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One Step at a Time - March 2015
Yes, and going to sleep a little on the earlier side isn't the worst thing in the world....especially when a mood feels too unbearable. If you PM me your address I'll send you a Roku and walk you through the set up. It's pretty easy. I got one for Byrdie and she loves it. Hang in there. XoAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Dottie - this is such a hard, horrible time for you....but, I wanted to share something with you. When my cousin passed away, his partner took some of his ashes and made a touch stone. Something that he could could take down & hold in his hands. I have thought very much about this and I just wanted to share this with you....
It is a stone that stands in a base but is able to be taken down to hold.....
It has given his partner much comfort......
Mike.jpg"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Dottie - I feel an almost physical pain when I read your posts ..... I just feel so much how you are hurting. I wish I could do or say something to help - the only thing that will help though is time - it is good that you are looking for grief support groups - it will help to talk about dh and how you are feeling to those who have been there - like Bird here - she totally understands. She is a real sweetheart - maybe you can PM each other ? You are in my prayers and I am sending you hugs ... (((hugs)))
Love, Sun xxxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Liz - thanks for asking about mum and my tummy - tummy is fine now - it was stress I am sure - it has been building for weeks and had to eventually manifest somehow, somewhere ! WAY too much had been going on in my usually quiet life !
Mum is a lot better - over the Noro and recovering really well from the stroke - the hospital are letting her come home tomorrow so my brother is coming up and we will go first thing to pick her up. She is really looking forward to coming home. I am going to try to talk her into having a cleaner come in once a week as she used to be so houseproud but having macular degeneration now does not see the dirt! Not sure HOW that conversation will go !! We are also getting her a panic alarm button thing that you wear!
Hi Jane - nice to see you here! I hate to do this to all of you, but do not have time to read back and see what to reply to - I have to clean for a while then leave for the hospital - trains and buses !! I do see that MB is taking the new job - congrats!! I wish you well with it.
Hi to everyone else and so sorry for not keeping up - probably will not be able to until I get back, but will try anyway! Off to hang the washing out ....
Hugs, Sun XXXHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Morning all,
I made it through last night so thanks to all of you for being here!!
Up early, cant sleep so might as well get up and get going. I hope the time change tonight wont mess me up too much.
I have several things to do today so that will make the day go faster. His funeral was last Saturday and it is all still unreal.
I am sorry that I am posting so much about me...I just dont have anywhere else to go...and I am alone ..trying to figure out how to put one foot in front of the other...hardest thing I have ever done!
Post away Dottie! It is all about you right now! Talking about what you are feeling, I believe is part of the healing/grieving process. We are hear to listen and help if we can <3
Sunni glad you and your mom are feeling better! Glad she is coming home for a bit. My FIL had one of those panic button things. It worked very well.
Going furniture shopping with Erin today, her hubby is watching nascar all day. Ahh, newlyweds. Hoping to get my hubs out to get a kitchen floor today, he is snowblowing a neighbors driveway as they are on vacation.
Ok, so current situation here, CJ boyfriend is wanting to purchase a coffee shop business and run it himself. He is a med school student (or should I say was) . His parents forced him to go to school. I just don't see how this is going to work. Ironically the shop is right by the hospital where I work. I wish him well, but I have great reservations.
Well off to start my day. Happy Saturday!
Morning - morning.......
Dottie - we are here for you! I know that this is a heartbreaking.......please keep talking.....we care about you.....share memories if it helps......anything for you. I think it is wonderful that you are getting a locket for his hair. :heart:
Sun - glad that your Mum is doing better. I'm so glad that you are getting her a panic button. I think that is so important! I'm sorry that you were sick. When I get upset, it goes straight to my stomach so I understand.
I'm being lazy this morning. FINALLY got my checkbook balanced (I mean online Quicken). I have been off and couldn't find it. Finally got it sorted out. Think I am going to go buy some makeup later (sick of being asked if I feel alright LOL) and go to the Hummus Factory. Yummy
bacinabit"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Dots, you know that we care about you and are here for youbeing here is exactly where you need to be, I love buying make-up Nora
Louie has strep throat
Kell and her bf both work today so we gotta watch a crabby toddler, I'm not doing good on the af front, just can't seem to crawl out of this pit,yesterday Brady looked at me with pure hatred and hubs asked this morning if I smoked weed or something cuz I guess I was a wreck last night, I dunno
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Oh Pauly - I understand! Hubby did the same thing to me earlier this week.
I hope that Louie feels better right away.
Let's have a wonderful day.......I'm just looking up directions to make a worry bead bracelet or ring. I'll let you know how it goes."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Oh Pauly and Nora...I so remember the looks of scorn about my drinking. I still get blamed for shit I didn't do. The boys have made me an easy target and they use it as much as they can. Little peckerheads....
I am so excited about my new job that I am not sleeping very well despite my meds.
Dots, sending you love.I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem