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One Step at a time - June

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    Keep us posted Dottie!


      Hey gang! On line dating may be a good idea Dottie, but I can imagine it would be scary.
      Hubs and I went to a party at my bosses house last night and got home late,so I have been a bum all day.
      I am good, just tired.
      Everyone here sounds ok, so that makes me happy. I will text K9...I am worried about her too.
      I am sorry I am not here as much, but know that you are all in my heart.
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Going to my friends house for dinner. That should take care of tonight. Now I need to find something for tomorrow.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Hi everyone. Nora, thank you for your positive posts and I'm glad you're feeling better. If you're making notes on positive posts don't forget The Toolbox, it's always being updated.

          I'm making good progress with my counsellor and hope to be rid of this anxiety and panic as we move on.

          I have Ben & Gerry's tiramisu ice cream for the fort.

          On line dating sounds scary. A lot of friends think I should take more interest in men, but I have major trust issues now. I just don't need a man to validate myself right now and my girlfriends laugh more, lol.

          Spring in the Pacific Northwest is gorgeous, I can see Mt. Baker from my b/room window and I'm about 10 mins from ocean. I still haven't visited the man I met who invited me to visit his sailboat.

          Mama you deserve a medal for your effort on your new job. You go girl.
          Lizanne, your night in NYC sounds fantastic. Returning for a visit there is on my bucket list.

          Pauly, you had a stressful week, so try to rest when you can. Same with you Rusty.

          I was sitting on my patio this a.m. and could hear window knocking and groaning. as I walked over to another neighbor I saw this hand hanging out of the balcony. The tenants there are into drugs - weed, meth and speed and twice he's asked me if I have painkillers. Anyway, when I alerted the other neighbor she told me to call 911 which I did and the partner of the passed out guy was furious telling me to mind my own business. He told paramedics his partner had just had a seizure, but I think it was drug related. His partner was yelling at him for not going to bed last night. Ho hum, I think I did the right thing.

          My house is listed with a new agent and they used camera drones to incorporate the river and all 10 acres, it looks amazing and I got a lump in my throat when I saw it.

          Hope everyone has a great evening.
          Enlightened by MWO


            I dont need a man to validate myself but would love to find someone to do things with. My gal friends are married. One of my friends did find a really nice fellow on He was there at dinner tonight. I dont know just want something in my life. And they do have other uses, at least I think they do...:egad:

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              SK - thanks for reminding me about the toolbox. I had forgotten about it, to be honest.

              I'm not doing great on the drinking front but am really feeling positive.........I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like I'm gearing up.

              Anyway, hubs & I went to breakfasts this morning and to a movie tonight. We're planning on Disneyland in the morning. I'm really trying for positive now. I should have started the Naltrexone today or at least have taken an antabuse. I'm working on improving my life. Dottie is such an inspiration :hug:

              Back to my book. I am so grateful for all of you. I can't even begin to tell you how blessed I feel to have you all here in my life.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Neighbors daughter talked to me at the fence today. We had been at her wedding just 2 weeks before he died. She had a picture of us from the wedding and wanted to know if I wanted a print. It was a really great picture of us so I said yes and I was able to do that and not cry. i guess that is progress.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Good morning! Nora, you are sounding very upbeat! You go girl! I agree, I feel so blessed to have found you all. I was sharing with my son the other day, that I found found some really good friends here. He is always happy when I'm not drinking, so this made him happy! I have been good on the al front, but it ain't always easy! Love you guys!
                  Dottie, good for you! Would you consider posting that pic here when you get it? Would that be helpful to you or more hurtful? I would love to see it, but don't want you to be upset. I think dh would be very proud of how you are holding up! Have you been back to church yet or is that still to hard for you.
                  Well off to get ready for church. Not feeling great today. Having a little trouble breathing.
                  Have a good one. Have I mentioned I love you all?


                    Nora-it's so great to hear from sound positive and good for you for recognizing that you might want to go back to NAL or AB for some extra support. I envy you going to Disneyland today. It is POURING here. Honestly, we've had the rainiest spring/early summer...I am always so grateful when I see the sun!

                    Liz-you sound so happy, and I am delighted that your son is encouraging you! Another sober week for you...FANTASTIC! Ok, I peeked on the other thread...I admit it.

                    Dottie-wow, you have come a long way...seeing the picture of your and dh from the wedding and not crying, and you are considering online dating. HUGE changes in just a few months, such incredible progress.

                    SK-great to see you popping back in.

                    Mama-rest up today, girlfriend!

                    Pauly-I bet you are anxious to have the house to yourself again.

                    I am off to the gym, then out to lunch with a close friend.

                    Have a happy Sunday, everyone!!


                      Hey all, Nora,I know how hard you're working on getting this booze b.s behind you, I really want this for you,enjoy Disneyland, last time you were beaming,love it Dots,i think you should give the online dating a go,not for romance necessarily right off the bat,but friendship and activities, sounds fun Skendall,does therapy help your anxiety? I'm having a shit time with it right now,do you take anything?sometimes I try natural stuff and it makes me tired,hey Liz,have fun at church, had a nice anniversary yesterday, no booze and I felt free,it was so great not to have that "damn I need a drink" feeling, even went to play penny slots and just had my Fiji off to find something to munch on,have a nice Sunday peeps
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Hi Pauly, I am on Ativan - but for a very short term. Facing the fears full on is what the counsellor is working on. I used to meditate and am trying to get back into at least breathing properly.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Hello all,
                          Liz I have not been back for a service at church yet. Been there for meetings and events. I am not sure what to do about that either. I am just going to give it some more time and see what happens.
                          It is hot and muggy. I was supposed to walk later today but not sure I want to in this weather. And my sinuses are giving me fits too. bleh

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            I feel you Dots its hard to walk/exercise with sinus problems, Skendall,I take klonopin but trying to taper so the anxiety is up and down, meditation is hard when your hearts beating in your ears,grr,still need to get the exercise in again, that helps
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              I joined a free on line dating site. Lots of men my age or close to it.
                              I am meeting a man for a walk later today. I was able to check out everything he told me so I am going to give this a shot. It is a public place with lots of folks around. He is older and works at the University and I was able to find him on the schools web site. He owns his own home. I will report back later. Wish me luck.

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Good luck on finding a friend Dottie. I get it.
                                Laundry is done and house is vacuumed and I laid at the pool with hubs for a few hours. It's over 90 here and w really need rain.
                                Date night was fun, but I was so tired I made hubs take me home and I went to bed. He and my oldest went and had drinks and cigars and really enjoyed their time together.
                                Nora - keep on keeping on, ok? Pauly , when I am craving AL my heart beats in my ears....just sayin'.
                                SK, it's always good to see you here. I feel so bad for you and what you are going through right now.
                                Hi Lizz. I will text K9 tomorrow.
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

