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One Step at a time - June
Liz he said we would get together Friday night. So I sat here and turned down another date thinking he would call. Well he got off work and finally texted me that he was going home. So I called him and said that I thought it was very inconsiderate of him to say one thing and then not follow through. He is under a lot of self imposed stress and if he wasn't going to see me he should have called. Then he says I am controlling and I live too far away and then there is the dogs whatever that means. So I had a feeling that his job gives him importance and it would come first. Red flag I ignored. Huge note to self.
Off to a lunch with some gal friends at the Cheesecake factory. Then if it doesnt rain I am going for a walk at the park.
OH and I have 3 more men on deck waiting for a lunch date so I will just keep moving forward.
We had a lot of fun at the wedding. It was pretty and very romantic.
Lazing around right now as we got home late, but I need to get moving.
Pauly, I hope you are ok.
Dots, don't you love when you expect nice manners and get told you are controlling? I HATE that!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Hello all - hope that you are having a wonderful Saturday.
I've had a lazy day. We drove our son to work this morning about half an hour away and down by the beach. He will take the metro line home but we had to go grocery shopping so said we would drive him. Then spent way too much money on groceries. I just told hubby that we are not spending any more money this week - it's gone.
Dots - glad you got rid of the loser. You need to have fun, not deal with attitude!
Mama - so glad that you had fun last night. You needed it. You have so much stress and are working too hard!
Liz - how are you doing? Are you getting excited about the trip or are you still nervous? The blankie fort sounds wonderful.
Rusty - great to see you too! How is work going? Thanks for letting us know about Pauly. I hadn't been on and didn't realize.
Well - hubby just came over & brought me snacks so I will be back.
Hello to everyone that I've missed and to everyone that comes & visits. :wave:
Pauly - please check in friend."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
How everyone tonight?
Nora so glad to hear from you. How are you holding up? Did they take your sons license?
Yes I am getting nervous about our trip. Just have to be super vigilent this week. I'll be fine once I'm on the ship. It's the getting there that makes me crazy. I likely will not have Internet or phone. I'm going to miss you guys if I don't.
Dottie, glad you found out early on about this guy. That was incredibly insensitive. Good for you for calling him on it. Also, for me, you don't love my dog, you don't love me! Just saying.
Cool and rainy here tonight. Went to the flea market today. Always a fun time shopping for bargains. Would have been better if it weren't drizzling but oh well.
Have a good night guys. Kept it classy today just in case your wondering
Home from date night....Daddy went to the bar this afternoon and had a bit too much to drink...
Going to bed and working all day tomorrow
Love you guys
Good to see you Rusty and I will pray for you to be strong Lizz. Found out one of my dear friends is close to death....she quit smoking and developed asthma and COPD and is in the hospital....go figure
Glad you met someone that gets it Dottie
Enjoy your snacks NoraI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Oh Mama - I am so sorry to hear about your friend.Glad you had date night but hope that Daddy didn't drive home after the bar this afternoon! I'm sorry that you are working tomorrow. You need a break!
Liz - flea market sounds like fun. I'm going to miss you while you're gone. I didn't realize you wouldn't have internet.
Dottie - guess you are out on your date. Hope you are having a great night.
Rusty - where are you? Are you busy working or I hope that you are off having fun.
We are watching Jungle Book and having popcorn now. We were going to watch Cars but it was for blueray so we went with Jungle book.Last night we watched Wall-E. We sure have been enjoying these 'kids' movies lately.
Pauly - I so wish that I had your phone number. Just want you to know that so many of us are thinking of you and we UNDERSTAND!!!! :hug:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Pauly, my dear friend, where did those last few posts on the abs thread come from? Not from the loving, kind, thoughtful person I have seen emerging over the past months! You need to start back at square one, that being you. For now you have to let go of the things that are standing in the way on your road to recovery, and I think the biggest one is how you treat yourself. Would you treat other people as badly as you treat yourself? Would you use the mean words with others that you direct at yourself? Would you be as hard and demanding on others as you are with yourself? Would you hold others up to the standards that you set for yourself? Do you ever call yourself a loser, worthless, failure, guilty, ashamed? Recovery teaches us that we have a disease and that we should not be ashamed of having it. Recovery teaches us it is not our fault that we have this disease. We are not losers; we are not evil; we are not weak willed. It is wrong and harmful for us to beat up on ourselves because we have this disease. It is even wrong and harmful for us to beat ourselves up for suffering the consequences of this disease. It is wrong and harmful for us to continually blame ourselves for the harm we have done others and because we make mistakes. We must use encouraging words when we talk to ourselves as we slowly progress in recovery. We must learn to be on our own side. Tell yourself you are not a bad person. Tell yourself you are not weak. Tell yourself you have a disease and you are doing good footwork by coming here and sharing, caring, supporting, and staying in recovery. Cut out mean language when you think about yourself. Think of yourself first, what you need, and let us help you for a change!
I’ll have your back and stick with you every step of the way if you’ll let me, we can do this together, why try to do it alone. Look in the mirror and see the fantastic lady that I’ve been seeing. Don’t give up on that lady, she needs you as much as you need her. :hug:
Last edited by abcowboy; June 28, 2015, 07:39 AM.Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Good Morning, Steppers,
I am home tomorrow but fly out to Cleveland tomorrow. Finally, the weather is beautiful, and I will enjoy a walk on the lake path and a great workout before getting my nails and lashes done. :-)
Liz-I am SO excited for you....I will miss you while you are gone, though. You are always so cheerful, positive, and caring towards others. Take lots and lots of pictures so we can live vicariously through you.
Mama-glad you had fun at date night, and so sorry to hear about your friend.:hug: Ugh...the consequences of a lifetime of smoking are deadly and painful even if you do quit. I am fortunate in that I took a puff of a cigarette when I was in high school and thought it tasted like I kissed a chimney. Of all 4 siblings and my parents, I was the only one who didn't smoke. Have you thought of quitting? I say that with total love, not criticism.
Nora-So glad to see you. Sounds like you had a nice day at the beach. Lucky you! You deserve it after all you've been through with your son, throwing your back out, etc. OUCH!
ABC-Thanks for checking in to encourage Pauly to post. We all appreciate it! :-)
I must get on with my day. Have a great Sunday, everyone!
Dear sweet rusty, thank you for your kind words! I will miss you guys too. I'm sure you will be beautiful with your lashes, nails and workout! I have been putting off a pedicure till this week. Need me some prettying up too. Do you get "gels" on your nails? People seem to love them. I have tried twice and I'm just not happy with the colors.
Dottie, I am looking forward to details too! You are just so busy with all these guys! You go girl. I have never seen Jurassic park, but coincidentally watched the first one on tv yesterday. My son wants to see it, would you recommend it? Not sure it's my cup of tea. I remember back in the day I went to see Jaws on a first date! We did end up going out for awhile and he admitted he chose a movie where he thought he could hold on to me during the scary parts! Just saying.
Mama, hope you enjoyed dinner. Do you get upset when he drinks?
Nora, I must admit I thought of you yesterday when I was watching the movie. I rarely take the time to just sit and watch a movie. It was exactly what I needed to get my mind off things. I believe I will be doing that again.
Pauly, I think you are probably reading and just not posting, cowboy is right. Don't be so hard on yourself. This staying sober is a journey and 40 days is fantastic! Just know that we love you and what you contribute here. We've been there. Let us help!
Off to church check back later.