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Army.........week one of june 2015....

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    watching sir bradley of wiggins go round and round a velodrome for an hour.

    why is joe grumpy?


      so long as you manage not to let it drag you down.

      metronomic. hes aiming to break a record.


        haha i dont know! googling..............


          35, ancient.

          good to know and remember its NOT you.


            our bradders has done it, and some. waiting for the officials to confirm..............


              just lip read him, he said 'my arse!' i guess it was hurting.


                He bragged that his record wouldn't be breakable... Did he manage that??


                  he didnt get 55 kms but 54.something or other. the air pressure wasnt ideal for it. im thrilled, he can be a bit up himself but he has done incredible things on a bike and all without drugs.......cough lance armstrong cough


                    Glad he succeeded! I didn't like how his team treated him about the Tour de France last year.


                      he wasnt in it last year was he? the year before, he won with the help of the team. do you mean how chris froome was?

                      tell me he wasnt in it last year. please. tell me im not losing my mind.


                        They were lovely, absolutely lovely.........initial nervousness which was to be expected but we got on like a house on fire.

                        More tomorrow..............I'm zorsted.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Originally posted by roxane View Post
                          he wasnt in it last year was he? the year before, he won with the help of the team. do you mean how chris froome was?

                          tell me he wasnt in it last year. please. tell me im not losing my mind.
                          That was the point - they didn't put him on the team! (You're not crazy :smile.


                            Hey, NS! How are you???

                            Molly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE rhubarb! We grow it here. Ooooohhhhh....with a HUGE scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Sorry, NS! I know Sugar is a dirty word for you. ;-)


                              Originally posted by Rusty View Post
                              Hey, NS! How are you???

                              Molly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE rhubarb! We grow it here. Ooooohhhhh....with a HUGE scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Sorry, NS! I know Sugar is a dirty word for you. ;-)
                              Hi, Rusty! Sugar isn't good for me for sure but it doesn't hurt everyone - enjoy your ice cream if you're one of the lucky ones :smile:.
                              Congratulations on your 3 years. I must admit, I thought you were much farther along - I guess that just shows how comfortable you are in your AF life!


                                Love rhubarb too going to get some to stew and have with Alpro vegan custard. Boughtt a carton 2 wks ago and haven't tried it yet. Off to bed feeling really tired so nite all till tomorrow.

