father (finally absent) alcoholic, mother drank alot but not as bad. older brother and sister, he very alcoholic, sister the 'mother' to us both.
both are calling me regularly as we are in different parts of the country and my DH has terminal cancer.
so, sis calls me today and i had told her before that i was trying to not drink. i ask her about her drinking and she finally admitted that she had a problem! blow me down i was suprised. i have never hidden my problem from her, neither had my brother. she intimated that she wanted to cut down a few years ago but said that she had days of not having a drink, some days that she did, and rarely went on a binge. to me and my brother, this is moderation lol.
she said to me me today that when she opts not to drink she has a strong urge and has to try and talk herself out of it, rarely succeeds. sound familiar?
this is the first time i asked her straight and she gave me an honest answer. thats all three of us with a problem.
i suppose that i put the information at the top to say that perhaps genetics/upbringing has a major effect on us.
anyone else had an eye-opening conversation with anyone?