Oh well I can wait until then.
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One Step at a Time - March 2015
That's too bad Dots,but at least she's not spreading it,being sick would only make you more sad,ugh,stupid period started and I feel like a raging bitch!! I hate being hormonalif it's a normal part of life why so difficult?I've had bad ones ever since the start, tired of it, tried to take a nap but my body kept jerking itself awake creepy, K9,at least you're wearing a long shirt,anyone over 30 should NOT be showing belly, you wouldn't believe the shit I see around this city,gross!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Aww, Dottie and Pauly, hoping you'll both have a good night and feel better tomorrow!
Blind shopping with hubs today, we did get some but boy is my tummy upset!
Just beside myself with this German wings plane crash! I've flown with them, and now Mark is going this summer. There by the grace of god go we.
Anyway, off to chill with some tv and calling it an early night.
Morning all! I was so surprised when I let the dogs out this morning - we have snow flurries ! Ridiculous - temps were in the 70's a few days ago!!
Hope everyone is feeling better this morning - sorry your grief counsellor has to cancel Dottie, but better that then get sick ....
Liz - hope that your tummy is better this morning - mine still doesn't feel right - and this has been since Tuesday evening ! Think I might get some ulcer stuff .....
Jan - hope you had a good nights sleep - you too Nora - sounds like we are all just totally wiped out at the moment. You too with your moving K9 -
Bird - how are things going with you now ?
Have a great day everyone,
hugs, sun xxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
I am up and sipping coffee. Still have to wear flip flops. but my boss is treating me like a rock star,so that feels pretty good. We are cray cray busy and my brain is mush by the end of the day, but I love it. I am respected and my opinions are asked and usually followed. I have ALOT to learn, but I already feel like a key member of the senior team. Plus, they think I am a "hoot", so you know I like that.
Sun and Lizz...why do you have oogie tummies?
Dot - feel my hugs, ok?
Hi nora - love you extra special...
K9 - zip up your pants woman. Pm me your new address.
Where is Doctor Rusty and Bird?
coffee.....shower.....band aids on feet and out the door....
Oh Sun - did you cut your hair? I have been looking at bobs lately...I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
We haven't seen Rusty in awhile, where are you? Glad the new job is working out Mamahey are you completely off the k-pin now? Up early on my day off,not sure how I feel about that, I just can't lay there listening to hubs snore, makes me want to punch him haha, btw never pour coffee in the dark, totally burnt my hand,weirdo! Hope everyone has a productive Friday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Awful nights sleep. Weird dreams and just not settled at all. Being alone is so hard for me right now. I cry most mornings.
Off to see lawyer and Costco. I have things that must be done so I will just keep moving forward as best as I can. I am hoping that after Easter I can get with the volunteer thing and get myself some sort of routine going. This sucks so bad and I miss hi so much....
Aww Dottie, hugs!
At work and its quiet right now. My boss is probably gonna come by and catch me on my iPad.
Had pizza for breakfast! Then I wonder why my tummys upset. I am feeling better today.
So the news here at the hospital, the former CEO who was accused of sexual harassment and was quietly demoted off site died of a flesh eating disease yesterday. Unbelievable. You can image how everyone is buzzing. So that's my day so far. Check in later.
That was me Mamaif you don't mind sharing, what dose? I'm still holding mine at.75 last time I tried cutting it I got too anxious,hi Liz,hugs dear Dots
coloring my hair again, which I HATE doing its a huge trigger for me cuz I always got drunk to color it,anyways it's burning my scalp!!cheap shit from the grocery store which is stupid cuz I work in a SALON haha
Last edited by paulywogg; March 27, 2015, 11:45 AM.I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Gosh Liz - I bet that has everyone talking at work ! Good grief - I didn't know that flesh eating thing was still around ! Glad that your tummy is feeling better today!
Jan - so happy that work is going so well for you - you do sound very happy with it all! And no I haven't had my hair cut yet - my daughter is a tad nervous about doing it so wants her friend to do it, and the friend is away for a week! But tomorrow I am having my eyelashes and eyebrows dyed !
Pauly! I cannot believe that you used the cheap stuff to do your hair !!! You really DO know better - LOL !!!
Oh funny - one of the kittens is sound asleep in the dog bed next to me - and is purring and meowing in his sleep!! Both alternately !! He is obviously dreaming !!
Talking of dreams - Dottie sorry yours are so bad .... hope that the lawyer and Costco went okay for you.
MB - I think my problem with my nausea is that I am heading for an ulcer. Today I finally caved and got some meds that I am 100% sure the doctor would give me if I went - it is almost impossible to get into my doctor and I am sure this is what he would do anyway - it is a two week course so we shall see. On the positive side (I love playing the glad game !!) the nausea is stopping me from drinking !!!
Bird - where are you ?
Hi Nora !!
Hugs, Sun xxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....