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One Step at a time - May 2015

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    Morning all,
    Up early for me to go do my volunteer thing. She called me last night to see if I could help with a class today. Her co worker hurt her back so she needs assistance. So off I go.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      I'm sunburned too mama! Just hung out in the pool. Off again today. Woke up feeling very anxious. I hate that. Have a good one guys!


        Quick check in. I'll be back later. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Back from my volunteer job. It was hard to be in that hospital without him. We volunteered every Christmas running the trains in the lobby and spent many hours in my friends office helping her. I had a good cry on the way home. I know it is hard to find anyplace we didn't go together but I just hate this. I feel like I am feeling worse as time passes. I have to pull out of this funk. I am really hoping that the gym tomorrow will help. Get some good hormones pumping....
          Tomorrow is gym then police class. I get to tell everyone how much fun and what I learned on my ride along.
          I just need to focus I guess..

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            yes Dottie, just focus. My wreck last week made so last week made me reanalyze so much....I could be gone at any second. Yesterday at the lake I felt the sun and the beauty of nature and I dropped to my knees and pray....just feeling so thankful right now.
            Today was insane...but tomorrow is a new day, right.
            I am pooped and going to bed.
            I love you all
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Good Morning, Glories!

              I arrived safely in MN after driving 6 hrs. in a torrential downpour. So thankful to be here safely on Hump Day.

              Mama-glad you had a relaxing time at the lake. We are ALL thankful you are alive.

              Dottie-I think you ARE focused, but from what I've read on the grieving process, it DOES feel worse for a while before you actually start to feel better, because for the first few weeks or months, you're just in shock. I believe that's what my therapist also told me after my best friend died of breast cancer. She was right. I bet the group will be happy to hear of your experience on the ridealong.

              Where is everybody?

              I have paperwork to do so I better get busy BEFORE work. Hahaha.Happy Hump Day, everyone!


                I am glad you made it safe and sound Miss Rusty!!
                Shower and out the door
                Let's have a happy day!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Morning all,
                  Off to Costco to get some vitamins for dad then guess I will visit with him a little. I can only take him in small doses. He is so confused and repeats himself over and over so I will visit and leave.
                  Class tonight. I think we have 3 more weeks then it is over.
                  I am looking around for some things to do in the evening. That is when I have the hardest time.
                  Not sure about the gym today. I have a sinus headache again. This weather is awful. More storms later today.
                  Where is everyone???

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    well damn, it just you and me?
                    Insane day at work, but thankful for the job and the caring people. Half my clients are possessed by demons, but I am making it happen.
                    Just crawled into bed with a bowl and homemade rice and beans. Netflix and then bad and start all over again.
                    Dots - I know you are struggling but you are amazing and really inspire me. Love you hun.
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Dots, you really are making progress.

                      Mama, I know you can do this even with morons involved. You are amazing and I'm very thankful you weren't injured in the car.

                      Hi Pauly, Nora, Rusty, and everyone.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Good Evening, Friends,

                        I am waiting at the Apple Store in Minneapolis because this dumbass dropped her NEW iPhone in the toilet at my client's!! It slid right out of my pocket and PLOP.... in it went. Glad I had only peed and not something more than that. Hahaha and TMI...God I Know!!!

                        Skendall-great to see you!! What's going on with you???

                        Pauly-come back....I miss you on our thread. I've found you on other threads, though. ;-)

                        Dottie-Ditto what everyone else said. :-)

                        Mama-I am so grateful that you have such a positive attitude.

                        Liz-where are you?? I miss you lots!

                        OK, much for working out tonight....I won't get out of the Apple Store until 9:00 PM UGH.. Have to be up at 4:00 AM and at my client's by 5:20 AM. Ah, but it is work and I am grateful for that.

                        Hey Nora, Bird, K9, and all lurkers, peepers and guests...a cheery HELLO!


                          Hey all - I tried to post earlier from my Kindle but got frustrated. I got up because I having nightmares about some bills I had to pay. :S sorry to be missing.....have been feeling really punk lately - finally figured out that I'm having a reaction to the antibiotic. Duh! I'm allergic to so many that I didn't have a rash so didn't realize. Anyway, stopped taking it and the dizziness & nauseous feeling is finally starting to pass. Uuugghhhh.......I'll check in tomorrow.......
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Rusty - you sound like a working machine like me
                            I HATE going to the Apple takes forever
                            why in the world are you meeting a client at 5:20 am? Is that standard?
                            Hi Nora.....we always miss you.
                            HI sweet are you doing hun?
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Good morning guys. Feeling very anxious today. We booked our flights for the cruise. I'm not feeling strong in my quit at all. It's still a few weeks away.
                              Lunch with a friend today, then off to sissys to see my nephew before prom.
                              Have a good one guys.


                                Hey Lizann,
                                Where do you live? Up here in NJ , we have a pool too. We just opened it a week ago and I'm still tweaking the chemicals to get it ready for swimming in. There's nothing as relaxing as laying out on a pool float. We're having a bit of a bee problem lately. I know bees are good for the environment and all that, but wasp, hornets and yellow jackets are no fun at all.

                                Impressed doesn't even say it- with regard to how much I admire your ongoing efforts to stay in life and look for things that make you feel good and happy. You had mentioned wanting something for the evenings- have you meet looked at meet up groups? Maybe there is a group that gets together near you to talk about & work on writing memoir. Do you enjoy crafty things or independent movies? I signed up for an indie film group a few years back and enjoyed it. After each film, someone from the movie or entertainment world would talk about the film and have a q & a.

                                I was prescribed Avelox for a sinus infection last year and it made me nauseous, extremely depressed and even dipping into suicidal. I cant believe medicine can make you feel that bad. I felt so low on energy - it was almost like the life was going out of me. I will never take that stuff again. I hope you are feeling much better. Did the doc give you any feedback on those other flagged values (sodium serum and bun/creatinine)? Wouldn't it be nice if they had a form for patients that went through the different tests and what out of range values could mean along with what to be aware of?

                                As an addict, I have a hard time understanding Naltrexone. Speaking for myself only, if I'm going o drink, I certainly wouldn't want anything getting in the way of the buzz. Just thinking about drinking and not feeling anything makes me anxious and I don't even drink anymore. I had a friend who tool Campral for a while. She liked it, but I am not sure why she stopped. I took Topomax at the dose suggested for alcohol cravings (built up to 300 mgs). Killed my appetite for food, booze, people, the world. Made me want to isolate. Oh well, glad I tried it.

                                Mama- I cant believe clipping another car caused you to spin out a couple of times. Was this on the highway? Did the air bag deploy?
                                Were the other folks nice? Car accidents suck.

                                Pauly, How are you feeling? Where do you live? Having this little place in Florida that we bought in 2013 has been such a positive thing for me. Its like I always have some place top day dream about that is within the realm of possible. Its just a matter of finding a good deal on airfare, and time when hubs can take a day or 3 off so we can stretch it into a long weekend

                                K9, How are you feeling? How's the new pad coming along? Where do things stand with the landlord suit? Are you recovered from the procedure? I am very familiar with feeling down. Please reach out if you'd like an ear.

                                Rusty, Bummer about your phone. I dropped mine in the dogs water bowl one time. I was so shocked by the site of seeing it sinking to the bottom in its pink case that it took me a second to react. I scooped it out, peeled the cover off and it was fine. Cheap plastic case from Target too. Go figure. I have ipads too and have yet to deal with the Apple store. I'm intimidated by the cloud, and I don't have itunes downloaded onto my computer because it always causes major system problems for me. I really need to learn the deal. I'm paying for cloud storage and I don't think I'm even using it.

                                Lizann- When/where is your cruise?

                                Hi Skendall & anyone I may have missed. Wishing everyone a mellow day. Xoxox J
                                AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*

