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One Step at a time - May 2015

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    I'm here too how's the hair look Dots? Bleh, I made breakfast stuff for dinner and topped off with some Doritos I feel ill,I hate junk food but I love it too,have a bit of the anxiety that happens to me on day 5, nothing crazy but it reminds me of how pissed off at myself I am for not just keeping my damn quit going!stupid ass,anyways hi Nora(pick cute frames) I'll check in later
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Hair good....might be a little shorter but afraid to say that then it would be too short....cant win but I love her anyway.

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        I am here but utterly exhausted in a good way. I am going to bed soon and hope I sleep for hours.
        Dottie - I think you should talk to widows and your friend that lost her hubs. You are so strong and you will be a foundation for others and help yourself. Then again, I am a talker and you may not be.
        I love my company but the hours are catching up to me.
        Sorry Lizz that you drank and WTF with the tequila Nora? are you drinking on AB?? I am gonna kick your ass!
        I texted K9 but she did not respond. I am so worried about her.
        Pauly- you are doing great. I have been drinking but not in massive amounts. Got to get a handle on that.
        Sweet dreams loves
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Dottie - I am sure you look great. We laughed and laughed last night about my co-worker that used eyebrow pencil to color her roots!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Get some rest this weekend Mama, heaven knows you deserve it poor K9 when your kids are upset I think it's worse,she's dealing with a lot, Dots, my clients tell me I don't cut very consistently either, but they keep coming back so I'm doing something right
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              I am going to bed early. Got free ticket to an event tomorrow about energy healing etc. The only drawback is that it is downtown but it is during the day so I will see.
              I gotta get a life somehow...I look around and feel so clue what that means but being here all alone sucks....
              Hopefully tomorrow will be fun and take my mind off things.
              Meetup tomorrow at a restaurant. Hope it is good too. Totally out of my comfort zone but I cant sit here and eat chocolate all night....

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Nora our anniversary is May 16. We are in Lancaster PA right now. Went to a buffet and I couldn't eat much. I'm feeling better. Hubs is not mad at all. I'm not even sure he knew I was drunk last night. Last night was just such a blur, idiot that I am. Son left me a note in my purse"just stop it!" Yeah is should be that simple. Anyway looking forward to a weekend away from everyone except hubs and no al. Love you guys. Thanks for the hugs Nora! I can't tell you what a relief it is to be understood and excepted here.


                  Hello - trying to be alone for a few minutes so I can post. Hubby isn't feeling well and is talking, talking, talking. So, this will probably be short.

                  Liz - I understand what you are going thru. I hope that you can have a good weekend with hubs. How old is your son? I forget.

                  Mama - I hope that you get some good rest this weekend. It sounds like your are non-stop. Will it ever slow down with this job? Are you thinking about looking for something else? No - I am definitely not drinking on AB so you don't need to kick my butt. I have been in a bad place and am trying to pull myself out. That's all I can do.

                  Pauly - I decided to wait & have hubs go with me tomorrow to pick out frames. It is so stressful to pick out frames. If i don't like them, I'll be stuck with them for at least a year. I can't afford to get more than one pair. Anyway, I know about the junk food. I can't seem to stop eating.

                  I'm worried about K9 too. I'm so sad for what they are going thru.

                  Has anyone heard from Sunni or Bird lately?

                  Rusty - are you still on your business trip? We had our follow up audit today. We have to submit proof that we finished our preventive maintenance documentation on the balance of the machines and then we are certified. My gosh - what an ordeal! I'm hoping that things will ease up at work now. We will see........

                  Well - Casey's girlfriend just lent me a movie 'Pitch Perfect' so I guess that hubs and I are going to watch that now. Casey offered to put the down payment on Disneyland passports for us so I'll just have to pay the monthly fee. I'm so excited. It's the 60 year anniversary this year. We couldn't afford to get the passports but now we can.

                  Ok - I'll try to check back in later.

                  Love & hugs to everyone..........:love:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Good Morning Everyone,

                    I am safely home from Florida and will work close to my mom's house until next Wednesday (I will stay with her) when I fly to Detroit. LOL. I am totally a rolling stone. Florida was really hot and sunny and my new client is delightful so it's all good. :-)

                    Nora-I am thrilled that you actually KNOW and UNDERSTAND what I do for a living. You are one of the few people in my life who really does and you have no idea how grateful I am for your interest. So, you weren't able to close out the corrective action while the auditor was on-site? Yes, those verification visits ARE stressful, especially when your CA isn't completed. But, it sounds like you have a little bit of time so your certificate isn't in jeopardy and that's good. How are you coming on your resume? Any luck? Sorry about the giant jug of tequila...ewww.....that must have been hard getting caught by your husband. :-( Does that make your desire to quit even stronger or does it just compound your anxiety that you got caught and make you want to drink MORE? HUGS-don't give up on yourself.

                    Mama-cute pics of you on FB, you busy bee. Sounds like you've made new work friends already and they love being around you...well, why wouldn't they?

                    Liz-what triggered your drinking? Can you identify it and maybe think of something else next time? I know the embarrassment you feel when you are confronted by your son is excruciating. After my family staged the intervention, I went to my mom's house drunk a couple of times and her anger and the sad look in her eyes just about killed me and it did make me stop. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't do that to her. She was 80 years old and had just finished chemo for colon cancer. I wanted her to be proud of me instead of looking at me like some pathetic basket case. Just my two cents and a huge hug for you. :-) I hope you are enjoying your weekend with hubs and it's romantic, too. ;-)

                    Dottie-the meet-up sounds like fun.

                    Pauly-I was lurking on another thread and you said that you cut hair inconsistently. This made me think of my former hair designer, who has passed away. He was the best hairdresser ever, but whenever he was stressed out because one of his kids was causing him trouble, he would give me a butch job! Hahahah. LOL. He'd start talking and cutting and talking and cutting and it was a miracle that I didn't end up with a shaved head. Hahahhahaha. Hope you are doing ok, too. HUG

                    K9-hope you are ok.

                    Waves of hellos to Sunni, Bird, Skendall, Jane, Samstone, and other friends, lurkers, visitors, et al.

                    I am off to the gym and then to take my car in for $ervice.

                    Have a happy Saturday everybody. :-)


                      Good morning guys. Hubs brought breakfast up to our room.
                      Nora my son is 21. Rusty my fear is my son will not forgive/forget this.
                      Love you guys. Thanks for your support!
                      Nora I'm so glad your back, you were always such a big encouragement for me.


                        Liz-I hope you don't get angry when I tell you this because I KNOW how hard this is for you, but the only way your son is going to forgive (he may not truly "forget") you is if you STAY least when he is with you. I struggled for a long time after my family confronted me...for about a year and a half...and although I didn't stop drinking altogether, I made damn sure that I was sober when I picked up my mom ( I drove her when I was drunk MANY about shame) and took her to a family gathering. It put everyone at ease that way. I am NOT trying to beat you up....I am here for you....I just remember oh so well the shame I felt, and whatever I can do to prevent somebody from feeling that shame just one more time, I chime in....I hope I haven't hurt your feelings.
                        Sweet of hubby to order up breakfast. Hope you did a little more than just eat. Hahahahahaha


                          Doctor Rusty is right, as usual. Enjoy your time with your Mom, hun.
                          Just woke up, so let me get some coffee in me and I'll be back
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Mama, I am not right all the time, but you're sweet to say so. What are you doing today? Are you having date night or are you too tired?

                            Liz-I forgot to are in Lancaster, PA...are you seeing a lot of people in buggies? Amish country.


                              Gloomy out so not sure what I am going to do. Have a ticket for an event downtown but I hate going here alone. Parking is a problem and for me alone I dont think it is safe. If I can get a someone to go with me tomorrow I might go.
                              Meetup tonight. I am a little apprehensive. I have to put on my happy face and just go. I cant sit here and mope and be sad. It is just too darn depressing.
                              My allergies are in overdrive too and that is making me miserable. Toothache comes and goes too. I am falling apart.
                              I need a life but dont know where to look..sigh...

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                HUGS Dottie. Back from the grocery.....I need a wife!
                                Date night later, not sure what we are doing. We gave poor Lucky Cat a bath cause he is covered with fleas.
                                I am so worried about K9.
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

