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One Step at a Time - March 2015

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    Am going to wait til I buy mum a new keyboard today to reply - way too hard to type on this !!

    Oh and Liz - it was/is my tummy that is bad - YUCK when travelling !!!

    Hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Mama-good job on figuring out the insurance!! Like Lizz said YObamacare is for catastrophic situations...and a $12,000 deductible? Oh, so you get to go broke before the insurance kicks in? Nice. So are you going to take the job??? Please do tell!! So glad you and hubs worked things out, too.:sohappy:

      Welcome, Jane! Great to have you here! I laughed when you talked about the spastic shoveling.

      Hi to SKendall and Rags! Stay with us. We are a lively group here.

      SKendall-no, I have not seen that movie, but I don't have Netflix. That could be the reason. LOL

      K9-is the move this weekend?

      Sun-glad you got to your Mum's ok and you got your luggage, finally. Ugh. And you were NOT a baby for bawling. I bawled halfway from O'Hare to Madrid one time. My mother was going through chemo for colon cancer (at 80 yrs. old) and I felt so guilty about leaving her. I hate traveling abroad anymore. Staying in the US and Canada is just fine with me.

      Pauly-I read your story about the sexual abuse and my eyes welled up...the trauma you endured as a child. I am sure your therapist is trying to get you to face the harshness of your childhood so you can let the anger and grief out instead of trying to drown it with booze. I read about your childhood on another thread and you mentioned your mother and her five marriages on another thread. Wow, you would not believe this...this is the identical situation to one of my colleagues! She is half Apache and she grew up on an Indian reservation in Arizona. She has three brothers...only one of them she speaks to...her dad is dying from alcoholism and her mom has been married 5 times. My colleague does not drink....she saw too much devastation in her life due to alcohol. Wild, huh?

      Nora-I am glad you are feeling better...stomach bugs are the pits. I miss you when you are not here.

      Recluse-Come out, come out, wherever you are! guys in the east really got clobbered! Good job on not drinking CJ's leftover wine. I am SO proud of you!!

      Dottie-I will be thinking of you today!

      Ok, I must dash off to work...happy POETS day (Piss On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday) Thank you, Guitarista!!


        Sun-Hi...cross post! Hope your stomach mellows out. No fun to be ill when traveling.:hug:


          Originally posted by Rusty View Post

          Ok, I must dash off to work...happy POETS day (Piss On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday) Thank you, Guitarista!!
          Hi Rusty, Nora, and Stepper's everywhere.

          Lol Rusty. No, it's Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday.

          Safe travels. Have a great weekend y'all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Good morning! Here I thought I'd be the only one on since it's early. I'm at work with just a few minutes before it gets busy. Roads driving in still aren't great, but whatever.
            Sun, hope tummy feels better. I know for me my stomach gets upset from traveling and jet lag. It's just plain old stressful.
            Thinking of you today Dottie! Hope you can get out a bit today. Is it cold by you too?
            Well, just thought I'd read back. I'll check back in later! Happy Friday people:happy2:


              Gosh....we are lively bunch this morning!
              Hey Mr G!!
              Yes, I am taking the job..I am calling her this morning to finalize a few things....
              Rusty - we have not figured out the insurance, but I don't think YObamacare is the way will we go. Hubs is saying we will put some money away every month and have a health care savings and account and pay the darn tax penalty. Our household income is too high to really get any benefit from his plan. And the 12K deductible is ridiculous. I am glad this his plan has benefitted some of my friends, but it doesn't appear to be right for us.
              I managed to doze about 30 minutes and gave up on sleep.
              Sun - feel better baby, and Lizz- have a great day at work.
              Pauly - I will read back to better understand what Rusty is talking about.
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                His sister leaves today then I will me alone. I will need you ALL to help me stay strong. I have not been alone in over 20 years and feel to terribly lost.
                I have no clue how much I will have to pay for hubbs hospital stay etc. Our insurance is pretty good but this will be the test for sure.
                I cant stay anywhere with 5 dogs so may ask someone to stay with me but I have to get used to the fact that I am ALONE here and need to figure out how to adapt. The days are ok it is the nights and sleeping alone...I am still taking a benedryl at bedtime and that helps some.
                I have many errands to run today and not used to doing that alone either. What a mess.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Hi everyone,

                  Mama, that was the only time I've heard any one talk about the details of Obama care. Thanks for shedding some light on it. I've recently learned that going "out of network" is not in the cards for me going forward. I just got socked with a 1350 bill for a sinus cat scan. My insurance covered 50$ and the claim status indicates that the 50$ was paid to the radiology lab via money order. How weird is that.

                  Dottie, I spent 3 hours painting sea shells with clear nail polish yesterday. I was surprised by what a calming effect it had. The mindless repetition allows my brain to function on auto pilot which keeps me busy enough to feel productive but not dabble in stressful thoughts. I don’t know if that would appeal to you, but Id be happy to send you some shells if it would. They turn out beautifully.

                  Thanks for the welcomes, wishing every one a great day.
                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Hey all, Jane, I've got a bunch of seashells I need to do something useful with, some from, Cali,Florida and Washington that the kids collected for me,I should paint them to spruce them up, Mama, I posted that stuff on the umpteenth quit thread, not here,yes unfortunately Obama care only benefits the poor or rich,US middle class get screwed!Rusty, I wonder if it's a native thing? My mom is full Shoshone and lives on the rez,sounds similar to the story you posted, Dots,hang in there hon,hi to Nora,Liz,Skendall,K9 I'll be back
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      I just gave notice and my boss had to hang up as she was upset...not mad, but afraid she would cry.....
                      then I told my team
                      My last day here is 3/20
                      mixed emotions today, but super excite for the future
                      Dottie - I used to find needlework very calming, as well...I loved cross stich
                      Pauly - I will go read your story in a bit.....I am 1/4 Cherokee!
                      Good Morning Jane!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Morning all -

                        Mama - congrats! I know that you have mixed emotions but this is wonderful.

                        Where is Bird?

                        Dottie - sending you postive energy and much love.....

                        It was great to read everyones posts this morning. Sorry that I don't have time to reply. I hope to stay away tonight and get caught up with everyone. I have been in limbo. Work, home, pass out, get up, work, home, pass out......
                        You know the drill. I took 2 Benadryl last night and man - that knocked me out. I am trying not to get addicted to the Lorazepam so I tried something else. I don't need another addiction.
                        I am trying to get back to basics once again. I can do this with the support of all of you. Just need to keep stepping.

                        Ok - someone is looking over my shoulder. Aaarrrgghh -

                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Hey Nora!! Good to see you babe!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Mama, Congrats on taking a big step! Ill bet the future is holding bright & beautiful things!
                            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                              Thanks Jane. I am nervousy excited!!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                damn Pauly- what a shitty your mom still alive and do you talk to her???
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

