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One Step at a time - May 2015

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    Dottie, hard as it might be, you are managing superbly! You go girl!


      Pauly, I tried to send you a PM but your box is full. This was it:

      I just read your post. Please don't give up on yourself. It will click - you made it farther this time. Can you take a nice bath and head for bed? Please treat yourself the way you'd treat a friend.

      I'm sorry you're hurting so badly right now.


        Pauly you managed to stay AF much longer than before and you sounded positive. Don't throw the towel in as it ain't worth it. You have a lot of crap to deal with but ride this out. You are making changes and you are really worth it
        Hugs xxx


          PAULY - please check in
          Dottie- you are amazing and I wish I was there to help
          Hi everyone that popped in!
          Hello Jane....your posts are always lovely
          Hugs lizz
          off to work
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Morning all,
            Lots to do today. Going to nursing home to confirm plans for Monday and to visit dad.
            So much to do without help and it makes me so sad but I have to move forward. What choice do I have?? But I do hate being alone. No one to talk to. The dogs are not good on conversation.
            Pauly check in please.
            K9 how are you???
            Too quiet here folks. I NEED U ALL!!!!

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Pauly- I hope you got through the bad chunk you were going through. Someone once advised he to hit the sack when I went through on, I did, and it worked. The cause behind some of these uncomfortable moods has to do with biochemistry hard at work trying to right itself.

              Dottie, Your plate just gets fuller and fuller, and you’re doing a Herculean job of handling it. Keep an eye on your physical well being. Have you ever tried meditating or visualization?

              Lizann, I am glad my comment gave you hope. It’s challenging finding ways to express the trade up without sounding preachy. I have learned to curb it, but I have always had a strong attraction for breaking rules- excess drinking, a perfect example. I was hoping to find the words to express my thoughts on quitting AL without sounding unreal or holy. It’s the shorter line at the supermarket, it’s the giant sale at your favorite store (with an extra 20% off), it’s a beautiful day when there isn’t a cloud in the sky and you smile for no reason. It’s not every minute of every day, but in contrast to the vicious quick sand of AL, its surprisingly often.

              NS & TT, you guys are both so calm, soothing, and wise to me. :huggers:

              Mama, still crossing fingers for your hubs job situation & I hope you are enjoying your new job. When will he know if he’s out of the woods?
              Saw my shrink yesterday and she suggested I do a sleep study to evaluate the balance between my REM and Non REM sleep. I have nightmares almost nightly, and imbalance between the 2 might be the source.
              I have a crick in by back/between my ribs from hauling dirt and mulch around while gardening. No one is more surprised than I am that I am enjoying it so much. All that remains is a few new lilies and some hostas. Tomorrow hubs want to go and look at trees in nurseries that are hopefully less costly than the ones near us.

              Pauly, I hope we hear from you.

              Wishing everyone a great day. xoxoxoxox

              Cross post- Dottie, I'll be home doing paperwork all day if you'd like to talk on the phone. I will PM you my number.
              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                Hi everyone!
                Yes I am still alive. lol
                Haven't had time to read back. My latest (weird) affliction is that I had a cyst on my back the size of an egg. Went to the ER on Sunday night and they "drained" it which was painful! Was off Mon-Wed and taking antibiotics.
                I need to read back so I can see what you all are up to. Thanks to Mama and Nora for checking on me!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Good to see you K9 sorry about the cyst,sounds gross! How's Sierra doing? sorry about your dad Dots, too much junk to deal with hello to all, hope everyone has a nice Friday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Yikes K9. By any chance was it right where your but crack ends? (sorry for crude reference)! I have 4 people who have had the same thing, and another who just underwent surgery for a benign tumor on his spine. All OK now. Did it develop suddenly? I can imagine how friggin' painful that must have been. I hope its all up from here on. xo
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      I got flowers from hubbs daughter and grandson today. That was so nice of them. Picture on my FB page.
                      Wont hear from his son I am sure....oh well I didnt raise them. Always tried to be nice and send cards and $$ for birthdays etc but for some reason he never liked me but did say at the funeral that I made his dad happy so who knows I am sure I dont.

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Dottie...I am glad someone appreciates you. Makes me happy,
                        Good to see you K9. I have been worried about your job. Hubs gets huge, acne related cysts, bless his heart.
                        I am pooped and going to bed, and I am not drinking, even though I really want to.
                        Hi Nora
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          NS, good to see you here being supportive:heartbeat:. Tough day at work, and I'm sure not the only one. Stood up for myself in a bit of a conflict, which was in no way my fault. Normally just roll with the punches but not this time. A doctor was on suspension and that is in no way my fault. Anyway, TGIF.


                            Good Late Afternoon, Steppers,

                            It twas a REALLY early day for me...I had to get up at 3:15 AM to be on-site at 5:00. Still working here for a bit before I get to the gym and thought I would pop in and say HELLOOO. While my car was in the shop today, one of the service managers set up my new mini-Ipad that I won at my friend's school fundraiser. Ahhhh...I think I've traded addictions!! Hahahahahahahah. Tomorrow I am going to the wake of my 92-year-old neighbor, a grande dame who had such a positive outlook on life. Sunday, my sister is treating her two daughters and my mom and me to brunch at a lovely hotel restaurant....rustic, intimate, and pricey.......good thing my sister's hubs owns a successful company. LOL.

                            K9- OUCH OUCH OUCH. My dad had those same cysts. Painful, messy, grossy. You poor baby. What a year you've had.

                            Jane-nice to see you here! Stick around. You, too, Tree!:happy2:

                            Dottie-I am glad your stepdaughter sent flowers...good for you! Don't know what to say about his son...competing with you for his dad's affection? Who knows.

                            Mamasita-sorry to hear about the layoffs at hubs' company. :-(

                            Dottie-I have no words of comfort for you other than I hope your dad's transfusion goes well and good for you for setting good boundaries.

                            Pauly-I hope you're doing better today. Sorry to hear about Kell's warrant. Don't give up on yourself. We all believe in you. HUGS.

                            Hi to Nora, Skendall, and anyone I have missed!


                              Cross post, Mama, and hi to NS!!


                                Called his daughter to thank her for the flowers and had a really nice conversation. Glad I called her. I think we will have a long term relationship and his kids are my beneficiaries so I need to decide who gets what.....hhhhmmmm......

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

