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Army...................garrisson gates now open

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    Morning Foxxxxxxy,
    I'm off now.............never had a pedicure...........can't stand anyone touching my feet.
    See yous in a bit.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      I only had a professional pedicure once in my life and it was very relaxing. I just do my own but if there are any special offers going for the summer i'll treat myself.


        Evening all - what's happening ?


          Gurgly stuff in my can I put this me and the bathroom got very well acquainted this afternoon.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Hope you are feeling better now Jackser :hug:
            Not a sinner around so I bid you all adieu !!


              Morning lovelies..............kettles on.

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Morning ladies, doing a lot of reading around here this morning.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Afternoon all -
                  Welcome Tabberooney :hug:


                    btw - did I spot Questy a few days back while I was gallivanting around Newcastle ?
                    If you are there Questeroo - talk to us :hug:


                      Afternoon army its raining and cold here weather is so changeable and I still can't shake off this cold and cough. Sun come back. I was sitting out with the cats in the garden yesterday it turned out like a summers day. I'm getting boring talking too much about the weather I need a life lol. Anyways have a good day be back later.


                        Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry quiet here today............are we going for the world's quietest thread award April 2015.

                        Neeeeeeeeeeeed to know how Roxxy got on at dentist yesterday.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Popping in again on the off-chance someone may be here .............

                          Night so :sleeping:


                            i dont know. ask your questions to the consultant. i would refer you to a consultant. they know these things. i dont know. that will be £55 because you need a filling.


                              Originally posted by roxane View Post
                              i dont know. ask your questions to the consultant. i would refer you to a consultant. they know these things. i dont know. that will be £55 because you need a filling.
                              Cryptic Rox :headscratch:

                              Morning Army !!


                                Morning...........just up.
                                Luckily I got a text at 8am from my boss to say I wasn't needed today as poor old Bess had me up 'til 4am with a bit of a tummy problem. Must be something she ate.

                                A dental consultant now there's posh and I'll bet the nearest dental hospital is further away than the moon.

                                Shall I turn a negative into a positive or will you slap me, Roxxxy.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

