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What makes you happy?

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    What makes you happy?

    Thanks for this thread. I sometimes need to be reminded of how much I have that makes me happy! My gentle, kind husband (though he drinks too much, too!), my wonderful, brilliant children, my dream (or will be"dream" after much work) home at the lake, Tanna, my smiley,always happy golden retriever and fat cat, Charlie! Peace and quiet and the love of God.


      What makes you happy?

      Oh, not to leave out all my relatives that "most of the time" make me happy!


        What makes you happy?

        Lots of things make me happy.

        I'm not ambitious, so I find the success of people I care for more rewarding than my own.
        Simple things, like Niblet said. Watching my family grow and prosper. Hearing my grandaughter giggle, making my wife smile and seeing something beautiful, rare or unusual. Sharing kindness with someone. Realising, as I'm beginning to, through this place, that the world isn't the dark, cheerless place I thought it was.
        Thanks Friends.


          What makes you happy?

          Being well rested, having energy, getting the things done that I want to get done, letting myself soak in the moment and enjoy my children... all those things make me happy. Yesterday, I felt really happy in the morning and it really caught me off-guard. I haven't felt happiness like that in a long time. I had just been doing chores here and there all morning and realized how much I had accomplished without much effort. Everything seems like a lot more effort and kind of hopeless when I was drunk or in some degree of hangover most of the time. For the moment, I feel in control and energetic. And, I see a lot more happiness in my future. Thanks for starting this thread!


            What makes you happy?

            what makes me happy? nothing at the moment. i dont want a response, just to be able to say it. it makes me happy, errmm


              What makes you happy?

              sorry dessislava, i hope i havent killed your thread, not my intention, honest!

              having my bosses dog over for a week will be good (west highland terrier, dim but nice)

              there, i've thought of something.



                What makes you happy?

                I feel happy when I sit in one of my swings and watch the sun come up.
                On both sides of me are fields of sunflowers and mixed grasses for birds.
                Behind me is a row (6 ft by about 20 ) of wildflowers.
                In front of me is a beautiful red rose and on my sides are grapevines just starting to grow up to a trellis .

                I have four square "beds (8ft by 8ft) with paths all around.
                The first bed has a red Radio Flyer wagon on it's side with a pink flowing rose bush on one side and redish orange nasturniums on the other side. There is a concrete bunny guarding it.

                The next square has an old telephone company wodden ladder holding up two purple clematis vines. In front of it is a dinner plate size daliah (yellow)

                Next bed has the old deep kitchen sink from the house we tore down on our property.
                It is filled with hens and chicks and sweet william and backed by some blooming sage.

                The last square...has my great aunt's old iron bed which my daughter slept on as her first real bed. It has black chipped paint.
                It is planted with periwinkles (deep red) and backed on the "head by sunflowers and uhhhhhh...I can't remember the name of them but they come back every year and are about 5ft tall and med size yellow flowers.
                The outside of the bed is framed by pink and white sweet williams. There is an iron rooster with daliahs growing up through his wire body at the foot of the bed!
                Of course there are hanging baskets and an arbor that holds the swing. And a colorful flag that is mostly skyblue with hot pink flowers and the words..."Hands to work
                Hearts to God".

                This large square also includes 4 raised beds(4' by 10 ft) where I grow lettuce and herbs, cucumbers carrots, garlic and strawberries.

                There are several more gardens and swings and an workshop built out of the old "barn" board from the old house.

                The "martins" sing above all this every morning and evening happily catching and eating their way through the air.

                Right outside my window here is a bird nest with about 4 baby birds with hungry mouths open all the time and very busy mom and dad constantly in and out with yummy worms and bugs!

                Ok...I'm headed out side!
                Thanks for this thread....I feel happy just sharing this with all of you.
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  What makes you happy?

                  My 6 year old grandson makes me so happy


                    What makes you happy?

                    happiness is sorting out your kitchen drawers whilst listening to BBC Radio 4

                    Rip x

                    (I am basically a happy person)

                    (PS: for those poor deprived souls who are unfamiliar with Radio 4, it is a BBC talk radio station with plays, current affairs programmes, news, quiz shows etc. Very British and I have it on ALL DAY, to my children's absolute disgust)


                      What makes you happy?


                      My wife has severe Crohn's Disease and is Bi-Polar (Rapid Cycling). Since the Crohn's is so severe and is an autoimmune deficiency disease she gets sick all the time and I spend a lot of time taking care of her and my son. Far more than a normal relationship demands. I guess thats why the 8 o'clock hour is my truioble point becuase it means the kid is in bed and I can get some bit of peace.


                        What makes you happy?

                        When I am depressed it is hard to make myself happy. When not, the list of thing that make me happy is endless: blue sky, sun the mountains, my silly dog, music, a good book, talking to friends and family, the bird nest in the tree by the back door. I could go on and on.


                          What makes you happy?

                          Having the freedom to sit outside or stand at my back door (whatever weather) to have my first cup of tea and ciggy and at the end of the day my last cup of tea and ciggy, ahhh simple pleasures are always the best ones.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            What makes you happy?

                            I would be happy if Ripley wouldn't eat her childrens teeth...LMAO


                              What makes you happy?

                              Oh LEAVE IT OUT Luv you horrible monster

                              That's two threads now where you are persecuting me. enough already!


                                What makes you happy?

                                Hablur.....Good job in taking care of your wife and son.
                                Are there any things that you could do to "feed" you inner child at 8:00?
                                Maybe a interest in wood working , a walk or run, or a small garden?

                                Rip.....are those digestable?

                       nice now! LOL:l

                                :h Nancy

                                "Be still and know that I am God"

                                Psalm 46:10

