The mumbling was a bit hard but luckily the bloke next door's a bit hard of hearing so TV was up to EXTREMELY LOUD.
No announcement yet.
ARMY........Garrisson gates are open for the week beginning 18th May
Afternoon army well its cold windy and heavy showers here again wheres the summer? I picked up a cold and cough again thanks to this changeable weather. We had a few days of mild sunny weather where out out mowing the lawn in shorts and top and sitting in the garden after reading and enjoying the warm weather. Now its like winter. Seems the weather in the uk isn't much better.
just spent an hour doing the callback dance on the phone with my sister. we both have landlines and we chose to use the mobiles with dodgy signals. she heard from mum and they have been having appalling weather in aus, cars floating down burst rivers and getting submerged, roads impassable that sort of thing. good thing her house is on stilts.
Well my socks were very, very damp.
Now that the semi-finals for Eurovision are over I can now take my ear phones out and stop listening to the Foo Fighters and wander off in the direction of the settee............see you in the morning,love.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
funny you should mention foo fighters. something sister said made me think of one of their videos where two men go to a motel as manly hunters and get rat arsed wearing tutus. do you know which one that is? i will wait with baited breath til morning.