I am going to try and be on time for work all week. I am late almost everyday.....Sun, that is some week with the trip and getting the house ready.....Dottie, :hug:....MB, I hate nyquil. I can never wake up.....I had to throw away the couch Pouncer pooped on and get another..I also threw my dryer out the door,which broke. I know I will never take the time to fix it...well off to work if I am to be on time..
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - March 2015
Hi all
I am going to try and be on time for work all week. I am late almost everyday.....Sun, that is some week with the trip and getting the house ready.....Dottie, :hug:....MB, I hate nyquil. I can never wake up.....I had to throw away the couch Pouncer pooped on and get another..I also threw my dryer out the door,which broke. I know I will never take the time to fix it...well off to work if I am to be on time..
Good Morning Threadmates!
I am working in Chicago this week and will be very busy so may not post much.
Nora-thanks for starting us off on a new month. I hope March is amazing for you!
Dottie-I am so glad you found a grief support group through your church. I wish you didn't have to wait so long to go to your first appt. :-( Good to hear you're eating a little now, and that hubs' son got some of his things.
Liz-congratulations on your son's scholarship! That is fantastic! You must be so proud! I thought my sister looked differently at me, too, when she discovered how bad my drinking had become....and I was uncharacteristically anxious around my whole family for months afterward...always feeling like they were checking if they could smell AL on my breath, or a flushed face, or bloodshot eyes, but the more you are AF....the less anxious you will feel, and your sisters will get more comfortable with you again, I promise. In my case, I felt my SIL was always waiting for me to screw up and then she could say, "Ah HAH!!! I was right! Off to rehab." Ah, but she never got to say that. Tee hee. ;-). Their calls will lessen because they're probably expecting you to be drunk when they call, and when they call and you're sober...well, it takes the wind out of their sails. Just do what you're doing, short, light chats are good. :-)
Sun-a house, really? Well, congratulations!
Mama-So glad you had fun Saturday night!
Hi to Pauly, Recluse, Samstone, and Jacqrabbit....hope you all have a great day!
Off to work!
Bird-hi, great to see you!! Sorry-cross post. Pouncer-what a great name for a cat! Sorry about your sofa. ;-( I wish I knew how to get your avatar to move but I have no clue. Doesn't it frustrate you when the appliances start to go??? Ugh. Hate that. Have a great day at work and again, welcome!!
Thanks for the encouraging post Rusty. I know you are right, and it will get better in time, sigh.
Sadly didn't sleep well last on account of Lucy and some nightmares! Lucy had me up three times, she must not be feeling well:-(.
Bird, good for you getting to work on time. Does your boss get upset with you that you are late?
Mama, I agree coffee! CJ and hubby finished a pot already, on to the second pot! Perhaps a dunkin donuts espresso.
Sunny you do have a lot going on. You leave Wednesday right? You excited to see mum? How has she been?
Dottie, how are you today? What are your plans for today?
Off to food shop. I'll check back later.
Morning all,
I am still in shock and disbelief. Last week this time we were getting ready to head out for his surgery not knowing this would be our last Monday together. I cry at the every little thing and just know it will take time but am just sad all the time.
I did get a little more sleep last night so that is improving.
His sister is here until Friday so the support group next week is good timing I think. The weekends are the hardest too. I have many legal things to attend to as well. So much I dont know that I dont know so hopefully the investment fellow and our lawyer can help me sort it out.
Thanks for being here.
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick check in since I am swamped at work. Thinking of you Dots...
Will be back later when I have time!:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Dots- I would be bawling my head off too. When Pop died, the legal work needed was unbelievable. Hopefully his sister can go with you and take notes since you probably wont remember.
Hey Niner!!
Rusty...Chaicago???? Bbbbrrrrr
Hey Lizz...Rusty is right. I hope Lucy feels better.
Just another crazy day at work for me. And for that, I am thankful.I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Hello everyone! :happy2:
I have been busy reading back and trying to catch up on everyone's news, but there has been such a lot going on here lately that it is quite hard to take it all in and I apologise in advance if I have missed out anything important.
Dots, I am very glad that so many people showed up at the funeral to pay their last respects to hubs. He must have been well-liked and thought of. As you said after the service, the healing process can now begin. I wish there was some way of speeding things up for you, but I am sure you already know that it is going to take time. You have done ever so well to resist the temptation to drink under incredibly difficult circumstances and you should be very proud of yourself for that. I am pleased that your SIL will be able to help you sort through the rest of hubs' stuff this week. That will hopefully make the task less painful for you than if you were doing it all on your own. I hope the counsellor will be able to help you to come to terms with what has happened and then you can begin the process of rebuilding your life when you are ready.
Niner, sorry to hear about the problems sierra has been having, you must have been awfully worried about her. I hope the psychiatrist and therapist will be able to offer her some of the help and support she needs and I am sure you have been doing a wonderful job of looking after her since she came back to live with you again.
Mama, how is nana doing now? Is she still having seizures or have they stopped? I hope she will make a full recovery, but it is kind of worrying that they have not been able to find out what the problem is. Congratulations to your parents on the event honouring them, no wonder you are so proud of them! You looked fantastic in your outfit, BTW! Best of luck with your job application, I hope you have some positive news on that front very soon. Dare I ask how lucky cat is getting on? Please tell me you still have him with you.
Sun, I had no idea you were looking for a new home!! What made you decide to move? How far away is the new place? Best of luck with finding a buyer for your present home. That is great news that you will be coming over to visit your mum this week! I am very glad that your mum's stroke was not a bad one, but I can totally understand why you would want to see her again as soon as possible. How is she doing with the norovirus infection? I hope the worst of it has passed by now.
Pauly, I hope you are sleeping a bit better now and getting over the hormonal blues. Being a bloke, I can't properly relate to the hormonal blues stuff, but I know that not getting enough sleep is shit! And good luck with the addiction counsellor. What was it that prompted you to start seeing him? Do you feel you are in danger of relapsing?
Liz, I can totally sympathise over having your sisters checking up on you like that, it must be utterly exasperating for you, especially when they do not understand. How is your kitchen progressing, is it finished yet? You will have so much fun in there once it is all done! Congratulations to your son on his scholarship, you must be very proud of him! Sorry about lucy and the nightmares last night.
Nora, I don't have too much idea what is going on in your world at the moment, but I sense that all is not well and you worry me.Are you TTFPing?
Rusty, you seem to have a very demanding job, so I hope you enjoy your work. Do you have to be away from home a lot?
Bird, nice to "meet" you, I don't think we have met before. Sorry about the problems with pouncer and your couch. Have you thought about covering the new one with a throw? That is what I do with my own sofa to try to prevent it from being damaged by my four-legged friends.
Well, it sounds as though some of you guys are having harsh winters, so I hope everyone is surviving and managing to keep warm. We have been very lucky this year and there have not been any spells of extremely cold or wet weather to speak of, so I am very grateful for that. It feels as though spring is just around the corner at long last and I am really looking forward to it. :happy2:Last edited by Recluse; March 2, 2015, 02:51 PM.
Beloved Mr. Bear - after reading your post I remember why I adore you. You have got to be the most thoughtful man on the planet!
Lucky has been renamed Lucky Lazarus...a complete biblical reference to his miraculous near death event. I am, by no means, being irreverent.....
He was out trying to fight that cat next door this morning....I think he feels better than he did before all the health drama...
thanks for the sweet compliments...my parents event this weekend was quite awe inspiring
enough about me.....how are you??
I love seeing you here!!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Thank you for your kind words, beloved mrs bear, you always say such nice things! :happy2:
I am so pleased to hear about lucky, it would be wonderful if he could be with you for a while longer. :happy2:
I am very well, thank you for asking, except for the groin strain I picked up a couple of weeks before Christmas. It truly doesn't bother me much, but it prevents me from going swimming, which I kind of miss. The advice is to rest it as much as possible and unfortunately I cannot do that as there is no one else to walk amy!
the freeway is closed after a horrific wreck that killed 4 people. I made sure my kids and hubs were safe and now I am trying to figure out how the heck to get home. You may or may not see me tonight depending on my commute :-0I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Originally posted by mama bear View PostOuch....I remember that! Wow...it's taking a long time to heal. Plus, I imagine you enjoy your walks with Amy, right??
Originally posted by mama bear View Postthe freeway is closed after a horrific wreck that killed 4 people. I made sure my kids and hubs were safe and now I am trying to figure out how the heck to get home. You may or may not see me tonight depending on my commute :-0