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One Step at a time - June

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    WooHoo mama :sohappy::welldone::thumbsup:

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Great job, Mamasita!!!!:sohappy::welldone::thumbsup:

      Liz-so sorry to hear about your friend's sudden passing!:sad: Such a young man, too...only 66. Wow, makes me think of my own mortality.

      Another long day for me, and then a 4.5 hr. ride to my next client. I have to be on-site before 5:00 AM. I take it, Mama, that you wouldn't like my career??? Hahhahahahhaah....I know, EARLY morning hours.

      Waves of hello to everyone else. Gotta get going. Have a happy Hump Day, everyone!


        Morning all,
        Gym shortly then my police class. Last class tonight. Firearms simulator. Should be fun. Graduation next week. WooHoo I have really enjoyed the class and am hopeful that the alumni group will be fun too. I need to get out and meet people. Trying to make a new life. So not easy but I cant sit here and do nothing. Not my style. sigh
        Warming up a bit so that is good too.
        Back later.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Hi All,

          Not been around much but wanted to say Hi. Nora, sinus and infections in both ears must be unbearable! Mama, passing the test must be such a relief congratulations.

          I think I do best staying connected. Ups and downs like we all have. Looking forward to summer and getting some serious running in, marathon planned for September.

          Best to everyone that might drop by today.
          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


            I am home after a long dayl Huge meeting with a potential client that could double our business tomorrow. Time for bed
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Hello all,
              Last class. We had a firearms simulation with scenarios and we had to choose to shoot or not. I shot the bad guy with one shot well on the first round anyway..second was not as good, third I killed the bad was fun and scary a little.
              We get our certificates next week. I has been a good an educational time.

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Dottie, that sounds like so much fun! My hubs takes my kids to target shoot sometimes. My girls are better shots than my son. I agree maybe a little scary.
                Busy good day for me. Annual picnic at work and boy did I eat. They had a dj and everything. My son made crepes for dinner. Sooo good. Anyway off to bed, up early to take Lucy to the vet, ugh!
                Sweet dreams.


                  FYI rusty, I don't think I'd like you're job either. 4.5 hour drive and a meeting at 5 am? I complain when I have to be at work at. 6:30!


                    Good morning guys. Just a quick check in before I head to the vet with Lucy! Dottie I don't know how you do it with four dogs! Lucy gets so nervous from the minute we get into the car. Praying for strength this morning. This afternoon sissy and I will head to church. We are having a garage sale there next week and guess who is in charge. So off to price and organize we go. Cool and rainy here so whatever.
                    Nora, Pauly how are you guys feeling?
                    Rusty, just wanted to add to last nights post, are you always so happy go lucky? Even that early in the morning? I'm a regular grump until like 8 am. So wish I was a morning person!
                    Mama, I know you're busy but I miss you!
                    Happy Thursday my friends.


                      Morning all,
                      Liz I dont know how I do it either. I can not take but one in the car at a time without help.
                      Off to dentist for cleaning then I want to go to the park for a long walk. I am behind on cardio this week.
                      Where is everyone??????

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Good Afternoon Friends,

                        I have about an hour left of, the day went fast!!!! Then it's the 4.5 hour drive home.

                        Liz-good luck with your church garage sale! Do you get first dibs on everything???

                        Dots-your police scenario sounds like it was a real blast. Pun intended. LOL. Good job on shooting the bad guy. That cop probably wants you on his beat. ;-)

                        Liz-to answer your question...yes, I really AM a happy-go-lucky kind of person at 4:00 AM. Although, when my drinking was at its worst, I really struggled on lots of Monday mornings to be cheerful. Those days have been long gone, though...fortunately. Perpetually negative people are toxic for me...I am finding as I get older that I can't stand to be around negative or self-absorbed people for more than a few minutes...fortunately, though, negative people can't stand to be around me either so it works out just fine!! Hahahahaha

                        Soooo...on my well-deserved day off tomorrow, I will be replacing the AC in my Explorer, which conked out on me minutes before my 4.5 hr. ride yesterday afternoon. I was so glad that the temp was only 80 degrees instead of 95, like the last time this happened (5-years ago-different car and I was hungover...ugh)

                        Ok, must prepare my report for the Mgt. Team. I'll be back tomorrow, though.

                        Hi to Nora, Mama, Pauly, Jane, et. al.


                          Still quiet here I see. Just wanted to share, my son was approved for his work visa in Switzerland. He needs to go to the consulate in NYC and still do some paper work, hopefully next week. Not sure when exactly he will leave. Just thought I'd share some good news from my neck of the world.


                            Just got home....and am going to the gym! :-)

                            Liz-that is fantastic news about your son!! I am so happy for you and for him. :-)

                            It's 80 degrees and sunny outside so after the gym, I am jumping in the pool!


                              YaY Lizz....I am happy for you and I know you have been stressing about your son
                              I am exhausted. Happy and chirpy at work, but pooped. We met with a client today that may double our office space and extra peeps, etc. So I am excited, but happily tired. I passed my test, so that demon is off my shoulder.
                              Where the heck is everyone????
                              HUGS Dots
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Get that ac fixed about a grump!! Me hot!!!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

