learning to celebrate the days (and weeks and months!!) when I'm genuinely me and fully present in the world!!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

